import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { FE_NebConfiguration } from "../../../shared/models/admin-responses"; import { AdminNebApiService } from "../../../shared/services/admin/admin-neb-api.service"; import { ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router"; import { ToasterService } from "angular2-toaster"; import { FE_Integration } from "../../../shared/models/integration"; import { NEB_HAS_CONFIG, NEB_IS_COMPLEX } from "../../../shared/models/neb"; import { ContainerContent, Modal, overlayConfigFactory } from "ngx-modialog"; import { AdminNebGiphyConfigComponent } from "../config/giphy/giphy.component"; import { NebBotConfigurationDialogContext } from "../config/config-context"; import { AdminNebGuggyConfigComponent } from "../config/guggy/guggy.component"; import { AdminNebGoogleConfigComponent } from "../config/google/google.component"; import { AdminNebImgurConfigComponent } from "../config/imgur/imgur.component"; @Component({ templateUrl: "./edit.component.html", styleUrls: ["./edit.component.scss"], }) export class AdminEditNebComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { public isLoading = true; public isUpdating = false; public isUpstream = false; public nebConfig: FE_NebConfiguration; private subscription: any; private overlappingTypes: string[] = []; constructor(private nebApi: AdminNebApiService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private modal: Modal, private toaster: ToasterService) { } public ngOnInit() { this.subscription = this.route.params.subscribe(params => { this.loadNeb(Number(params["nebId"])); }); } public ngOnDestroy() { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); } public isOverlapping(bot: FE_Integration) { return this.overlappingTypes.indexOf(bot.type) !== -1; } public hasConfig(bot: FE_Integration): boolean { return NEB_HAS_CONFIG.indexOf(bot.type) !== -1 && !this.isUpstream; } public async toggleBot(bot: FE_Integration) { bot.isEnabled = !bot.isEnabled; this.isUpdating = true; try { await this.nebApi.toggleIntegration(, bot.type, bot.isEnabled); this.isUpdating = false; this.toaster.pop("success", "Integration updated"); } catch (err) { console.error(err); bot.isEnabled = !bot.isEnabled; // revert change this.isUpdating = false; this.toaster.pop("error", "Error updating integration"); return; } // Only update the service configuration if if (bot.isEnabled && !this.isUpstream) { if (this.hasConfig(bot)) { this.editBot(bot); } else if (NEB_IS_COMPLEX.indexOf(bot.type) === -1) { try { await this.nebApi.setIntegrationConfiguration(, bot.type, {}); } catch (err) { console.error(err); this.toaster.pop("warning", "Failed to configure the integration", "Manual troubleshooting may be requred"); return; } } } } public editBot(bot: FE_Integration) { let component: ContainerContent; if (bot.type === "giphy") component = AdminNebGiphyConfigComponent; if (bot.type === "guggy") component = AdminNebGuggyConfigComponent; if (bot.type === "google") component = AdminNebGoogleConfigComponent; if (bot.type === "imgur") component = AdminNebImgurConfigComponent; if (!component) throw new Error("No config component for " + bot.type);, overlayConfigFactory({ neb: this.nebConfig, integration: bot, isBlocking: true, size: 'lg', }, NebBotConfigurationDialogContext)); } private loadNeb(nebId: number) { this.isLoading = true; this.nebApi.getConfigurations().then(configs => { const handledTypes: string[] = []; for (const config of configs) { if ( === nebId) { this.nebConfig = config; } else { for (const type of config.integrations) { if (type.isEnabled) handledTypes.push(type.type); } } } this.overlappingTypes = handledTypes; this.isUpstream = !!this.nebConfig.upstreamId; this.isLoading = false; }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.toaster.pop('error', "Could not get go-neb configuration"); }); } }