2023-11-21 15:29:58 -05:00

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# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
# Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
# <>.
# Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
# <>.
# [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Generic, Iterable, Optional, TypeVar, Union, overload
import attr
from typing_extensions import Literal
from twisted.internet import defer
from synapse.config import cache as cache_config
from synapse.metrics.background_process_metrics import run_as_background_process
from synapse.util import Clock
from synapse.util.caches import EvictionReason, register_cache
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SENTINEL: Any = object()
T = TypeVar("T")
KT = TypeVar("KT")
VT = TypeVar("VT")
class ExpiringCache(Generic[KT, VT]):
def __init__(
cache_name: str,
clock: Clock,
max_len: int = 0,
expiry_ms: int = 0,
reset_expiry_on_get: bool = False,
iterable: bool = False,
cache_name: Name of this cache, used for logging.
max_len: Max size of dict. If the dict grows larger than this
then the oldest items get automatically evicted. Default is 0,
which indicates there is no max limit.
expiry_ms: How long before an item is evicted from the cache
in milliseconds. Default is 0, indicating items never get
evicted based on time.
reset_expiry_on_get: If true, will reset the expiry time for
an item on access. Defaults to False.
iterable: If true, the size is calculated by summing the
sizes of all entries, rather than the number of entries.
self._cache_name = cache_name
self._original_max_size = max_len
self._max_size = int(max_len *
self._clock = clock
self._expiry_ms = expiry_ms
self._reset_expiry_on_get = reset_expiry_on_get
self._cache: OrderedDict[KT, _CacheEntry[VT]] = OrderedDict()
self.iterable = iterable
self.metrics = register_cache("expiring", cache_name, self)
if not self._expiry_ms:
# Don't bother starting the loop if things never expire
def f() -> "defer.Deferred[None]":
return run_as_background_process("prune_cache", self._prune_cache)
self._clock.looping_call(f, self._expiry_ms / 2)
def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
now = self._clock.time_msec()
self._cache[key] = _CacheEntry(now, value)
def evict(self) -> None:
# Evict if there are now too many items
while self._max_size and len(self) > self._max_size:
_key, value = self._cache.popitem(last=False)
if self.iterable:
# type-ignore, here and below: if self.iterable is true, then the value
# type VT should be Sized (i.e. have a __len__ method). We don't enforce
# this via the type system at present.
self.metrics.inc_evictions(EvictionReason.size, len(value.value)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
entry = self._cache[key]
except KeyError:
if self._reset_expiry_on_get:
entry.time = self._clock.time_msec()
return entry.value
def pop(self, key: KT, default: T = SENTINEL) -> Union[VT, T]:
"""Removes and returns the value with the given key from the cache.
If the key isn't in the cache then `default` will be returned if
specified, otherwise `KeyError` will get raised.
Identical functionality to `dict.pop(..)`.
value = self._cache.pop(key, SENTINEL)
# The key was not found.
if value is SENTINEL:
if default is SENTINEL:
raise KeyError(key)
return default
if self.iterable:
self.metrics.inc_evictions(EvictionReason.invalidation, len(value.value)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
return value.value
def __contains__(self, key: KT) -> bool:
return key in self._cache
def get(self, key: KT, default: Literal[None] = None) -> Optional[VT]:
def get(self, key: KT, default: T) -> Union[VT, T]:
def get(self, key: KT, default: Optional[T] = None) -> Union[VT, Optional[T]]:
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return default
def setdefault(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> VT:
return self[key]
except KeyError:
self[key] = value
return value
async def _prune_cache(self) -> None:
if not self._expiry_ms:
# zero expiry time means don't expire. This should never get called
# since we have this check in start too.
begin_length = len(self)
now = self._clock.time_msec()
keys_to_delete = set()
for key, cache_entry in self._cache.items():
if now - cache_entry.time > self._expiry_ms:
for k in keys_to_delete:
value = self._cache.pop(k)
if self.iterable:
self.metrics.inc_evictions(EvictionReason.time, len(value.value)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
"[%s] _prune_cache before: %d, after len: %d",
def __len__(self) -> int:
if self.iterable:
g: Iterable[int] = (len(entry.value) for entry in self._cache.values()) # type: ignore[arg-type]
return sum(g)
return len(self._cache)
def set_cache_factor(self, factor: float) -> bool:
Set the cache factor for this individual cache.
This will trigger a resize if it changes, which may require evicting
items from the cache.
Whether the cache changed size or not.
new_size = int(self._original_max_size * factor)
if new_size != self._max_size:
self._max_size = new_size
return True
return False
@attr.s(slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
class _CacheEntry(Generic[VT]):
time: int
value: VT