import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import config from "../../src/config"; import { Mjolnir } from "../../src/Mjolnir"; import { IProtection } from "../../src/protections/IProtection"; import { PROTECTIONS } from "../../src/protections/protections"; import { ProtectionSettingValidationError } from "../../src/protections/ProtectionSettings"; import { NumberProtectionSetting, StringProtectionSetting, StringListProtectionSetting } from "../../src/protections/ProtectionSettings"; import { newTestUser, noticeListener } from "./clientHelper"; import { matrixClient, mjolnir } from "./mjolnirSetupUtils"; describe("Test: Protection settings", function() { let client; this.beforeEach(async function () { client = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "protection-settings" }}); await client.start(); }) this.afterEach(async function () { await client.stop(); }) it("Mjolnir refuses to save invalid protection setting values", async function() { this.timeout(20000); await assert.rejects( async () => await this.mjolnir.setProtectionSettings("BasicFloodingProtection", {"maxPerMinute": "soup"}), ProtectionSettingValidationError ); }); it("Mjolnir successfully saves valid protection setting values", async function() { this.timeout(20000); PROTECTIONS["05OVMS"] = { description: "A test protection", factory: () => new class implements IProtection { name = "05OVMS"; async handleEvent(mjolnir: Mjolnir, roomId: string, event: any) {}; settings = { test: new NumberProtectionSetting(3) }; } }; await this.mjolnir.setProtectionSettings("05OVMS", { test: 123 }); assert.equal( (await this.mjolnir.getProtectionSettings("05OVMS"))["test"], 123 ); }); it("Mjolnir should accumulate changed settings", async function() { this.timeout(20000); PROTECTIONS["HPUjKN"] = { description: "A test protection", factory: () => new class implements IProtection { name = "HPUjKN"; async handleEvent(mjolnir: Mjolnir, roomId: string, event: any) {}; settings = { test1: new NumberProtectionSetting(3), test2: new NumberProtectionSetting(4) }; } }; await this.mjolnir.setProtectionSettings("HPUjKN", { test1: 1 }); await this.mjolnir.setProtectionSettings("HPUjKN", { test2: 2 }); const settings = await this.mjolnir.getProtectionSettings("HPUjKN"); assert.equal(settings["test1"], 1); assert.equal(settings["test2"], 2); }); it("Mjolnir responds to !set correctly", async function() { this.timeout(20000); await client.joinRoom(config.managementRoom); PROTECTIONS["JY2TPN"] = { description: "A test protection", factory: () => new class implements IProtection { name = "JY2TPN"; async handleEvent(mjolnir: Mjolnir, roomId: string, event: any) {}; settings = { test: new StringProtectionSetting() }; } }; let reply = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { client.on('room.message', noticeListener(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, (event) => { if (event.content.body.includes("Changed JY2TPN.test ")) { resolve(event); } })) }); await client.sendMessage(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, {msgtype: "m.text", body: "!mjolnir config set JY2TPN.test asd"}) await reply const settings = await this.mjolnir.getProtectionSettings("JY2TPN"); assert.equal(settings["test"], "asd"); }); it("Mjolnir adds a value to a list setting", async function() { this.timeout(20000); await client.joinRoom(config.managementRoom); PROTECTIONS["r33XyT"] = { description: "A test protection", factory: () => new class implements IProtection { name = "r33XyT"; async handleEvent(mjolnir: Mjolnir, roomId: string, event: any) {}; settings = { test: new StringListProtectionSetting() }; } }; let reply = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { client.on('room.message', noticeListener(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, (event) => { if (event.content.body.includes("Changed r33XyT.test ")) { resolve(event); } })) }); await client.sendMessage(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, {msgtype: "m.text", body: "!mjolnir config add r33XyT.test asd"}) await reply assert.deepEqual(await this.mjolnir.getProtectionSettings("r33XyT"), { "test": ["asd"] }); }); it("Mjolnir removes a value from a list setting", async function() { this.timeout(20000); await client.joinRoom(config.managementRoom); PROTECTIONS["oXzT0E"] = { description: "A test protection", factory: () => new class implements IProtection { name = "oXzT0E"; async handleEvent(mjolnir: Mjolnir, roomId: string, event: any) {}; settings = { test: new StringListProtectionSetting() }; } }; let reply = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let i = 0; client.on('room.message', noticeListener(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, (event) => { if (event.content.body.includes("Changed oXzT0E.test ")) { if (++i == 2) { resolve(event); } } })) }); await client.sendMessage(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, {msgtype: "m.text", body: "!mjolnir config add oXzT0E.test asd"}) await client.sendMessage(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, {msgtype: "m.text", body: "!mjolnir config remove oXzT0E.test asd"}) await reply assert.deepEqual(await this.mjolnir.getProtectionSettings("oXzT0E"), { "test": [] }); }); });