import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import config from "../../src/config"; import { matrixClient, mjolnir } from "./mjolnirSetupUtils"; import { newTestUser } from "./clientHelper"; import { ReportManager, ABUSE_ACTION_CONFIRMATION_KEY, ABUSE_REPORT_KEY } from "../../src/report/ReportManager"; /** * Test the ability to turn abuse reports into room messages. */ const REPORT_NOTICE_REGEXPS = { reporter: /Filed by (?[^ ]*) \((?[^ ]*)\)/, accused: /Against (?[^ ]*) \((?[^ ]*)\)/, room: /Room (?[^ ]*)/, event: /Event (?[^ ]*) Go to event/, content: /Content (?.*)/, comments: /Comments Comments (?.*)/ }; describe("Test: Reporting abuse", async () => { it('Mjölnir intercepts abuse reports', async function() { this.timeout(10000); // Listen for any notices that show up. let notices = []; matrixClient().on("room.event", (roomId, event) => { if (roomId = config.managementRoom) { notices.push(event); } }); // Create a few users and a room. let goodUser = await newTestUser(false, "reporting-abuse-good-user"); let badUser = await newTestUser(false, "reporting-abuse-bad-user"); let goodUserId = await goodUser.getUserId(); let badUserId = await badUser.getUserId(); let roomId = await goodUser.createRoom({ invite: [await badUser.getUserId()] }); await goodUser.inviteUser(await badUser.getUserId(), roomId); await badUser.joinRoom(roomId); console.log("Test: Reporting abuse - send messages"); // Exchange a few messages. let goodText = `GOOD: ${Math.random()}`; // Will NOT be reported. let badText = `BAD: ${Math.random()}`; // Will be reported as abuse. let badText2 = `BAD: ${Math.random()}`; // Will be reported as abuse. let badText3 = `BAD: ${Math.random()}`; // Will be reported as abuse. let badText4 = [...Array(1024)].map(_ => `${Math.random()}`).join(""); // Text is too long. let badText5 = [...Array(1024)].map(_ => "ABC").join("\n"); // Text has too many lines. let goodEventId = await goodUser.sendText(roomId, goodText); let badEventId = await badUser.sendText(roomId, badText); let badEventId2 = await badUser.sendText(roomId, badText2); let badEventId3 = await badUser.sendText(roomId, badText3); let badEventId4 = await badUser.sendText(roomId, badText4); let badEventId5 = await badUser.sendText(roomId, badText5); let badEvent2Comment = `COMMENT: ${Math.random()}`; console.log("Test: Reporting abuse - send reports"); let reportsToFind = [] // Time to report, first without a comment, then with one. try { await goodUser.doRequest("POST", `/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${encodeURIComponent(roomId)}/report/${encodeURIComponent(badEventId)}`); reportsToFind.push({ reporterId: goodUserId, accusedId: badUserId, eventId: badEventId, text: badText, comment: null, }); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not send first report", e.body || e); throw e; } try { await goodUser.doRequest("POST", `/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${encodeURIComponent(roomId)}/report/${encodeURIComponent(badEventId2)}`, "", { reason: badEvent2Comment }); reportsToFind.push({ reporterId: goodUserId, accusedId: badUserId, eventId: badEventId2, text: badText2, comment: badEvent2Comment, }); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not send second report", e.body || e); throw e; } try { await goodUser.doRequest("POST", `/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${encodeURIComponent(roomId)}/report/${encodeURIComponent(badEventId3)}`, ""); reportsToFind.push({ reporterId: goodUserId, accusedId: badUserId, eventId: badEventId3, text: badText3, comment: null, }); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not send third report", e.body || e); throw e; } try { await goodUser.doRequest("POST", `/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${encodeURIComponent(roomId)}/report/${encodeURIComponent(badEventId4)}`, ""); reportsToFind.push({ reporterId: goodUserId, accusedId: badUserId, eventId: badEventId4, text: null, textPrefix: badText4.substring(0, 256), comment: null, }); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not send fourth report", e.body || e); throw e; } try { await goodUser.doRequest("POST", `/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${encodeURIComponent(roomId)}/report/${encodeURIComponent(badEventId5)}`, ""); reportsToFind.push({ reporterId: goodUserId, accusedId: badUserId, eventId: badEventId5, text: null, textPrefix: badText5.substring(0, 256).split("\n").join(" "), comment: null, }); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not send fifth report", e.body || e); throw e; } console.log("Test: Reporting abuse - wait"); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); let found = []; for (let toFind of reportsToFind) { for (let event of notices) { if ("content" in event && "body" in event.content) { if (!(ABUSE_REPORT_KEY in event.content) || event.content[ABUSE_REPORT_KEY].event_id != toFind.eventId) { // Not a report or not our report. continue; } let report = event.content[ABUSE_REPORT_KEY]; let body = event.content.body as string; let matches = new Map(); for (let key of Object.keys(REPORT_NOTICE_REGEXPS)) { let match = body.match(REPORT_NOTICE_REGEXPS[key]); if (match) { console.debug("We have a match", key, REPORT_NOTICE_REGEXPS[key], match.groups); } else { console.debug("Not a match", key, REPORT_NOTICE_REGEXPS[key]); // Not a report, skipping. matches = null; break; } matches.set(key, match); } if (!matches) { // Not a report, skipping. continue; } assert(body.length < 3000, `The report shouldn't be too long ${body.length}`); assert(body.split("\n").length < 200, "The report shouldn't have too many newlines."); assert.equal(matches.get("event")!.groups.eventId, toFind.eventId, "The report should specify the correct event id");; assert.equal(matches.get("reporter")!.groups.reporterId, toFind.reporterId, "The report should specify the correct reporter"); assert.equal(report.reporter_id, toFind.reporterId, "The embedded report should specify the correct reporter"); assert.ok(toFind.reporterId.includes(matches.get("reporter")!.groups.reporterDisplay), "The report should display the correct reporter"); assert.equal(matches.get("accused")!.groups.accusedId, toFind.accusedId, "The report should specify the correct accused"); assert.equal(report.accused_id, toFind.accusedId, "The embedded report should specify the correct accused"); assert.ok(toFind.accusedId.includes(matches.get("accused")!.groups.accusedDisplay), "The report should display the correct reporter"); if (toFind.text) { assert.equal(matches.get("content")!.groups.eventContent, toFind.text, "The report should contain the text we inserted in the event"); } if (toFind.textPrefix) { assert.ok(matches.get("content")!.groups.eventContent.startsWith(toFind.textPrefix), `The report should contain a prefix of the long text we inserted in the event: ${toFind.textPrefix} in? ${matches.get("content")!.groups.eventContent}`); } if (toFind.comment) { assert.equal(matches.get("comments")!.groups.comments, toFind.comment, "The report should contain the comment we added"); } assert.equal(matches.get("room")!.groups.roomAliasOrId, roomId, "The report should specify the correct room"); assert.equal(report.room_id, roomId, "The embedded report should specify the correct room"); found.push(toFind); break; } } } assert.deepEqual(found, reportsToFind); // Since Mjölnir is not a member of the room, the only buttons we should find // are `help` and `ignore`. for (let event of notices) { if (event.content && event.content["m.relates_to"] && event.content["m.relates_to"]["key"]) { let regexp = /\/([[^]]*)\]/; let matches = event.content["m.relates_to"]["key"].match(regexp); if (!matches) { continue; } switch (matches[1]) { case "bad-report": case "help": continue; default: throw new Error(`Didn't expect label ${matches[1]}`); } } } }); it('The redact action works', async function() { this.timeout(10000); // Listen for any notices that show up. let notices = []; matrixClient().on("room.event", (roomId, event) => { if (roomId = config.managementRoom) { notices.push(event); } }); // Create a moderator. let moderatorUser = await newTestUser(false, "reacting-abuse-moderator-user"); matrixClient().inviteUser(await