import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { ToasterService } from "angular2-toaster"; import { FE_CustomSimpleBot } from "../../shared/models/admin-responses"; import { AdminCustomSimpleBotsApiService } from "../../shared/services/admin/admin-custom-simple-bots-api.service"; import { Modal, overlayConfigFactory } from "ngx-modialog"; import { AddCustomBotDialogContext, AdminAddCustomBotComponent } from "./add/add.component"; import { TranslateService } from "@ngx-translate/core"; @Component({ templateUrl: "./custom-bots.component.html", styleUrls: ["./custom-bots.component.scss"], }) export class AdminCustomBotsComponent { public isLoading = true; public bots: FE_CustomSimpleBot[]; public isUpdating = false; constructor(private botApi: AdminCustomSimpleBotsApiService, private toaster: ToasterService, private modal: Modal, public translate: TranslateService) { this.translate = translate; this.reload().then(() => this.isLoading = false).catch(error => { console.error(error); this.translate.get('Error loading go-neb configuration').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }); } private reload(): Promise { return this.botApi.getBots().then(bots => { this.bots = bots; this.isLoading = false; }); } public addBot() {, overlayConfigFactory({ isBlocking: true, size: 'lg', }, AddCustomBotDialogContext)).result.then(() => { this.reload().catch(err => { console.error(err); this.translate.get('Failed to get an updated bot list').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }); }); } public editBot(bot: FE_CustomSimpleBot) {, overlayConfigFactory({ isBlocking: true, size: 'lg', bot: bot, }, AddCustomBotDialogContext)).result.then(() => { this.reload().catch(err => { console.error(err); this.translate.get('Failed to get an updated bot list').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }); }); } public toggleBot(bot: FE_CustomSimpleBot) { this.isUpdating = true; bot.isEnabled = !bot.isEnabled; this.botApi.updateBot(, bot).then(() => { this.isUpdating = false; this.translate.get(['Enabled', 'disabled']).subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("success", "Bot " + (bot.isEnabled ? res[0] : res[1])); }); }).catch(error => { console.error(error); bot.isEnabled = !bot.isEnabled; this.translate.get('Error updating bot').subscribe((res: string) => {this.toaster.pop("error", res); }); }) } }