DSL: Let's get back to a DSL in which we send rules through Matrix, instead of a JSON server.

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David Teller 2021-04-21 11:30:22 +02:00
parent 1a0d3198ef
commit 7eb02d2e82

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@ -1,184 +1,222 @@
* A format for sending spam-checker rules from a rule server to
* a synapse spam-checker.
* A format of messages designed to allow communication with a configurable
* spamchecker designed around the Synapse Spamcheck API.
* The intended use is that the spam-checker will regularly
* - We call an implementation of the Synapse Spamcheck API that supports this
* protocol a *Checker*.
* - The Checker is configured to receive instructions in a set of rooms
* Room1, Room2, ... RoomN. This set of rooms does not change during the
* lifetime of the Checker.
* - Any member of Room1, ..., RoomN with authorization to send messages
* (aka a *Controller*) can send instructions to the Checker. We expect
* that the Controller will be an implementation of Mjölnir or Carlotta.
* GET https://example.org/mjolnir/rules?since=timestamp
* A the time of this writing, the Checker supports only simple rules.
* And receive an update of the rules since timestamp.
* - A number of string properties are exposed to rules.
* - A rule is a string property and a literal/regexp.
* - During execution, if the regexp appears in the value of the string
* property, the message/user account creation request is rejected.
* - Otherwise, it is accepted.
interface Literal {}
interface Regexp {}
* ------------------- Messages from controller ----------------------
/// A list of additions/removal.
/// Additions are resolved *after* removals.
/// Type parameter `T` is used as a phantom type to distinguish between
/// literal strings (`Literal`) or regexp strings (`Regexp`).
type Patch<T> = {
/// Remove some or all items.
remove?: "clear" | string[],
type MessageFromControllerContent = {
type: "org.matrix.spamcheck.control",
/// Update matchers on a single property.
StringRuleUpdate | ObjectRuleUpdate
/// Reset the Checker to remove all rules.
| ClearEverything
/// Request a snapshot of the current list of rules from the Checker.
| ShowMeTheseRules
/// Add items.
add?: string[],
* ---------------- Properties that the Checker can match against -------
enum StringProperty {
/// The following properties point to strings.
enum ObjectProperty {
/// The following properties point to objects.
* An update to an elementary spam rule, attempting to match a single value
* (e.g. a user_id) against a number of regexps.
* The rule will **reject** (i.e. consider as spam) if the value **contains**
* any of the regexps or literals.
* The rule will **accept** (i.e. let pass) otherwise.
* ---------------- Checker Matching primitives -------
type Update = {
/// Any number of literals to add/remove.
/// Whenever possible, prefer literals to regexps, as they are both
/// more faster and more memory-efficient.
literals?: Patch<Literal>,
/// Any number of regexps to add/remove.
/// The regexps will be or-ed and compiled spamcheck-side.
/// These regexps MUST follow the specs of https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html .
regexps?: Patch<Regexp>,
* An antispam rule for `user_may_invite`.
type InviteUpdates = {
/// The full user id of the inviter.
inviter_user_id: Update,
/// The full user id if the potential new room member.
new_member_user_id: Update,
/// The room id.
room_id: Update,
* An antispam rule for `user_may_create_room`.
type RoomCreateUpdates = {
/// The full user id of the room creator.
user_id: Update,
* An antispam rule for `user_may_create_room_alias`.
type AliasCreateUpdates = {
/// The full user id of the alias creator.
user_id: Update,
/// The human-readable alias.
desired_alias: Update,
* An antispam rule for `user_may_publish_room`.
type PublishRoomUpdates = {
/// The full user id of the publisher.
publisher_user_id: Update,
/// The room id.
room_id: Update,
* An antispam rule for `check_username_for_spam`.
type CheckUsernameForSpamUpdates = {
/// The full user id of the user.
user_id: Update,
/// The display name of the user.
display_name: Update,
/// The URL towards the avatar of the user.
avatar_url: Update,
* An antispam rule for `check_registration_for_spam`.
type CheckRegistrationForSpamUpdates = {
/// The username, if available.
maybe_user_name: Update,
/// The email used for registration, if available.
maybe_email: Update,
/// The list of user agents used during registration (possibly empty).
/// A registration will be considered spammy if any of the
/// user agents matches the rule.
user_agent: Update,
/// The list of IPs used during registration (possibly empty).
/// A registration will be considered spammy if any of the
/// IPs matches the rule.
ip: Update,
/// The auth provider, if available, e.g. "oidc", "saml", ...
maybe_auth_provider_id: Update
* An antispam rule for `check_event_for_spam`.
type CheckEventForSpamUpdates = {
/// A path of fields within the event object.
type Matcher =
/// Matching against a literal string.
