import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router"; import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription"; import { ScalarWidgetApi } from "../../shared/services/scalar/scalar-widget.api"; import { CapableWidget } from "../capable-widget"; import { DomSanitizer, SafeUrl } from "@angular/platform-browser"; import { BigBlueButtonApiService } from "../../shared/services/integrations/bigbluebutton-api.service"; import { FE_BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeeting, FE_BigBlueButtonJoin, } from "../../shared/models/integration"; import { TranslateService } from "@ngx-translate/core"; @Component({ selector: "my-bigbluebutton-widget-wrapper", templateUrl: "bigbluebutton.component.html", styleUrls: ["bigbluebutton.component.scss"], }) export class BigBlueButtonWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implements OnInit, OnDestroy { public canEmbed = true; /** * User metadata passed to us by the client */ private conferenceUrl: string; private displayName: string; private userId: string; private avatarUrl: string; private meetingId: string; private meetingPassword: string; /** * * The name to join the BigBlueButton meeting with. Made up of metadata the client passes to us. */ private joinName: string; /** * Whether we expect the meeting to be created on command. * * True if we'd like the meeting to be created, false if we have a greenlight URL leading to an existing meeting * and would like Dimension to translate that to a BigBlueButton meeting URL. */ private createMeeting: boolean; /** * The ID of the room, required if createMeeting is true. */ private roomId: string; /** * The poll period in ms while waiting for a meeting to start */ private pollIntervalMillis = 5000; /** * Subscriber for messages from the client via the postMessage API */ private bigBlueButtonApiSubscription: Subscription; /** * A status message to display to the user in the widget, typically for loading messages */ public statusMessage: string; /** * Whether we are currently in a meeting */ private inMeeting = false; /** * The URL to embed into the iframe */ public embedUrl: SafeUrl = null; constructor( activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private bigBlueButtonApi: BigBlueButtonApiService, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer, public translate: TranslateService ) { super(); this.supportsAlwaysOnScreen = true; const params: any = activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParams; this.roomId = params.roomId; this.createMeeting = params.createMeeting; this.conferenceUrl = params.conferenceUrl; this.displayName = params.displayName; this.avatarUrl = params.avatarUrl; this.meetingId = params.meetingId; this.meetingPassword = params.meetingPassword; this.userId = params.userId ||; // Element uses `email` when placing a conference call // Create a nick to display in the meeting this.joinName = `${this.displayName} (${this.userId})`; console.log("BigBlueButton: should create meeting: " + this.createMeeting); console.log("BigBlueButton: will join as: " + this.joinName); console.log("BigBlueButton: got room ID: " + this.roomId); // Set the widget ID if we have it ScalarWidgetApi.widgetId = params.widgetId; } public ngOnInit() { super.ngOnInit(); } public onIframeLoad() { if (this.inMeeting) { // The meeting has ended and we've come back full circle this.inMeeting = false; this.statusMessage = null; this.embedUrl = null; ScalarWidgetApi.sendSetAlwaysOnScreen(false); return; } // Have a toggle for whether we're in a meeting. We do this as we don't have a method // of checking which URL was just loaded in the iframe (due to different origin domains // and browser security), so we have to guess that it'll always be the second load (the // first being joining the meeting) this.inMeeting = true; // We've successfully joined the meeting ScalarWidgetApi.sendSetAlwaysOnScreen(true); } public joinConference(updateStatusMessage = true) { if (updateStatusMessage) { // Inform the user that we're loading their meeting this.statusMessage = "Joining conference..."; } // Make a request to Dimension requesting the join URL if (this.createMeeting) { // Ask Dimension to return a URL for joining a meeting that it created this.joinThroughDimension(); } else { // Provide Dimension with a Greenlight URL, which it will transform into // a BBB meeting URL this.joinThroughGreenlightUrl(); } } // Ask Dimension to create a meeting (or use an existing one) for this room and return the embeddable meeting URL private async joinThroughDimension() { console.log( "BigBlueButton: Joining meeting created by Dimension with meeting ID: " + this.meetingId ); this.bigBlueButtonApi .getJoinUrl( this.displayName, this.userId, this.avatarUrl, this.meetingId, this.meetingPassword ) .then((response) => { console.log("The response"); console.log(response); if ("errorCode" in response) { // This is an instance of ApiError if (response.errorCode === "UNKNOWN_MEETING_ID") { // This meeting ID is invalid. // Inform the user that they should try and start a new meeting this.statusMessage = "This meeting has ended or otherwise does not exist.
Please start a new meeting."; return; } if (response.errorCode === "MEETING_HAS_ENDED") { // It's likely that everyone has left the meeting, and it's been garbage collected. // Inform the user that they should try and start a new meeting this.statusMessage = "This meeting has ended.
Please start a new meeting."; return; } // Otherwise this is a generic error this.statusMessage = "An error occurred while loading the meeting"; } // Retrieve and embed the meeting URL const joinUrl = (response as FE_BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeeting).url; this.embedMeetingWithUrl(joinUrl); }); } // Hand Dimension a Greenlight URL and receive a translated, embeddable meeting URL in response private joinThroughGreenlightUrl() { console.log( "BigBlueButton: joining via greenlight url:", this.conferenceUrl ); this.bigBlueButtonApi .joinMeetingWithGreenlightUrl(this.conferenceUrl, this.joinName) .then((response) => { if ("errorCode" in response) { // This is an instance of ApiError if (response.errorCode === "WAITING_FOR_MEETING_START") { // The meeting hasn't started yet this.statusMessage = "Waiting for conference to start..."; // Poll until it has setTimeout( this.joinConference.bind(this), this.pollIntervalMillis, false ); return; } // Otherwise this is a generic error this.statusMessage = "An error occurred while loading the meeting"; } // Retrieve and embed the meeting URL const joinUrl = (response as FE_BigBlueButtonJoin).url; this.embedMeetingWithUrl(joinUrl); }); } private embedMeetingWithUrl(url: string) { // Hide widget-related UI this.statusMessage = null; // Embed the return meeting URL, joining the meeting this.canEmbed = true; this.embedUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(url); // Inform the client that we would like the meeting to remain visible for its duration ScalarWidgetApi.sendSetAlwaysOnScreen(true); } public ngOnDestroy() { if (this.bigBlueButtonApiSubscription) this.bigBlueButtonApiSubscription.unsubscribe(); } protected onCapabilitiesSent(): void { super.onCapabilitiesSent(); // Don't set alwaysOnScreen until we start a meeting ScalarWidgetApi.sendSetAlwaysOnScreen(false); } }