import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router"; import * as $ from "jquery"; import { FE_JitsiWidget } from "../../shared/models/integration"; import { WidgetApiService } from "../../shared/services/integrations/widget-api.service"; import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription"; import { ScalarWidgetApi } from "../../shared/services/scalar/scalar-widget.api"; import { CapableWidget } from "../capable-widget"; declare var JitsiMeetExternalAPI: any; @Component({ selector: "my-jitsi-widget-wrapper", templateUrl: "jitsi.component.html", styleUrls: ["jitsi.component.scss"], }) export class JitsiWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implements OnInit, OnDestroy { public isJoined = false; private domain: string; private conferenceId: string; private displayName: string; private avatarUrl: string; private userId: string; private jitsiApiObj: any; private jitsiApiSubscription: Subscription; constructor(activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private widgetApi: WidgetApiService) { super(); this.supportsAlwaysOnScreen = true; let params: any = activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParams; this.domain = params.domain; this.conferenceId = params.confId || params.conferenceId; this.displayName = params.displayName; this.avatarUrl = params.avatarUrl; this.userId = params.userId ||; // Riot uses `email` when placing a conference call } public ngOnInit() { super.ngOnInit(); this.widgetApi.getWidget("jitsi").then(integration => { const widget = integration; $.getScript(widget.options.scriptUrl); if (!this.domain) { // Always fall back to to maintain compatibility with widgets created by Riot. this.domain = widget.options.useDomainAsDefault ? widget.options.jitsiDomain : ""; } }); this.jitsiApiSubscription = ScalarWidgetApi.requestReceived.subscribe(request => { if (!this.isJoined) { return; } switch (request.action) { case "audioToggle": this.jitsiApiObj.executeCommand('toggleAudio'); break; case "audioMute": this.jitsiApiObj.isAudioMuted().then((muted) => { // Toggle audio if Jitsi is not currently muted if (!muted) { this.jitsiApiObj.executeCommand('toggleAudio'); } }); break; case "audioUnmute": this.jitsiApiObj.isAudioMuted().then((muted) => { // Toggle audio if Jitsi is currently muted if (muted) { this.jitsiApiObj.executeCommand('toggleAudio'); } }); break; default: // Unknown command sent return; } ScalarWidgetApi.replyAcknowledge(request); }); } public joinConference() { $(".join-conference-wrapper").hide(); $("#jitsiContainer").show(); this.jitsiApiObj = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(this.domain, { width: "100%", height: "100%", parentNode: document.querySelector("#jitsiContainer"), roomName: this.conferenceId, interfaceConfigOverwrite: { SHOW_JITSI_WATERMARK: false, SHOW_WATERMARK_FOR_GUESTS: false, MAIN_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS: [], VIDEO_LAYOUT_FIT: "height", } }); if (this.displayName) this.jitsiApiObj.executeCommand("displayName", this.displayName); if (this.avatarUrl) this.jitsiApiObj.executeCommand("avatarUrl", this.avatarUrl.toString()); if (this.userId) this.jitsiApiObj.executeCommand("email", this.userId); this.jitsiApiObj.on("readyToClose", () => { this.isJoined = false; $(".join-conference-wrapper").show(); $("#jitsiContainer").hide().html(""); }); this.isJoined = true; } public ngOnDestroy() { if (this.jitsiApiSubscription) this.jitsiApiSubscription.unsubscribe(); } }