import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { BridgeComponent } from "../bridge.component"; import { ScalarClientApiService } from "../../../shared/services/scalar/scalar-client-api.service"; import { DomSanitizer, SafeUrl } from "@angular/platform-browser"; import { TranslateService } from "@ngx-translate/core"; import { FE_HookshotGithubConnection, FE_HookshotGithubRepo } from "../../../shared/models/hookshot_github"; import { HookshotGithubApiService } from "../../../shared/services/integrations/hookshot-github-api.service"; interface HookshotConfig { botUserId: string; connections: FE_HookshotGithubConnection[]; } @Component({ templateUrl: "hookshot-github.bridge.component.html", styleUrls: ["hookshot-github.bridge.component.scss"], }) export class HookshotGithubBridgeConfigComponent extends BridgeComponent implements OnInit { public isBusy: boolean; public authUrl: SafeUrl; public orgAuthUrl: SafeUrl; public loadingConnections = true; public bridgedRepoSlug: string; public orgEditAuthUrl: SafeUrl; public orgAddAuthUrl: SafeUrl; public orgs: string[] = []; public orgId: string; public repos: string[] = []; public repoId: string; private timerId: any; private orgToRepoMap: Record = {}; private limitedOrgs: string[] = []; constructor(private hookshot: HookshotGithubApiService, private scalar: ScalarClientApiService, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer, public translate: TranslateService) { super("hookshot_github", translate); this.translate = translate; } public ngOnInit() { super.ngOnInit(); this.loadingConnections = true; this.tryLoadOrgs(); this.hookshot.getAuthUrls().then(urls => { this.orgAddAuthUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(urls.orgUrl); }); } private tryOrgAuth() { this.hookshot.getAuthUrls().then(urls => { this.orgAuthUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(urls.orgUrl); this.loadingConnections = false; this.timerId = setTimeout(() => { this.tryLoadOrgs(); }, 1000); }); } private tryLoadOrgs() { this.hookshot.getKnownRepos().then(r => { this.authUrl = null; if (r.length <= 0) { this.tryOrgAuth(); return; } this.orgToRepoMap = {}; for (const repo of r) { if (!this.orgToRepoMap[repo.owner]) { this.orgToRepoMap[repo.owner] = []; } this.orgToRepoMap[repo.owner].push(repo); console.log(repo); } this.orgs = Object.keys(this.orgToRepoMap); this.orgId = this.orgs[0]; this.orgAuthUrl = null; this.loadRepos(); if (this.timerId) { clearTimeout(this.timerId); } }).catch(e => { if (e.status === 403 && e.error.dim_errcode === "T2B_NOT_LOGGED_IN") { this.hookshot.getAuthUrls().then(urls => { this.authUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(urls.userUrl); this.loadingConnections = false; this.timerId = setTimeout(() => { this.tryLoadOrgs(); }, 1000); }); } else if (e.status === 400 && e.error.dim_errcode === "T2B_MISSING_AUTH") { this.tryOrgAuth(); } else { console.error(e); this.translate.get('Error getting Github information').subscribe((res: string) => { this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); } }); } public loadRepos() { this.isBusy = true; this.repos = this.orgToRepoMap[this.orgId].map(r =>; this.repoId = this.repos[0]; if (this.isBridged) { const conn = this.bridge.config.connections[0].config; this.bridgedRepoSlug = `${}/${conn.repo}`; } this.isBusy = false; this.loadingConnections = false; } public get isBridged(): boolean { return this.bridge.config.connections.length > 0; } public async bridgeRoom(): Promise { this.isBusy = true; try { await this.scalar.inviteUser(this.roomId, this.bridge.config.botUserId); } catch (e) { if (!e.response || !e.response.error || !e.response.error._error || e.response.error._error.message.indexOf("already in the room") === -1) { this.isBusy = false; this.translate.get('Error inviting bridge').subscribe((res: string) => { this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); return; } } await this.scalar.setUserPowerLevel(this.roomId, this.bridge.config.botUserId, 50); this.hookshot.bridgeRoom(this.roomId, this.orgId, this.repoId).then(conn => { this.bridge.config.connections.push(conn); this.isBusy = false; this.translate.get('Bridge requested').subscribe((res: string) => { this.toaster.pop("success", res); }); }).catch(error => { this.isBusy = false; console.error(error); this.translate.get('Error requesting bridge').subscribe((res: string) => { this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }); } public unbridgeRoom(): void { this.isBusy = true; this.hookshot.unbridgeRoom(this.roomId).then(() => { this.bridge.config.connections = []; this.isBusy = false; this.translate.get('Bridge removed').subscribe((res: string) => { this.toaster.pop("success", res); }); }).catch(error => { this.isBusy = false; console.error(error); this.translate.get('Error removing bridge').subscribe((res: string) => { this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }); } }