/// e.g. `"content.formatted_body"` will return `event.content.formatted_body`.
/// If the string property contains this literal string, the rule **matches**
/// i.e. the spamcheck will **reject** the operation. Matches are case-insensitive.
/// If any of the fields is not present, the rule will **not** match (i.e. the
/// message will not be considered spam).
event: { [path: string]: Update },
/// # Example
/// If literal `hailhydra` is a matcher for string property
/// `org.matrix.spamcheck.check_registration_for_spam_deny.maybe_user_name`,
/// user won't be able to register an account with the name 'hailHydra'.
{ literal: string }
/// Matching against a regexp.
/// If the string property is matched by this regexp, the rule **matches**
/// i.e. the spamcheck will **reject** the operation. Matches are case-insensitive.
/// # Example
/// If regexp `h[ae]il.*hydra` is a matcher for string property
/// `org.matrix.spamcheck.check_registration_for_spam_deny.maybe_user_name`,
/// user won't be able to register an account with the name 'hEil hYdra'.
| { regexp: string }
* The complete list of rules for an instance of the spam-checker.
* ------------------- Snapshot of rules ----------------------
type GlobalUpdate = {
/// If the rules match, user cannot invite other user.
user_may_invite?: InviteUpdates,
/// If the rules match, user cannot create room.
user_may_create_room?: RoomCreateUpdates,
* The current matchers on a property that points to an object.
type StringPropertyMatchers = {
property: StringProperty,
matchers: Matcher[],
/// If the rules match, user cannot create an alias for the room.
user_may_create_room_alias?: AliasCreateUpdates,
* The current matchers on a property that points to an object.
type ObjectPropertyMatchers = {
property: ObjectProperty,
matchers: {
[path: string]: Matcher[]
/// If the rules match, user cannot make the room public.
user_may_publish_room?: PublishRoomUpdates,
* A list of rules we wish to see.
type RuleToShow =
/// All the matchers for a StringProperty.
/// All the matchers for a single path in a ObjectProperty.
| {
property: ObjectProperty,
path: string
/// All the matchers for all the paths in an ObjectProperty.
| ObjectProperty;
/// If the rules match, register user and immediately shadowban them.
check_registration_for_spam_shadowban?: CheckRegistrationForSpamUpdates,
* Show current rules.
type ShowMeTheseRules = {
"org.matrix.spamcheck.action": "snapshot",
/// If the rules of `check_registration_for_spam_shadowban` do NOT
/// match but these rules match, deny registration.
check_registration_for_spam_deny?: CheckRegistrationForSpamUpdates,
/// If the rules match, deny registration, regardless of
/// the result of `check_registration_for_spam_shadowban`
/// and `check_registration_for_spam_deny`.
check_username_for_spam?: CheckUsernameForSpamUpdates,
/// If the rules match, event will bounce.
check_event_for_spam?: CheckEventForSpamUpdates,
/// The instant of the latest update, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
/// The list of rules to show:
/// This value is meant to be passed as argument when requesting
/// more recent update.
latest_update_ts: number,
/// `*` for all rules
property: RuleToShow[] | "*";
* A message with a snapshot of rules, as requested per `ShowMeTheseRules`.
type RuleSnapshotMessage = {
type: "org.matrix.spamcheck.snapshot",
content: {
dump: (StringPropertyMatchers | ObjectPropertyMatchers)[]
const MESSAGE_RULE_DUMP_TYPE = "org.matrix.spamcheck.dump";
* ------------------- Updating rules ----------------------
/// A list of additions/removal.
/// Resolved in the following order:
/// 1. remove;
/// 2. add;
type Patch = {
/// Remove some or all items.
remove?: "org.matrix.spamcheck.clear" | Matcher[],
/// Add items.
add?: Matcher[],
* An update to a single rule, for a property that points to a string.
type StringRuleUpdate = {
"org.matrix.spamcheck.action": "update",
/// The property affected by this rule change.
property: StringProperty,
/// Matchers to add/remove.
patch: Patch,
* An update to a single rule, for a property that points to an object.
type ObjectRuleUpdate = {
"org.matrix.spamcheck.action": "update",
/// The property affected by this rule change.
/// This property points to an object `o`.
property: ObjectProperty,
/// The path to follow within object `o` to access
/// a string value.
/// If the path is not defined or the value is not
/// a string, the message is considered a non-match,
/// i.e. it can pass.
path: string,
/// Matchers to add/remove.
patch: Patch,
* Remove all the rules.
type ClearEverything = {
"org.matrix.spamcheck.action": "clear",