Travis Ralston 17656e8cf7 Implement basic postMessage widget API components
This implements a 'screenshot' button on the generic widget wrapper, although there's several bugs with the current Riot implementation that prevent it from working and that is why it is commented out.

Fixes #155. Even if it doesn't work.
2018-05-11 21:58:10 -06:00

75 lines
2.5 KiB

import { ScalarToWidgetRequest } from "../../models/scalar-widget-actions";
import { ReplaySubject } from "rxjs/ReplaySubject";
import { Subject } from "rxjs/Subject";
export class ScalarWidgetApi {
public static requestReceived: Subject<ScalarToWidgetRequest> = new ReplaySubject();
private static widgetId: string;
private constructor() {
public static setWidgetId(id: string) {
ScalarWidgetApi.widgetId = id;
public static test() {
ScalarWidgetApi.callAction(null, null);
public static replyScreenshot(request: ScalarToWidgetRequest, data: Blob): void {
ScalarWidgetApi.replyEvent(request, {screenshot: data});
public static replySupportedVersions(request: ScalarToWidgetRequest, versions: string[]): void {
ScalarWidgetApi.replyEvent(request, {supported_versions: versions});
public static replyCapabilities(request: ScalarToWidgetRequest,
capabilities: (
"m.text" | "m.image" | "m.sticker" | "m.capability.screenshot" | "m.capability.request_data" |
"m.capability.request_messages" | "m.capability.room_membership" | string)[]
): void {
ScalarWidgetApi.replyEvent(request, {capabilities: capabilities});
public static replyError(request: ScalarToWidgetRequest, error: Error, message: string = null): void {
ScalarWidgetApi.replyEvent(request, {error: {message: message || error.message, error: error}});
private static callAction(action, payload) {
if (!window.opener) {
let request = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payload));
request["api"] = "fromWidget";
request["widgetId"] = ScalarWidgetApi.widgetId;
request["action"] = action;
window.opener.postMessage(request, "*");
private static replyEvent(request: ScalarToWidgetRequest, payload) {
if (!window.opener) {
let response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payload));
let requestClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(request));
requestClone["response"] = response;
window.opener.postMessage(requestClone, "*");
// Register the event listener here to ensure it gets created
window.addEventListener("message", event => {
if (! return;
if ( === "toWidget" && {;