import { Injectable, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription"; import { ScalarWidgetApi } from "../shared/services/scalar/scalar-widget.api"; import * as semver from "semver"; import { FE_ScalarOpenIdRequestBody } from "../shared/models/scalar-server-responses"; export const WIDGET_API_VERSION_BASIC = "0.0.1"; export const WIDGET_API_VERSION_OPENID = "0.0.2"; export const WIDGET_API_DIMENSION_VERSIONS = [WIDGET_API_VERSION_BASIC, WIDGET_API_VERSION_OPENID]; export interface OpenIdResponse { openId: FE_ScalarOpenIdRequestBody; blocked: boolean; } @Injectable() export abstract class CapableWidget implements OnInit, OnDestroy { private requestSubscription: Subscription; private responseSubscription: Subscription; private openIdRequest: { resolve: (a: OpenIdResponse) => void } = null; // The capabilities we support protected supportsScreenshots = false; protected supportsStickers = false; protected supportsAlwaysOnScreen = false; // Stuff about the client protected clientWidgetApiVersions = []; public ngOnInit() { this.requestSubscription = ScalarWidgetApi.requestReceived.subscribe(request => { if (request.action === "capabilities") { const capabilities = []; if (this.supportsScreenshots) capabilities.push("m.capability.screenshot"); if (this.supportsStickers) capabilities.push("m.sticker"); if (this.supportsAlwaysOnScreen) capabilities.push("m.always_on_screen"); ScalarWidgetApi.replyCapabilities(request, capabilities); this.onCapabilitiesSent(); } else if (request.action === "supported_api_versions") { ScalarWidgetApi.replySupportedVersions(request, WIDGET_API_DIMENSION_VERSIONS); } else if (request.action === "openid_credentials" && this.openIdRequest) { if ( { this.openIdRequest.resolve({openId:, blocked: false}); } else { this.openIdRequest.resolve({openId: null, blocked: true}); } this.openIdRequest = null; ScalarWidgetApi.replyAcknowledge(request); } }); this.responseSubscription = ScalarWidgetApi.replyReceived.subscribe(request => { if (!request.response) return; if (request.action === "supported_api_versions") { this.clientWidgetApiVersions = request.response.supported_versions || []; this.onSupportedVersionsFound(); } else if (request.action === "get_openid" && this.openIdRequest) { if (request.response.state === "allowed") { this.openIdRequest.resolve({openId: request.response, blocked: false}); this.openIdRequest = null; } else if (request.response.state === "blocked") { this.openIdRequest.resolve({openId: null, blocked: true}); this.openIdRequest = null; } } }); } public ngOnDestroy() { if (this.requestSubscription) this.requestSubscription.unsubscribe(); if (this.responseSubscription) this.responseSubscription.unsubscribe(); } protected onCapabilitiesSent(): void { ScalarWidgetApi.requestSupportedVersions(); } protected onSupportedVersionsFound(): void { // Nothing to do here. } protected doesSupportAtLeastVersion(apiVersion: string): boolean { for (const version of this.clientWidgetApiVersions) { if (semver.satisfies(semver.clean(version), `>=${apiVersion}`)) { return true; } } return false; } protected getOpenIdInfo(): Promise { const promise = new Promise(((resolve, _reject) => { this.openIdRequest = {resolve: resolve}; ScalarWidgetApi.requestOpenID(); })); return promise; } }