# rss - A maubot plugin to subscribe to RSS/Atom feeds. # Copyright (C) 2022 Tulir Asokan # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any, Iterable from datetime import datetime from string import Template from time import mktime, time import asyncio import hashlib import html import io import aiohttp import attr import feedparser from maubot import MessageEvent, Plugin, __version__ as maubot_version from maubot.handlers import command, event from mautrix.types import ( EventID, EventType, MessageType, PowerLevelStateEventContent, RoomID, StateEvent, ) from mautrix.util.async_db import UpgradeTable from mautrix.util.config import BaseProxyConfig, ConfigUpdateHelper from .db import DBManager, Entry, Feed, Subscription from .migrations import upgrade_table rss_change_level = EventType.find("xyz.maubot.rss", t_class=EventType.Class.STATE) class Config(BaseProxyConfig): def do_update(self, helper: ConfigUpdateHelper) -> None: helper.copy("update_interval") helper.copy("max_backoff") helper.copy("spam_sleep") helper.copy("command_prefix") helper.copy("notification_template") helper.copy("admins") class BoolArgument(command.Argument): def __init__(self, name: str, label: str = None, *, required: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(name, label, required=required, pass_raw=False) def match(self, val: str, **kwargs) -> tuple[str, Any]: part = val.split(" ")[0].lower() if part in ("f", "false", "n", "no", "0"): res = False elif part in ("t", "true", "y", "yes", "1"): res = True else: raise ValueError("invalid boolean") return val[len(part) :], res class RSSBot(Plugin): dbm: DBManager poll_task: asyncio.Future http: aiohttp.ClientSession power_level_cache: dict[RoomID, tuple[int, PowerLevelStateEventContent]] @classmethod def get_config_class(cls) -> type[BaseProxyConfig]: return Config @classmethod def get_db_upgrade_table(cls) -> UpgradeTable: return upgrade_table async def start(self) -> None: await super().start() self.config.load_and_update() self.dbm = DBManager(self.database) self.http = self.client.api.session self.power_level_cache = {} self.poll_task = asyncio.create_task(self.poll_feeds()) async def stop(self) -> None: await super().stop() self.poll_task.cancel() async def poll_feeds(self) -> None: try: await self._poll_feeds() except asyncio.CancelledError: self.log.debug("Polling stopped") except Exception: self.log.exception("Fatal error while polling feeds") async def _send(self, feed: Feed, entry: Entry, sub: Subscription) -> EventID: message = sub.notification_template.safe_substitute( { "feed_url": feed.url, "feed_title": feed.title, "feed_subtitle": feed.subtitle, "feed_link": feed.link, **attr.asdict(entry), } ) msgtype = MessageType.NOTICE if sub.send_notice else MessageType.TEXT try: return await self.client.send_markdown( sub.room_id, message, msgtype=msgtype, allow_html=True ) except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f"Failed to send {entry.id} of {feed.id} to {sub.room_id}: {e}") async def _broadcast( self, feed: Feed, entry: Entry, subscriptions: list[Subscription] ) -> None: self.log.debug(f"Broadcasting {entry.id} of {feed.id}") spam_sleep = self.config["spam_sleep"] tasks = [self._send(feed, entry, sub) for sub in subscriptions] if spam_sleep >= 0: for task in tasks: await task await asyncio.sleep(spam_sleep) else: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) async def _poll_once(self) -> None: subs = await self.dbm.get_feeds() if not subs: return now = int(time()) tasks = [self.try_parse_feed(feed=feed) for feed in subs if feed.next_retry < now] feed: Feed entries: Iterable[Entry] self.log.info(f"Polling {len(tasks)} feeds") for res in asyncio.as_completed(tasks): feed, entries = await res self.log.trace( f"Fetching {feed.id} (backoff: {feed.error_count} / {feed.next_retry}) " f"success: {bool(entries)}" ) if not entries: error_count = feed.error_count + 1 next_retry_delay = self.config["update_interval"] * 60 * error_count next_retry_delay = min(next_retry_delay, self.config["max_backoff"] * 60) next_retry = int(time() + next_retry_delay) self.log.debug(f"Setting backoff of {feed.id} to {error_count} / {next_retry}") await self.dbm.set_backoff(feed, error_count, next_retry) continue elif feed.error_count > 0: self.log.debug(f"Resetting backoff of {feed.id}") await self.dbm.set_backoff(feed, error_count=0, next_retry=0) try: new_entries = {entry.id: entry for entry in entries} except Exception: self.log.exception(f"Weird error in items of {feed.url}") continue for old_entry in await self.dbm.get_entries(feed.id): new_entries.pop(old_entry.id, None) self.log.trace(f"Feed {feed.id} had {len(new_entries)} new entries") new_entry_list: list[Entry] = list(new_entries.values()) new_entry_list.sort(key=lambda entry: (entry.date, entry.id)) await self.dbm.add_entries(new_entry_list) for entry in new_entry_list: await self._broadcast(feed, entry, feed.subscriptions) self.log.info(f"Finished polling {len(tasks)} feeds") async def _poll_feeds(self) -> None: self.log.debug("Polling started") while True: try: await self._poll_once() except asyncio.CancelledError: self.log.debug("Polling stopped") except Exception: self.log.exception("Error while polling feeds") await asyncio.sleep(self.config["update_interval"] * 60) async def try_parse_feed(self, feed: Feed | None = None) -> tuple[Feed, list[Entry]]: try: self.log.trace( f"Trying to fetch {feed.id} / {feed.url} " f"(backoff: {feed.error_count} / {feed.next_retry})" ) return await self.parse_feed(feed=feed) except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f"Failed to parse feed {feed.id} / {feed.url}: {e}") return feed, [] @property def _feed_get_headers(self) -> dict[str, str]: return { "User-Agent": f"maubot/{maubot_version} +https://github.com/maubot/rss", } async def parse_feed( self, *, feed: Feed | None = None, url: str | None = None ) -> tuple[Feed, list[Entry]]: if feed is None: if url is None: raise ValueError("Either feed or url must be set") feed = Feed(id=-1, url=url, title="", subtitle="", link="") elif url is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of feed or url must be set") resp = await self.http.get(feed.url, headers=self._feed_get_headers) ct = resp.headers["Content-Type"].split(";")[0].strip() if ct == "application/json" or ct == "application/feed+json": return await self._parse_json(feed, resp) else: return await self._parse_rss(feed, resp) @classmethod async def _parse_json( cls, feed: Feed, resp: aiohttp.ClientResponse ) -> tuple[Feed, list[Entry]]: content = await resp.json() if content["version"] not in ( "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1", "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", ): raise ValueError("Unsupported JSON feed version") if not isinstance(content["items"], list): raise ValueError("Feed is not a valid JSON feed (items is not a list)") feed.title = content["title"] feed.subtitle = content.get("subtitle", "") feed.link = content.get("home_page_url", "") return feed, [cls._parse_json_entry(feed.id, entry) for entry in content["items"]] @classmethod def _parse_json_entry(cls, feed_id: int, entry: dict[str, Any]) -> Entry: try: date = datetime.fromisoformat(entry["date_published"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): date = datetime.now() title = entry.get("title", "") summary = ( entry.get("summary") or entry.get("content_html") or entry.get("content_text") or "" ).strip() id = str(entry["id"]) link = entry.get("url") or id return Entry(feed_id=feed_id, id=id, date=date, title=title, summary=summary, link=link) @classmethod async def _parse_rss( cls, feed: Feed, resp: aiohttp.ClientResponse ) -> tuple[Feed, list[Entry]]: try: content = await resp.text() except UnicodeDecodeError: try: content = await resp.text(encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") except UnicodeDecodeError: content = str(await resp.read())[2:-1] headers = {"Content-Location": feed.url, **resp.headers, "Content-Encoding": "identity"} parsed_data = feedparser.parse(io.StringIO(content), response_headers=headers) if parsed_data.bozo: if not isinstance(parsed_data.bozo_exception, feedparser.ThingsNobodyCaresAboutButMe): raise parsed_data.bozo_exception feed_data = parsed_data.get("feed", {}) feed.title = feed_data.get("title", feed.url) feed.subtitle = feed_data.get("description", "") feed.link = feed_data.get("link", "") return feed, [cls._parse_rss_entry(feed.id, entry) for entry in parsed_data.entries] @classmethod def _parse_rss_entry(cls, feed_id: int, entry: Any) -> Entry: return Entry( feed_id=feed_id, id=( getattr(entry, "id", None) or getattr(entry, "link", None) or hashlib.sha1( " ".join( [ getattr(entry, "title", ""), getattr(entry, "description", ""), ] ).encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest() ), date=cls._parse_rss_date(entry), title=getattr(entry, "title", ""), summary=getattr(entry, "description", "").strip(), link=getattr(entry, "link", ""), ) @staticmethod def _parse_rss_date(entry: Any) -> datetime: try: return datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(entry["published_parsed"])) except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): pass try: return datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(entry["date_parsed"])) except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): pass return datetime.now() async def get_power_levels(self, room_id: RoomID) -> PowerLevelStateEventContent: try: expiry, levels = self.power_level_cache[room_id] if expiry < int(time()): return levels except KeyError: pass levels = await self.client.get_state_event(room_id, EventType.ROOM_POWER_LEVELS) self.power_level_cache[room_id] = (int(time()) + 5 * 60, levels) return levels async def can_manage(self, evt: MessageEvent) -> bool: if evt.sender in self.config["admins"]: return True levels = await self.get_power_levels(evt.room_id) user_level = levels.get_user_level(evt.sender) state_level = levels.get_event_level(rss_change_level) if not isinstance(state_level, int): state_level = 50 if user_level < state_level: await evt.reply( "You don't have the permission to manage the subscriptions of this room." ) return False return True @command.new( name=lambda self: self.config["command_prefix"], help="Manage this RSS bot", require_subcommand=True, ) async def rss(self) -> None: pass @rss.subcommand("subscribe", aliases=("s", "sub"), help="Subscribe this room to a feed.") @command.argument("url", "feed URL", pass_raw=True) async def subscribe(self, evt: MessageEvent, url: str) -> None: if not await self.can_manage(evt): return feed = await self.dbm.get_feed_by_url(url) if not feed: try: info, entries = await self.parse_feed(url=url) except Exception as e: await evt.reply(f"Failed to load feed: {e}") return feed = await self.dbm.create_feed(info) await self.dbm.add_entries(entries, override_feed_id=feed.id) elif feed.error_count > 0: await self.dbm.set_backoff(feed, error_count=feed.error_count, next_retry=0) feed_info = f"feed ID {feed.id}: [{feed.title}]({feed.url})" sub, _ = await self.dbm.get_subscription(feed.id, evt.room_id) if sub is not None: subscriber = ( "You" if sub.user_id == evt.sender else f"[{sub.user_id}](https://matrix.to/#/{sub.user_id})" ) await evt.reply(f"{subscriber} had already subscribed this room to {feed_info}") else: await self.dbm.subscribe( feed.id, evt.room_id, evt.sender, self.config["notification_template"] ) await evt.reply(f"Subscribed to {feed_info}") @rss.subcommand( "unsubscribe", aliases=("u", "unsub"), help="Unsubscribe this room from a feed." ) @command.argument("feed_id", "feed ID", parser=int) async def unsubscribe(self, evt: MessageEvent, feed_id: int) -> None: if not await self.can_manage(evt): return sub, feed = await self.dbm.get_subscription(feed_id, evt.room_id) if not sub: await evt.reply("This room is not subscribed to that feed") return await self.dbm.unsubscribe(feed.id, evt.room_id) await evt.reply(f"Unsubscribed from feed ID {feed.id}: [{feed.title}]({feed.url})") @rss.subcommand( "template", aliases=("t", "tpl"), help="Change the notification template for a subscription in this room", ) @command.argument("feed_id", "feed ID", parser=int) @command.argument("template", "new template", pass_raw=True, required=False) async def command_template(self, evt: MessageEvent, feed_id: int, template: str) -> None: if not await self.can_manage(evt): return sub, feed = await self.dbm.get_subscription(feed_id, evt.room_id) if not sub: await evt.reply("This room is not subscribed to that feed") return if not template: await evt.reply( '

Current template in this room:

", allow_html=True, markdown=False, ) return await self.dbm.update_template(feed.id, evt.room_id, template) sub = Subscription( feed_id=feed.id, room_id=sub.room_id, user_id=sub.user_id, notification_template=Template(template), send_notice=sub.send_notice, ) sample_entry = Entry( feed_id=feed.id, id="SAMPLE", date=datetime.now(), title="Sample entry", summary="This is a sample entry to demonstrate your new template", link="http://example.com", ) await evt.reply(f"Template for feed ID {feed.id} updated. Sample notification:") await self._send(feed, sample_entry, sub) @rss.subcommand( "notice", aliases=("n",), help="Set whether or not the bot should send updates as m.notice" ) @command.argument("feed_id", "feed ID", parser=int) @BoolArgument("setting", "true/false") async def command_notice(self, evt: MessageEvent, feed_id: int, setting: bool) -> None: if not await self.can_manage(evt): return sub, feed = await self.dbm.get_subscription(feed_id, evt.room_id) if not sub: await evt.reply("This room is not subscribed to that feed") return await self.dbm.set_send_notice(feed.id, evt.room_id, setting) send_type = "m.notice" if setting else "m.text" await evt.reply(f"Updates for feed ID {feed.id} will now be sent as `{send_type}`") @staticmethod def _format_subscription(feed: Feed, subscriber: str) -> str: msg = ( f"* {feed.id} - [{feed.title}]({feed.url}) " f"(subscribed by [{subscriber}](https://matrix.to/#/{subscriber}))" ) if feed.error_count > 1: msg += f" \n ⚠️ The last {feed.error_count} attempts to fetch the feed have failed!" return msg @rss.subcommand( "subscriptions", aliases=("ls", "list", "subs"), help="List the subscriptions in the current room.", ) async def command_subscriptions(self, evt: MessageEvent) -> None: subscriptions = await self.dbm.get_feeds_by_room(evt.room_id) if len(subscriptions) == 0: await evt.reply("There are no RSS subscriptions in this room") return await evt.reply( "**Subscriptions in this room:**\n\n" + "\n".join( self._format_subscription(feed, subscriber) for feed, subscriber in subscriptions ) ) @event.on(EventType.ROOM_TOMBSTONE) async def tombstone(self, evt: StateEvent) -> None: if not evt.content.replacement_room: return await self.dbm.update_room_id(evt.room_id, evt.content.replacement_room)