moderatorUser.getUserId(), config.managementRoom); await moderatorUser.joinRoom(config.managementRoom); // Create a few users and a room. let goodUser = await newTestUser(false, "reacting-abuse-good-user"); let badUser = await newTestUser(false, "reacting-abuse-bad-user"); let goodUserId = await goodUser.getUserId(); let badUserId = await badUser.getUserId(); let roomId = await moderatorUser.createRoom({ invite: [await badUser.getUserId()] }); await moderatorUser.inviteUser(await goodUser.getUserId(), roomId); await moderatorUser.inviteUser(await badUser.getUserId(), roomId); await badUser.joinRoom(roomId); await goodUser.joinRoom(roomId); // Setup Mjölnir as moderator for our room. await moderatorUser.inviteUser(await matrixClient().getUserId(), roomId); await moderatorUser.setUserPowerLevel(await matrixClient().getUserId(), roomId, 100); console.log("Test: Reporting abuse - send messages"); // Exchange a few messages. let goodText = `GOOD: ${Math.random()}`; // Will NOT be reported. let badText = `BAD: ${Math.random()}`; // Will be reported as abuse. let goodEventId = await goodUser.sendText(roomId, goodText); let badEventId = await badUser.sendText(roomId, badText); let goodEventId2 = await goodUser.sendText(roomId, goodText); console.log("Test: Reporting abuse - send reports"); // Time to report. let reportToFind = { reporterId: goodUserId, accusedId: badUserId, eventId: badEventId, text: badText, comment: null, }; try { await goodUser.doRequest("POST", `/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${encodeURIComponent(roomId)}/report/${encodeURIComponent(badEventId)}`); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not send first report", e.body || e); throw e; } console.log("Test: Reporting abuse - wait"); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); let mjolnirRooms = new Set(await matrixClient().getJoinedRooms()); assert.ok(mjolnirRooms.has(roomId), "Mjölnir should be a member of the room"); // Find the notice let noticeId; for (let event of notices) { if ("content" in event && ABUSE_REPORT_KEY in event.content) { if (!(ABUSE_REPORT_KEY in event.content) || event.content[ABUSE_REPORT_KEY].event_id != badEventId) { // Not a report or not our report. continue; } noticeId = event.event_id; break; } } assert.ok(noticeId, "We should have found our notice"); // Find the buttons. let buttons = []; for (let event of notices) { if (event["type"] != "m.reaction") { continue; } if (event["content"]["m.relates_to"]["rel_type"] != "m.annotation") { continue; } if (event["content"]["m.relates_to"]["event_id"] != noticeId) { continue; } buttons.push(event); } // Find the redact button... and click it. let redactButtonId = null; for (let button of buttons) { if (button["content"]["m.relates_to"]["key"].includes("[redact-message]")) { redactButtonId = button["event_id"]; await moderatorUser.sendEvent(config.managementRoom, "m.reaction", button["content"]); break; } } assert.ok(redactButtonId, "We should have found the redact button"); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // This should have triggered a confirmation request, with more buttons! let confirmEventId = null; for (let event of notices) { console.debug("Is this the confirm button?", event); if (!event["content"]["m.relates_to"]) { console.debug("Not a reaction"); continue; } if (!event["content"]["m.relates_to"]["key"].includes("[confirm]")) { console.debug("Not confirm"); continue; } if (!event["content"]["m.relates_to"]["event_id"] == redactButtonId) { console.debug("Not reaction to redact button"); continue; } // It's the confirm button, click it! confirmEventId = event["event_id"]; await moderatorUser.sendEvent(config.managementRoom, "m.reaction", event["content"]); break; } assert.ok(confirmEventId, "We should have found the confirm button"); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // This should have redacted the message. let newBadEvent = await matrixClient().getEvent(roomId, badEventId); assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(newBadEvent.content), [], "Redaction should have removed the content of the offending event"); }); });