# rss - A maubot plugin to subscribe to RSS/Atom feeds. # Copyright (C) 2022 Tulir Asokan # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import annotations from datetime import datetime from string import Template from asyncpg import Record from attr import dataclass import attr from mautrix.types import RoomID, UserID from mautrix.util.async_db import Database, Scheme # TODO make this import unconditional after updating mautrix-python try: from mautrix.util.async_db import SQLiteCursor except ImportError: SQLiteCursor = None @dataclass class Subscription: feed_id: int room_id: RoomID user_id: UserID notification_template: Template send_notice: bool @classmethod def from_row(cls, row: Record | None) -> Subscription | None: if not row: return None feed_id = row["id"] room_id = row["room_id"] user_id = row["user_id"] if not room_id or not user_id: return None send_notice = bool(row["send_notice"]) tpl = Template(row["notification_template"]) return cls( feed_id=feed_id, room_id=room_id, user_id=user_id, notification_template=tpl, send_notice=send_notice, ) @dataclass class Feed: id: int url: str title: str subtitle: str link: str next_retry: int = 0 error_count: int = 0 subscriptions: list[Subscription] = attr.ib(factory=lambda: []) @classmethod def from_row(cls, row: Record | None) -> Feed | None: if not row: return None data = {**row} data.pop("room_id", None) data.pop("user_id", None) data.pop("send_notice", None) data.pop("notification_template", None) return cls(**data, subscriptions=[]) date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" date_fmt_microseconds = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" @dataclass class Entry: feed_id: int id: str date: datetime title: str summary: str link: str html: str @classmethod def from_row(cls, row: Record | None) -> Entry | None: if not row: return None data = {**row} date = data.pop("date") if not isinstance(date, datetime): try: date = datetime.strptime(date, date_fmt_microseconds if "." in date else date_fmt) except ValueError: date = datetime.now() return cls(**data, date=date) class DBManager: db: Database def __init__(self, db: Database) -> None: self.db = db async def get_feeds(self) -> list[Feed]: q = """ SELECT id, url, title, subtitle, link, next_retry, error_count, room_id, user_id, notification_template, send_notice FROM feed INNER JOIN subscription ON feed.id = subscription.feed_id """ rows = await self.db.fetch(q) feeds: dict[int, Feed] = {} for row in rows: try: feed = feeds[row["id"]] except KeyError: feed = feeds[row["id"]] = Feed.from_row(row) feed.subscriptions.append(Subscription.from_row(row)) return list(feeds.values()) async def get_feeds_by_room(self, room_id: RoomID) -> list[tuple[Feed, UserID]]: q = """ SELECT id, url, title, subtitle, link, next_retry, error_count, user_id FROM feed INNER JOIN subscription ON feed.id = subscription.feed_id AND subscription.room_id = $1 """ rows = await self.db.fetch(q, room_id) return [(Feed.from_row(row), row["user_id"]) for row in rows] async def get_entries(self, feed_id: int) -> list[Entry]: q = "SELECT feed_id, id, date, title, summary, link, html FROM entry WHERE feed_id = $1" return [Entry.from_row(row) for row in await self.db.fetch(q, feed_id)] async def add_entries(self, entries: list[Entry], override_feed_id: int | None = None) -> None: if not entries: return if override_feed_id: for entry in entries: entry.feed_id = override_feed_id records = [attr.astuple(entry) for entry in entries] columns = ("feed_id", "id", "date", "title", "summary", "link", "html") async with self.db.acquire() as conn: if self.db.scheme == Scheme.POSTGRES: await conn.copy_records_to_table("entry", records=records, columns=columns) else: q = ( "INSERT INTO entry (feed_id, id, date, title, summary, link, html) " "VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)" ) await conn.executemany(q, records) async def get_feed_by_url(self, url: str) -> Feed | None: q = "SELECT id, url, title, subtitle, link, next_retry, error_count FROM feed WHERE url=$1" return Feed.from_row(await self.db.fetchrow(q, url)) async def get_subscription( self, feed_id: int, room_id: RoomID ) -> tuple[Subscription | None, Feed | None]: q = """ SELECT id, url, title, subtitle, link, next_retry, error_count, room_id, user_id, notification_template, send_notice FROM feed LEFT JOIN subscription ON feed.id = subscription.feed_id AND room_id = $2 WHERE feed.id = $1 """ row = await self.db.fetchrow(q, feed_id, room_id) return Subscription.from_row(row), Feed.from_row(row) async def update_room_id(self, old: RoomID, new: RoomID) -> None: await self.db.execute("UPDATE subscription SET room_id = $1 WHERE room_id = $2", new, old) async def create_feed(self, info: Feed) -> Feed: q = ( "INSERT INTO feed (url, title, subtitle, link, next_retry) " "VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING (id)" ) # SQLite only gained RETURNING support in v3.35 (2021-03-12) # TODO remove this special case in a couple of years if self.db.scheme == Scheme.SQLITE: cur = await self.db.execute( q.replace(" RETURNING (id)", ""), info.url, info.title, info.subtitle, info.link, info.next_retry, ) if SQLiteCursor is not None: assert isinstance(cur, SQLiteCursor) info.id = cur.lastrowid else: info.id = await self.db.fetchval( q, info.url, info.title, info.subtitle, info.link, info.next_retry ) return info async def set_backoff(self, info: Feed, error_count: int, next_retry: int) -> None: q = "UPDATE feed SET error_count = $2, next_retry = $3 WHERE id = $1" await self.db.execute(q, info.id, error_count, next_retry) async def subscribe( self, feed_id: int, room_id: RoomID, user_id: UserID, template: str | None = None, send_notice: bool = True, ) -> None: q = """ INSERT INTO subscription (feed_id, room_id, user_id, notification_template, send_notice) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) """ template = template or "New post in $feed_title: [$title]($link)" await self.db.execute(q, feed_id, room_id, user_id, template, send_notice) async def unsubscribe(self, feed_id: int, room_id: RoomID) -> None: q = "DELETE FROM subscription WHERE feed_id = $1 AND room_id = $2" await self.db.execute(q, feed_id, room_id) async def update_template(self, feed_id: int, room_id: RoomID, template: str) -> None: q = "UPDATE subscription SET notification_template=$3 WHERE feed_id=$1 AND room_id=$2" await self.db.execute(q, feed_id, room_id, template) async def set_send_notice(self, feed_id: int, room_id: RoomID, send_notice: bool) -> None: q = "UPDATE subscription SET send_notice=$3 WHERE feed_id=$1 AND room_id=$2" await self.db.execute(q, feed_id, room_id, send_notice)