a simple maubot module that responds with financial data about stock price or cryptocurrency exchange rate. To install, please see the [standard maubot plugin installation instructions](https://github.com/maubot/maubot/wiki/Usage#adding-a-plugin) note: this module depends on having an api key for the following services [RapidAPI](https://rapidapi.com/marketplace) (used for the yahoo-finance api endpoints, which you must subscribe to in your account settings) [CoinAPI](https://www.coinapi.io/Pricing) ## Setup plug in API keys for both your RapidAPI yahoo finance app and your CoinAPI account in the config file (either before packaging in the base-config, or directly in the maubot interface after loading). when using rapidAPI for yahoo finance, the endpoints changed. currently, the default endpoint is `yh-finance.p.rapidapi.com`. However, if this gives you trouble, it may be because you created your "application" in RapidAPI before the change. Try setting the rapidapiHost value in your config to `apidojo-yahoo-finance-v1.p.rapidapi.com`. Most new installs will not need to mess with this. update the commands you want to use, by default stock data is returned with the `!stonks` command, and crypto data is returned with `!hodl` command. for example: `!stonks tsla` would return something like this: ![stonks response](images/stonks.png) and `!hodl btc/ada` would return something like this: ![hodl response](images/hodl.png)