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Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import { Server } from "http";
manymjolnir appservice (#364) Mjolnir can now be run as an application service, meaning it will host multiple independent mjolnirs that can be requested by users. If the user is on the same homeserver as the appservice is deployed on, then they can provision a mjolnir via a widget https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir-widget. Otherwise they can invite the appservice bot to a room they want to protect. This will create them a mjolnir, a management room and a policy list. The appservice shares the same docker image as the bot, but is started slightly differently by specifying "appservice" as the first argument to docker run (this s managed by `mjolnir-entrypoint.sh`. We could have used another Dockerfile for the appservice, extending the existing one but we decided not to because there would have been lots of fiddling around the entrypoint and logistics involved around adding a tag for it via github actions. Not to mention that this would be duplicating the image just to run it with a different binary. A list of followup issues can be found here https://github.com/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+author%3AGnuxie+archived%3Afalse+label%3AA-Appservice. Somewhat relevant and squashed commit messages(regrettably squashing because frankly these won't make sense in isolation): * draft widget backend * add `managementRoomId` to `provisionNewMjolnir` * remove ratelimits from appservice mjolnirs * add /join endpoint to api backend * tighter guard around room type in PolicyList matrix-bot-sdk imporved the types for this * enable esModuleInterop * launch and use postgres in a container whilst using mx-tester * limited access control policy list used for access control * Redesign initialization API of many mjolnir. It's much harder to forget to initialize the components now that you have to in order to construct them in the first place. * Ammend config not to clash with existing CI this means that the appsrvice bot is now called 'mjolnir-bot' by default which was easier than going through old code base and renaming * Change entrypoint in Dockerfile so that we can start the appservice. We could have used another Dockerfile for the appservice, extending the exising one but we decided not to because there would have been lots of fiddling around the entrypoint and logistics involved around adding a tag for it via github actions. Not to mention that this would be duplicating the image just to run it with a different binary. This solution is much simpler, backwards compatible, and conscious about the future. Co-authored-by: gnuxie <gnuxie@element.io>
2022-11-15 18:03:06 +00:00
import express from "express";
2024-09-19 13:06:34 +00:00
import { LogService, MatrixClient } from "@vector-im/matrix-bot-sdk";
import RuleServer from "../models/RuleServer";
import { ReportManager } from "../report/ReportManager";
import { IConfig } from "../config";
* A common prefix for all web-exposed APIs.
const API_PREFIX = "/api/1";
const AUTHORIZATION: RegExp = new RegExp("Bearer (.*)");
export class WebAPIs {
private webController: express.Express = express();
private httpServer?: Server;
constructor(private reportManager: ReportManager, private readonly config: IConfig, private readonly ruleServer: RuleServer|null) {
// Setup JSON parsing.
* Start accepting requests to the Web API.
public async start() {
if (!this.config.web.enabled) {
this.httpServer = this.webController.listen(this.config.web.port, this.config.web.address);
// configure /report API.
if (this.config.web.abuseReporting.enabled) {
LogService.info(`configuring ${API_PREFIX}/report/:room_id/:event_id...`);
this.webController.options(`${API_PREFIX}/report/:room_id/:event_id`, async (request, response) => {
// reply with CORS options
response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Authorization, Date");
response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, OPTIONS");
return response.send();
this.webController.post(`${API_PREFIX}/report/:room_id/:event_id`, async (request, response) => {
console.debug(`Received a message on ${API_PREFIX}/report/:room_id/:event_id`, request.params);
// set CORS headers for the response
response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Authorization, Date");
response.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, OPTIONS");
await this.handleReport({ request, response, roomId: request.params.room_id, eventId: request.params.event_id })
LogService.info(`configuring ${API_PREFIX}/report/:room_id/:event_id... DONE`);
// configure ruleServer API.
// FIXME: Doesn't this need some kind of access control?
// See https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir/issues/139#issuecomment-1012221479.
if (this.config.web.ruleServer?.enabled) {
const updatesUrl = `${API_PREFIX}/ruleserver/updates`;
LogService.info("WebAPIs", `configuring ${updatesUrl}...`);
if (!this.ruleServer) {
throw new Error("The rule server to use has not been configured for the WebAPIs.");
const ruleServer: RuleServer = this.ruleServer;
this.webController.get(updatesUrl, async (request, response) => {
await this.handleRuleServerUpdate(ruleServer, { request, response, since: request.query.since as string});
LogService.info("WebAPIs", `configuring ${updatesUrl}... DONE`);
public stop() {
if (this.httpServer) {
LogService.info("Stopping WebAPIs.");
this.httpServer = undefined;
* Handle a call to the /report API.
