Test AccessControlUnit

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gnuxie 2022-10-04 12:40:23 +01:00
parent d8a6bd5bf0
commit 7e1ea13473

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import { ServerAcl } from "../../src/models/ServerAcl";
import { getFirstReaction } from "./commands/commandUtils";
import { getMessagesByUserIn } from "../../src/utils";
import { Mjolnir } from "../../src/Mjolnir";
import { ALL_RULE_TYPES, RULE_SERVER, RULE_USER, SERVER_RULE_TYPES } from "../../src/models/ListRule";
import { ALL_RULE_TYPES, Recommendation, RULE_SERVER, RULE_USER, SERVER_RULE_TYPES } from "../../src/models/ListRule";
import AccessControlUnit, { Access, EntityAccess } from "../../src/models/AccessControlUnit";
* Create a policy rule in a policy room.
@ -26,6 +27,19 @@ async function createPolicyRule(client: MatrixClient, policyRoomId: string, poli
* Remove a policy rule from a list.
* @param client A matrix client that is logged in
* @param policyRoomId The room id to add the policy to.
* @param policyType The type of policy to add e.g. m.policy.rule.user. (Use RULE_USER though).
* @param entity The entity to ban e.g. @foo:example.org
* @param stateKey The key for the rule.
* @returns The event id of the void rule that was created to override the old one.
async function removePolicyRule(client: MatrixClient, policyRoomId: string, policyType: string, entity: string, stateKey = `rule:${entity}`) {
return await client.sendStateEvent(policyRoomId, policyType, stateKey, {});
describe("Test: Updating the PolicyList", function() {
it("Calculates what has changed correctly.", async function() {
@ -191,28 +205,13 @@ describe("Test: Updating the PolicyList", function() {
describe('Test: We do not respond to recommendations other than m.ban in the PolicyList', function() {
it('Will not respond to a rule that has a different recommendation to m.ban (or the unstable equivalent).', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, 'exmaple.org', '', { recommendation: 'something that is not m.ban' });
let changes: ListRuleChange[] = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1, 'There should only be one change');
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(changes[0].sender, await mjolnir.client.getUserId());
// We really don't want things that aren't m.ban to end up being accessible in these APIs.
assert.equal(banList.serverRules.length, 0, `We should have an empty serverRules, got ${JSON.stringify(banList.serverRules)}`);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 0, `We should have an empty allRules, got ${JSON.stringify(banList.allRules)}`);
describe('Test: We will not be able to ban ourselves via ACL.', function() {
it('We do not ban ourselves when we put ourselves into the policy list.', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir
const serverName = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain;
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
const aclUnit = new AccessControlUnit([banList]);
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, serverName, '');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, 'evil.com', '');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, '*', '');
@ -224,6 +223,10 @@ describe('Test: We will not be able to ban ourselves via ACL.', function() {
changes.forEach(change => acl.denyServer(change.rule.entity));
assert.equal(acl.safeAclContent().deny.length, 1);
assert.equal(acl.literalAclContent().deny.length, 3);
const aclUnitAcl = aclUnit.createServerAcl(serverName);
assert.equal(aclUnitAcl.literalAclContent().deny.length, 1);
@ -457,3 +460,107 @@ describe('Test: should apply bans to the most recently active rooms first', func
* Assert that the AccessUnitOutcome entity test has the right access.
* @param expected The Access we expect the entity to have, See Access.
* @param query The result of a test on AccessControlUnit e.g. `unit.testUser('@meow:localhost')`
* @param message A message for the console if the entity doesn't have the expected access.
function assertAccess(expected: Access, query: EntityAccess, message?: string) {
assert.equal(query.outcome, expected, message);
describe('Test: AccessControlUnit interaction with policy lists.', function() {
it('The AccessControlUnit correctly reflects the policies that have been set in its watched lists.', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const policyListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const policyList = new PolicyList(policyListId, Permalinks.forRoom(policyListId), mjolnir.client);
const aclUnit = new AccessControlUnit([policyList]);
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@anyone:anywhere.example.com')), 'Empty lists should implicitly allow.');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'matrix.org', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Allow });
// we want to imagine that the banned server was never taken off the allow after being banned.
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'bad.example.com', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Allow }, 'something-else');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'bad.example.com', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Ban });
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, '*.ddns.example.com', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Ban });
await policyList.updateList();
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testServer('matrix.org'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@someone:matrix.org')));
assertAccess(Access.NotAllowed, aclUnit.testServer('anywhere.else.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.NotAllowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@anyone:anywhere.else.example.com')));
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.testServer('bad.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@anyone:bad.example.com')));
// They're not allowed in the first place, never mind that they are also banned.
assertAccess(Access.NotAllowed, aclUnit.testServer('meow.ddns.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.NotAllowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@anyone:meow.ddns.example.com')));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@spam:matrix.org')));
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_USER, '@spam:matrix.org', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Ban });
await policyList.updateList();
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@spam:matrix.org')));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@someone:matrix.org')));
// protect a room and check that only bad.example.com, *.ddns.example.com are in the deny ACL and not matrix.org
await mjolnir.watchList(policyList.roomRef);
const protectedRoom = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.addProtectedRoom(protectedRoom);
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(roomAcl?.deny?.length ?? 0, 2, 'There should be two entries in the deny ACL.');
for (const serverGlob of ["*.ddns.example.com", "bad.example.com"]) {
assert.equal((roomAcl?.deny ?? []).includes(serverGlob), true);
assert.equal(roomAcl.deny.includes("matrix.org"), false);
assert.equal(roomAcl.allow.includes("matrix.org"), true);
// Now we remove the rules and hope that everything functions noramally.
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'matrix.org');
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'bad.example.com', 'something-else');
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'bad.example.com');
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, '*.ddns.example.com');
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_USER, "@spam:matrix.org");
const changes = await policyList.updateList()
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
assert.equal(changes.length, 5, "The rules should have correctly been removed");
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testServer('matrix.org'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@someone:matrix.org')));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testServer('anywhere.else.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@anyone:anywhere.else.example.com')));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testServer('bad.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@anyone:bad.example.com')));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testServer('meow.ddns.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@anyone:meow.ddns.example.com')));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testUser(new UserID('@spam:matrix.org')));
const roomAclAfter = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(roomAclAfter.deny?.length ?? 0, 0, 'There should be no entries in the deny ACL.');
assert.equal(roomAclAfter.allow?.length ?? 0, 1, 'There should be 1 entry in the allow ACL.');
assert.equal(roomAclAfter.allow.includes("*"), true);
it('removing a rule from a different list will not clobber anything.', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const policyLists = await Promise.all([...Array(2).keys()].map(async _ => {
const policyListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
return new PolicyList(policyListId, Permalinks.forRoom(policyListId), mjolnir.client);
const banMeServer = 'banme.example.com';
const aclUnit = new AccessControlUnit(policyLists);
await Promise.all(policyLists.map(policyList => {
return createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyList.roomId, RULE_SERVER, banMeServer, '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Ban })
await Promise.all(policyLists.map(list => list.updateList()));
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.testServer(banMeServer));
// remove the rule that bans `banme.example.com` from just one of the lists.
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyLists[0].roomId, RULE_SERVER, banMeServer);
await Promise.all(policyLists.map(list => list.updateList()));
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.testServer(banMeServer), "Should still be banned at this point.");
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyLists[1].roomId, RULE_SERVER, banMeServer);
await Promise.all(policyLists.map(list => list.updateList()));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.testServer(banMeServer), "Should not longer be any rules");