mirror of
synced 2024-10-01 01:36:05 -04:00
This looks like it got half-killed back in #888. Fixes #6567.
335 lines
13 KiB
335 lines
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014, 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Dict, List
from synapse.python_dependencies import DependencyException, check_requirements
from synapse.util.module_loader import load_module
from ._base import Config, ConfigError
{"width": 32, "height": 32, "method": "crop"},
{"width": 96, "height": 96, "method": "crop"},
{"width": 320, "height": 240, "method": "scale"},
{"width": 640, "height": 480, "method": "scale"},
{"width": 800, "height": 600, "method": "scale"},
# - width: %(width)i
# height: %(height)i
# method: %(method)s
ThumbnailRequirement = namedtuple(
"ThumbnailRequirement", ["width", "height", "method", "media_type"]
MediaStorageProviderConfig = namedtuple(
"store_local", # Whether to store newly uploaded local files
"store_remote", # Whether to store newly downloaded remote files
"store_synchronous", # Whether to wait for successful storage for local uploads
def parse_thumbnail_requirements(thumbnail_sizes):
""" Takes a list of dictionaries with "width", "height", and "method" keys
and creates a map from image media types to the thumbnail size, thumbnailing
method, and thumbnail media type to precalculate
thumbnail_sizes(list): List of dicts with "width", "height", and
"method" keys
Dictionary mapping from media type string to list of
ThumbnailRequirement tuples.
requirements = {} # type: Dict[str, List]
for size in thumbnail_sizes:
width = size["width"]
height = size["height"]
method = size["method"]
jpeg_thumbnail = ThumbnailRequirement(width, height, method, "image/jpeg")
png_thumbnail = ThumbnailRequirement(width, height, method, "image/png")
requirements.setdefault("image/jpeg", []).append(jpeg_thumbnail)
requirements.setdefault("image/gif", []).append(png_thumbnail)
requirements.setdefault("image/png", []).append(png_thumbnail)
return {
media_type: tuple(thumbnails) for media_type, thumbnails in requirements.items()
class ContentRepositoryConfig(Config):
section = "media"
def read_config(self, config, **kwargs):
# Only enable the media repo if either the media repo is enabled or the
# current worker app is the media repo.
if (
self.enable_media_repo is False
and config.get("worker_app") != "synapse.app.media_repository"
self.can_load_media_repo = False
self.can_load_media_repo = True
self.max_upload_size = self.parse_size(config.get("max_upload_size", "10M"))
self.max_image_pixels = self.parse_size(config.get("max_image_pixels", "32M"))
self.max_spider_size = self.parse_size(config.get("max_spider_size", "10M"))
self.media_store_path = self.ensure_directory(
config.get("media_store_path", "media_store")
backup_media_store_path = config.get("backup_media_store_path")
synchronous_backup_media_store = config.get(
"synchronous_backup_media_store", False
storage_providers = config.get("media_storage_providers", [])
if backup_media_store_path:
if storage_providers:
raise ConfigError(
"Cannot use both 'backup_media_store_path' and 'storage_providers'"
storage_providers = [
"module": "file_system",
"store_local": True,
"store_synchronous": synchronous_backup_media_store,
"store_remote": True,
"config": {"directory": backup_media_store_path},
# This is a list of config that can be used to create the storage
# providers. The entries are tuples of (Class, class_config,
# MediaStorageProviderConfig), where Class is the class of the provider,
# the class_config the config to pass to it, and
# MediaStorageProviderConfig are options for StorageProviderWrapper.
# We don't create the storage providers here as not all workers need
# them to be started.
self.media_storage_providers = [] # type: List[tuple]
for provider_config in storage_providers:
# We special case the module "file_system" so as not to need to
# expose FileStorageProviderBackend
if provider_config["module"] == "file_system":
provider_config["module"] = (
provider_class, parsed_config = load_module(provider_config)
wrapper_config = MediaStorageProviderConfig(
provider_config.get("store_local", False),
provider_config.get("store_remote", False),
provider_config.get("store_synchronous", False),
(provider_class, parsed_config, wrapper_config)
self.dynamic_thumbnails = config.get("dynamic_thumbnails", False)
self.thumbnail_requirements = parse_thumbnail_requirements(
config.get("thumbnail_sizes", DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_SIZES)
self.url_preview_enabled = config.get("url_preview_enabled", False)
if self.url_preview_enabled:
except DependencyException as e:
raise ConfigError(e.message)
if "url_preview_ip_range_blacklist" not in config:
raise ConfigError(
"For security, you must specify an explicit target IP address "
"blacklist in url_preview_ip_range_blacklist for url previewing "
"to work"