* In case of success, respond an empty JSON body.
* @param roomId The room in which the reported event took place. Already extracted from the URL.
* @param eventId The event. Already extracted from the URL.
* @param request The request. Its body SHOULD hold an object `{reason?: string}`
* @param response The response. Used to propagate HTTP success/error.
async handleReport({ roomId, eventId, request, response }: { roomId: string, eventId: string, request: express.Request, response: express.Response }) {
// To display any kind of useful information, we need
// 1. The reporter id;
// 2. The accused id, to be able to warn/kick/ban them if necessary;
// 3. The content of the event **if the room is unencrypted**.
try {
let reporterId;
let event;
// -- Create a client on behalf of the reporter.
// We'll use it to confirm the authenticity of the report.
2022-02-02 12:43:05 +00:00
let accessToken: string | undefined = undefined;
// Authentication mechanism 1: Request header.
let authorization = request.get('Authorization');
if (authorization) {
[, accessToken] = AUTHORIZATION.exec(authorization)!;
2022-02-02 12:43:05 +00:00
} else if (typeof(request.query["access_token"]) === 'string') {
// Authentication mechanism 2: Access token as query parameter.
accessToken = request.query["access_token"];
2022-02-02 12:43:05 +00:00
} else {
response.status(401).send("Missing access token");
// Create a client dedicated to this report.
// We're impersonating the user to get the context of the report.
// For privacy's sake, we MUST ensure that:
// - we DO NOT sync with this client, as this would let us
// snoop on messages other than the context of the report;
// - we DO NOT associate a crypto store (e.g. Pantalaimon),
// as this would let us read encrypted messages;
// - this client is torn down as soon as possible to avoid
// any case in which it could somehow be abused if a
// malicious third-party gains access to Mjölnir.
// Rationales for using this mechanism:
// 1. This /report interception feature can only be setup by someone
// who already controls the server. In other words, if they wish
// to snoop on unencrypted messages, they can already do it more
// easily at the level of the proxy.
// 2. The `reporterClient` is used only to provide
// - identity-checking; and
// - features that are already available in the Synapse Admin API
// (possibly in the Admin APIs of other homeservers, I haven't checked)
// so we are not extending the abilities of Mjölnir
// 3. We are avoiding the use of the Synapse Admin API to ensure that
// this feature can work with all homeservers, not just Synapse.
let reporterClient = new MatrixClient(this.config.rawHomeserverUrl, accessToken);
reporterClient.start = () => {
throw new Error("We MUST NEVER call start on the reporter client");
reporterId = await reporterClient.getUserId();
Past this point, the following invariants hold:
- The report was sent by a Matrix user.
- The identity of the Matrix user who sent the report is stored in `reporterId`.
// Now, let's gather more info on the event.
// IMPORTANT: The following call will return the event without decyphering it, so we're
// not obtaining anything that we couldn't also obtain through a homeserver's Admin API.
// By doing this with the reporterClient, we ensure that this feature of Mjölnir can work
// with all Matrix homeservers, rather than just Synapse.
event = await reporterClient.getEvent(roomId, eventId);
let reason = request.body["reason"];
await this.reportManager.handleServerAbuseReport({ roomId, reporterId, event, reason });
// Match the spec behavior of `/report`: return 200 and an empty JSON.
} catch (ex) {
console.warn("Error responding to an abuse report", roomId, eventId, ex);
async handleRuleServerUpdate(ruleServer: RuleServer, { since, request, response }: { since: string, request: express.Request, response: express.Response }) {
// FIXME Have to do this because express sends keep alive by default and during tests.
// The server will never be able to close because express never closes the sockets, only stops accepting new connections.
// See https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir/issues/139#issuecomment-1012221479.
response.set("Connection", "close");
try {
} catch (ex) {
LogService.error("WebAPIs", `Error responding to a rule server updates request`, since, ex);