# Getting Started **Prerequisites:** * A maubot instance: Please [refer to the docs](https://docs.mau.fi/maubot/usage/setup/index.html) for setting up one * An instance of alertmanager **Getting the code** Clone this repository to your local computer and install maubot to have access to the maubot CLI ```shell git clone https://github.com/moan0s/alertbot pip install maubot ``` **Login to your maubot instance** ```shell mbc login ``` **Build&Upload the plugin** ```shell mbc build -u ``` You now have the plugin installed. Now you have to set up an instance of the bot in the maubot manager and invite it to the room where the alerts should be sent. Also find out the room id by asking the bot for it with `!roomid`. **Configure alertmanager** This configuration will send all your alerts to the room `!zOcbWjsWzdREnihgeC:example.com` (if the bot has access to it). Put in your own room-id (see above). ```yaml receivers: - name: alertbot webhook_configs: - url: https://synapse.hyteck.de/_matrix/maubot/plugin/alertbot/webhook/!zOcbWjsWzdREnihgeC:example.com route: group_by: - alertname - cluster - service group_interval: 5m group_wait: 30s receiver: alertbot repeat_interval: 3h ``` # Local testing Setup Use a domain e.g. webbhook.hyteck.de and configure nginx as reverse proxy for port 4242 for this domain. # Connect Run the local server and connect via (29316 is the local maubot port) `ssh -N -R 4242:localhost:29316 s` # Send some data with Put the following in `data.json` ```json {"receiver":"matrix","status":"firing","alerts":[{"status":"firing","labels":{"alertname":"InstanceDown","environment":"h2916641.stratoserver.net","instance":"localhost:9100","job":"node_exporter","severity":"critical"},"annotations":{"description":"localhost:9100 of job node_exporter has been down for more than 5 minutes.","summary":"Instance localhost:9100 down"},"startsAt":"2022-06-23T11:53:14.318Z","endsAt":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","generatorURL":"http://h2916641.stratoserver.net:9090/graph?g0.expr=up+%3D%3D+0\u0026g0.tab=1","fingerprint":"9cd7837114d58797"}],"groupLabels":{"alertname":"InstanceDown"},"commonLabels":{"alertname":"InstanceDown","environment":"h2916641.stratoserver.net","instance":"localhost:9100","job":"node_exporter","severity":"critical"},"commonAnnotations":{"description":"localhost:9100 of job node_exporter has been down for more than 5 minutes.","summary":"Instance localhost:9100 down"},"externalURL":"https://alert.hyteck.de","version":"4","groupKey":"{}:{alertname=\"InstanceDown\"}","truncatedAlerts":0} ``` and then ```shell curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data "@data.json" \ https://webhook.hyteck.de/_matrix/maubot/plugin/maubot/webhook ```