import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import config from "../../src/config"; import { newTestUser } from "./clientHelper"; import { MatrixClient } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import BanList, { ChangeType, ListRuleChange, RULE_USER } from "../../src/models/BanList"; /** * Create a policy rule in a policy room. * @param client A matrix client that is logged in * @param policyRoomId The room id to add the policy to. * @param policyType The type of policy to add e.g. m.policy.rule.user. (Use RULE_USER though). * @param entity The entity to ban e.g. * @param reason A reason for the rule e.g. 'Wouldn't stop posting spam links' * @returns The event id of the newly created policy rule. */ async function createPolicyRule(client: MatrixClient, policyRoomId: string, policyType: string, entity: string, reason: string) { return await client.sendStateEvent(policyRoomId, policyType, `rule:${entity}`, { entity, reason, recommendation: 'm.ban' }); } describe("Test: Updating the BanList", function () { it("Calculates what has changed correctly.", async function () { this.timeout(10000); const mjolnir = config.RUNTIME.client! const moderator = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "moderator" }}); const banListId = await mjolnir.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()]}); const banList = new BanList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir); mjolnir.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100); assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 0); // Test adding a new rule await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@added:localhost:9999', ''); let changes: ListRuleChange[] = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1, 'There should only be one change'); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added); assert.equal(changes[0].sender, await mjolnir.getUserId()); assert.equal(banList.userRules.length, 1); assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 1); // Test modifiying a rule let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', ''); await banList.updateList(); let modifyingEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', 'modified reason'); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified); assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule'); assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingEventId); let modifyingAgainEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', 'modified again'); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified); assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], modifyingEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule'); assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingAgainEventId); assert.equal(banList.userRules.length, 2, 'There should be two rules, one for @modified:localhost:9999 and one for @added:localhost:9999'); // Test redacting a rule const redactThis = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@redacted:localhost:9999', ''); await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@redacted:localhost:9999').length, 1); await mjolnir.redactEvent(banListId, redactThis); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed); assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], redactThis, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content'); assert.equal(Object.keys(changes[0].event['content']).length, 0, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content'); assert.notEqual(Object.keys(changes[0].previousState['content']), 0, 'Should have a copy of the unredacted state'); assert.notEqual(changes[0].rule, undefined, 'The previous rule should be present'); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@redacted:localhost:9999').length, 0, 'The rule should be removed.'); // Test soft redaction of a rule const softRedactedEntity = '@softredacted:localhost:9999' await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, softRedactedEntity, ''); await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 1); await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${softRedactedEntity}`, {}); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed); assert.equal(Object.keys(changes[0].event['content']).length, 0, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content'); assert.notEqual(Object.keys(changes[0].previousState['content']), 0, 'Should have a copy of the unredacted state'); assert.notEqual(changes[0].rule, undefined, 'The previous rule should be present'); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 0, 'The rule should have been removed'); // Now test a double soft redaction just to make sure stuff doesn't explode await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${softRedactedEntity}`, {}); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 0, "It shouldn't detect a double soft redaction as a change, it should be seen as adding an invalid rule."); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 0, 'The rule should have been removed'); // Test that different (old) rule types will be modelled as the latest event type. originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, 'org.matrix.mjolnir.rule.user', '@old:localhost:9999', ''); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1); modifyingEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, '', '@old:localhost:9999', 'modified reason'); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified); assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingEventId); assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule'); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1); modifyingAgainEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@old:localhost:9999', 'changes again'); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified); assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingAgainEventId); assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], modifyingEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule'); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1); }) it("Will remove rules with old types when they are 'soft redacted' with a different but more recent event type.", async function () { this.timeout(3000); const mjolnir = config.RUNTIME.client! const moderator = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "moderator" }}); const banListId = await mjolnir.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()]}); const banList = new BanList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir); mjolnir.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100); const entity = '@old:localhost:9999'; let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, '', entity, ''); let changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'There should be a rule stored that we just added...') let softRedactingEventId = await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${entity}`, {}); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed); assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], softRedactingEventId); assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule'); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 0, 'The rule should no longer be stored.'); }) it("A rule of the most recent type won't be deleted when an old rule is deleted for the same entity.", async function () { this.timeout(3000); const mjolnir = config.RUNTIME.client! const moderator = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "moderator" }}); const banListId = await mjolnir.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()]}); const banList = new BanList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir); mjolnir.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100); const entity = '@old:localhost:9999'; let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, '', entity, ''); let changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'There should be a rule stored that we just added...') let updatedEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, entity, ''); changes = await banList.updateList(); // If in the future you change this and it fails, it's really subjective whether this constitutes a modification, since the only thing that has changed // is the rule type. The actual content is identical. assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified); assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], updatedEventId); assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule'); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'Only the latest version of the rule gets returned.'); // Now we delete the old version of the rule without consequence. await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, '', `rule:${entity}`, {}); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 0); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'The rule should still be active.'); // And we can still delete the new version of the rule. let softRedactingEventId = await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${entity}`, {}); changes = await banList.updateList(); assert.equal(changes.length, 1); assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed); assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], softRedactingEventId); assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], updatedEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule'); assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 0, 'The rule should no longer be stored.'); }) });