# netaddr is a dependency for url_preview
from netaddr import IPSet
self.url_preview_ip_range_blacklist = IPSet(
# we always blacklist '' and '::', which are supposed to be
# unroutable addresses.
self.url_preview_ip_range_blacklist.update(["", "::"])
self.url_preview_ip_range_whitelist = IPSet(
config.get("url_preview_ip_range_whitelist", ())
self.url_preview_url_blacklist = config.get("url_preview_url_blacklist", ())
def generate_config_section(self, data_dir_path, **kwargs):
media_store = os.path.join(data_dir_path, "media_store")
uploads_path = os.path.join(data_dir_path, "uploads")
formatted_thumbnail_sizes = "".join(
# strip final NL
formatted_thumbnail_sizes = formatted_thumbnail_sizes[:-1]
return (
## Media Store ##
# Enable the media store service in the Synapse master. Uncomment the
# following if you are using a separate media store worker.
#enable_media_repo: false
# Directory where uploaded images and attachments are stored.
media_store_path: "%(media_store)s"
# Media storage providers allow media to be stored in different
# locations.
# - module: file_system
# # Whether to write new local files.
# store_local: false
# # Whether to write new remote media
# store_remote: false
# # Whether to block upload requests waiting for write to this
# # provider to complete
# store_synchronous: false
# config:
# directory: /mnt/some/other/directory
# The largest allowed upload size in bytes
#max_upload_size: 10M
# Maximum number of pixels that will be thumbnailed
#max_image_pixels: 32M
# Whether to generate new thumbnails on the fly to precisely match
# the resolution requested by the client. If true then whenever
# a new resolution is requested by the client the server will
# generate a new thumbnail. If false the server will pick a thumbnail
# from a precalculated list.
#dynamic_thumbnails: false
# List of thumbnails to precalculate when an image is uploaded.
# Is the preview URL API enabled?
# 'false' by default: uncomment the following to enable it (and specify a
# url_preview_ip_range_blacklist blacklist).
#url_preview_enabled: true
# List of IP address CIDR ranges that the URL preview spider is denied
# from accessing. There are no defaults: you must explicitly
# specify a list for URL previewing to work. You should specify any
# internal services in your network that you do not want synapse to try
# to connect to, otherwise anyone in any Matrix room could cause your
# synapse to issue arbitrary GET requests to your internal services,
# causing serious security issues.
# ( and :: are always blacklisted, whether or not they are explicitly
# listed here, since they correspond to unroutable addresses.)
# This must be specified if url_preview_enabled is set. It is recommended that
# you uncomment the following list as a starting point.
# - ''
# - ''
# - ''
# - ''
# - ''
# - ''
# - '::1/128'
# - 'fe80::/64'
# - 'fc00::/7'
# List of IP address CIDR ranges that the URL preview spider is allowed
# to access even if they are specified in url_preview_ip_range_blacklist.
# This is useful for specifying exceptions to wide-ranging blacklisted
# target IP ranges - e.g. for enabling URL previews for a specific private
# website only visible in your network.
# - ''
# Optional list of URL matches that the URL preview spider is
# denied from accessing. You should use url_preview_ip_range_blacklist
# in preference to this, otherwise someone could define a public DNS
# entry that points to a private IP address and circumvent the blacklist.
# This is more useful if you know there is an entire shape of URL that
# you know that will never want synapse to try to spider.
# Each list entry is a dictionary of url component attributes as returned
# by urlparse.urlsplit as applied to the absolute form of the URL. See
# https://docs.python.org/2/library/urlparse.html#urlparse.urlsplit
# The values of the dictionary are treated as an filename match pattern
# applied to that component of URLs, unless they start with a ^ in which
# case they are treated as a regular expression match. If all the
# specified component matches for a given list item succeed, the URL is
# blacklisted.
# # blacklist any URL with a username in its URI
# - username: '*'
# # blacklist all *.google.com URLs
# - netloc: 'google.com'
# - netloc: '*.google.com'
# # blacklist all plain HTTP URLs
# - scheme: 'http'
# # blacklist http(s)://www.acme.com/foo
# - netloc: 'www.acme.com'
# path: '/foo'
# # blacklist any URL with a literal IPv4 address
# - netloc: '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$'
# The largest allowed URL preview spidering size in bytes
#max_spider_size: 10M
% locals()