{{'An open source integration manager for Matrix' | translate}}

{{'Try it out or' | translate}} {{'run your own' | translate}}

{{'Visit' | translate}} element.t2host.io {{'and log in with your Matrix account or point your Element' | translate}} config.json {{'at our servers:' | translate}}

{{ integrationsConfig }}

{{'Widgets' | translate}}

{{'Add utility for everyone in your room by embedding an application.' | translate}}

{{'Notes' | translate}}
Twitch Livestream
Google Docs
{{'Google Calendar' | translate}}
{{'Custom Widget' | translate}}


{{'Bots bring entertainment or productivity to the room. They\'re here to help at your command.' | translate}}

{{'Guggy' | translate}}
{{'Giphy' | translate}}
{{'Imgur' | translate}}
{{'Google Image Search' | translate}}
{{'Wikipedia' | translate}}
{{'Travis CI' | translate}}
{{'RSS Notifications' | translate}}
{{'Echo' | translate}}
{{'Custom Bots' | translate}}


{{'Bring the outside world into your room with bridges.' | translate}}


{{'Stickers' | translate}}

{{'Have some fun and post a sticker.' | translate}}

{{'Huskies' | translate}}
{{'Cats' | translate}}
{{'Cat Faces' | translate}}
{{'Loading Artist' | translate}}

{{'Welcome to Dimension!' | translate}}

{{'Join' | translate}} #dimension:t2bot.io {{'for news and updates. Don\'t forget to star the repository on' | translate}} GitHub.

{{'Here\'s the configuration options you\'ll need to update in your Element' | translate}} config.json:

{{ integrationsConfig }}
{{'The location of' | translate}} config.json {{'differs depending on whether the' | translate}} web {{'or' | translate}} desktop {{'version of Element is used.' | translate}}

{{'Configuring integrations' | translate}}

{{'If everything is set up correctly, you\'ll be able to access the admin area of Dimension by clicking the 3x3 grid in the top right of any room in Element. The gear icon' | translate}} () {{'in the top right is where you can configure your bots, bridges, and widgets.' | translate}}

{{'Could not connect to integrations server error' | translate}}

{{'When Element cannot reach Dimension or Dimension is unable to reach your homeserver an error saying \'Could not contact integrations server\' shows up in every room. Before visiting us in' | translate}} #dimension:t2bot.io {{'on Matrix, here\'s a few things to check:' | translate}}

  • {{'Verify the homeserver configuration in Dimension.' | translate}} {{'The name, client/server URL, and access token all need to be valid and directed at your homeserver.' | translate}}
  • {{'Verify federation is enabled on your homeserver.' | translate}} {{'Even in a private, or non-federated, environment federation needs to be enabled so Dimension can work correctly. Dimension should still work okay if federation on your homeserver is bound to a private interface instead of being public - just be sure to set the federation URL in your configuration.' | translate}}
  • {{'Verify that federation is working on your homeserver.' | translate}} {{'Using tools like the' | translate}} {{'federation tester' | translate}} {{', make sure that federation is working on your homeserver.' | translate}}