import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { BridgeComponent } from "../bridge.component"; import { FE_IrcBridgeAvailableNetworks } from "../../../shared/models/irc"; import { IrcApiService } from "../../../shared/services/integrations/irc-api.service"; import { TranslateService } from "@ngx-translate/core"; interface IrcConfig { availableNetworks: FE_IrcBridgeAvailableNetworks; links: { [networkId: string]: { channelName: string; }[]; }; } interface LocalChannel { name: string; networkId: string; networkName: string; pending: boolean; } @Component({ templateUrl: "irc.bridge.component.html", styleUrls: ["irc.bridge.component.scss"], }) export class IrcBridgeConfigComponent extends BridgeComponent { public loadingOps = false; public requestingBridge = false; public channelStep = 1; public networkId: string; public channel = ""; public ops: string[]; public op: string; public pending: LocalChannel[] = []; constructor(private irc: IrcApiService, public translate: TranslateService) { super("irc", translate); this.translate = translate; } private resetForm() { this.networkId = this.getNetworks()[0].id; = ""; this.ops = []; this.channelStep = 1; } public getNetworks(): { id: string, name: string }[] { const ids = Object.keys(this.bridge.config.availableNetworks); if (!this.networkId) setTimeout(() => this.networkId = ids[0], 0); return => { return {id: i, name: this.bridge.config.availableNetworks[i].name}; }); } public loadOps() { if (! { this.translate.get('Please enter a channel name').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("warning", res); }); return; } this.loadingOps = true; this.irc.getOperators(this.networkId, => { this.ops = ops; this.op = ops[0]; this.loadingOps = false; this.channelStep = 2; }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.loadingOps = false; this.translate.get('Error loading channel operators').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }); } public async requestBridge() { this.requestingBridge = true; const bridgeUserId = this.bridge.config.availableNetworks[this.networkId].bridgeUserId; const memberEvent = await this.scalarClientApi.getMembershipState(this.roomId, bridgeUserId); const isJoined = memberEvent && memberEvent.response && ["join", "invite"].indexOf(memberEvent.response.membership) !== -1; if (!isJoined) await this.scalarClientApi.inviteUser(this.roomId, bridgeUserId); try { await this.scalarClientApi.setUserPowerLevel(this.roomId, bridgeUserId, 100); } catch (err) { console.error(err); this.requestingBridge = false; this.translate.get(['Failed to make the bridge an administrator', 'Please ensure you are an \'Admin\' for the room']).subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("error", res[0], res[1]); }); return; } this.irc.requestLink(this.roomId, this.networkId,, this.op).then(() => { this.requestingBridge = false; this.pending.push({ name:, networkId: this.networkId, networkName: this.bridge.config.availableNetworks[this.networkId].name, pending: true, }); this.resetForm(); this.translate.get(['Link requested!', 'The operator selected will have to approve the bridge for it to work']).subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("success", res[0], res[1]); }); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.requestingBridge = false; this.translate.get('Failed to request a link').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }); } public getChannels(): LocalChannel[] { const channels: LocalChannel[] = []; this.pending.forEach(p => channels.push(p)); for (const networkId of Object.keys(this.bridge.config.links)) { const network = this.bridge.config.availableNetworks[networkId]; for (const channel of this.bridge.config.links[networkId]) { channels.push({ networkId: networkId, networkName:, name: channel.channelName, pending: false, }); } } return channels; } public removeChannel(channel: LocalChannel) { this.isUpdating = true; this.irc.removeLink(this.roomId, channel.networkId, => { this.isUpdating = false; const idx = this.bridge.config.links[channel.networkId].findIndex(c => c.channelName ===; if (idx !== -1) this.bridge.config.links[channel.networkId].splice(idx, 1); this.translate.get('Link removed').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("success", res); }); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.translate.get('Failed to remove link').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }); } }