# kickbot - a maubot plugin to track user activity and remove inactive users from rooms/spaces. from typing import Awaitable, Type, Optional, Tuple import json import time from mautrix.client import Client from mautrix.types import (Event, StateEvent, EventID, UserID, FileInfo, EventType, MediaMessageEventContent, ReactionEvent, RedactionEvent) from mautrix.util.config import BaseProxyConfig, ConfigUpdateHelper from maubot import Plugin, MessageEvent from maubot.handlers import command, event # database table related things from .db import upgrade_table class Config(BaseProxyConfig): def do_update(self, helper: ConfigUpdateHelper) -> None: helper.copy("admins") helper.copy("master_room") helper.copy("track_reactions") helper.copy("warn_threshold_days") helper.copy("kick_threshold_days") class KickBot(Plugin): async def start(self) -> None: await super().start() self.config.load_and_update() @event.on(EventType.ROOM_MESSAGE) async def update_message_timestamp(self, evt: MessageEvent) -> None: q = """ REPLACE INTO user_events(mxid, last_message_timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2) """ await self.database.execute(q, evt.sender, evt.timestamp) @event.on(EventType.REACTION) async def update_reaction_timestamp(self, evt: MessageEvent) -> None: if not self.config["track_reactions"]: pass else: q = """ REPLACE INTO user_events(mxid, last_message_timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2) """ await self.database.execute(q, evt.sender, evt.timestamp) @command.new("activity", help="track active/inactive status of members of a space") async def activity(self) -> None: pass @activity.subcommand("sync", help="update the activity tracker with the current space members \ in case they are missing") async def sync_space_members(self, evt: MessageEvent) -> None: if evt.sender in self.config["admins"]: space_members_obj = await self.client.get_joined_members(self.config["master_room"]) space_members_list = space_members_obj.keys() table_users = await self.database.fetch("SELECT mxid FROM user_events") table_user_list = [ row["mxid"] for row in table_users ] untracked_users = set(space_members_list) - set(table_user_list) non_space_members = set(table_user_list) - set(space_members_list) added = [] dropped = [] try: for user in untracked_users: now = int(time.time() * 1000) q = """ INSERT INTO user_events (mxid, last_message_timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2) """ await self.database.execute(q, user, now) added.append(user) self.log.info(f"{user} inserted into activity tracking table") for user in non_space_members: await self.database.execute("DELETE FROM user_events WHERE mxid = $1", user) self.log.info(f"{user} is not a space member, dropped from activity tracking table") dropped.append(user) await evt.react("✅") added_str = "
".join(added) dropped_str = "
".join(dropped) await evt.respond(f"Added: {added_str}

Dropped: {dropped_str}", allow_html=True) except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) else: await evt.reply("lol you don't have permission to do that") @activity.subcommand("ignore", help="exclude a specific matrix ID from inactivity tracking until their next \ trackable event (temporary exemption from inactivity reporting)") @command.argument("mxid", "full matrix ID", required=True) async def ignore_inactivity(self, evt: MessageEvent, mxid: UserID) -> None: if evt.sender in self.config["admins"]: try: Client.parse_user_id(mxid) await self.database.execute("UPDATE user_events SET ignore_inactivity = 1 WHERE \ mxid = $1", mxid) self.log.info(f"{mxid} set to ignore inactivity") await evt.react("✅") except Exception as e: await evt.respond(f"{e}") else: await evt.reply("lol you don't have permission to set that") @activity.subcommand("unignore", help="re-enable activity tracking for a specific matrix ID") @command.argument("mxid", "full matrix ID", required=True) async def ignore_inactivity(self, evt: MessageEvent, mxid: UserID) -> None: if evt.sender in self.config["admins"]: try: Client.parse_user_id(mxid) await self.database.execute("UPDATE user_events SET ignore_inactivity = 0 WHERE \ mxid = $1", mxid) self.log.info(f"{mxid} set to track inactivity") await evt.react("✅") except Exception as e: await evt.respond(f"{e}") else: await evt.reply("lol you don't have permission to set that") @activity.subcommand("snitch", help='generate a list of matrix IDs that have been inactive') async def generate_report(self, evt: MessageEvent) -> None: now = int(time.time() * 1000) warn_days_ago = (now - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * self.config["warn_threshold_days"])) kick_days_ago = (now - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * self.config["kick_threshold_days"])) warn_q = """ SELECT mxid FROM user_events WHERE last_message_timestamp <= $1 AND last_message_timestamp >= $2 AND ignore_inactivity = 0 """ kick_q = """ SELECT mxid FROM user_events WHERE last_message_timestamp <= $1 AND ignore_inactivity = 0 """ warn_inactive_results = await self.database.fetch(warn_q, warn_days_ago, kick_days_ago) kick_inactive_results = await self.database.fetch(kick_q, kick_days_ago) warn_inactive = [ row["mxid"] for row in warn_inactive_results ] or ["none"] kick_inactive = [ row["mxid"] for row in kick_inactive_results ] or ["none"] await evt.respond(f"Users inactive for {self.config['warn_threshold_days']} days: \ {', '.join(warn_inactive)}
\ Users inactive for {self.config['kick_threshold_days']} days: \ {', '.join(kick_inactive)}", \ allow_html=True) #need to somehow regularly fetch and update the list of room ids that are associated with a given space #to track events within so that we are actually only paying attention to those rooms @classmethod def get_db_upgrade_table(cls) -> None: return upgrade_table @classmethod def get_config_class(cls) -> Type[BaseProxyConfig]: return Config