# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import random import time import attr from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.web.client import RedirectAgent, readBody from twisted.web.http import stringToDatetime from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers from synapse.logging.context import make_deferred_yieldable from synapse.util import Clock, json_decoder from synapse.util.caches.ttlcache import TTLCache from synapse.util.metrics import Measure # period to cache .well-known results for by default WELL_KNOWN_DEFAULT_CACHE_PERIOD = 24 * 3600 # jitter factor to add to the .well-known default cache ttls WELL_KNOWN_DEFAULT_CACHE_PERIOD_JITTER = 0.1 # period to cache failure to fetch .well-known for WELL_KNOWN_INVALID_CACHE_PERIOD = 1 * 3600 # period to cache failure to fetch .well-known if there has recently been a # valid well-known for that domain. WELL_KNOWN_DOWN_CACHE_PERIOD = 2 * 60 # period to remember there was a valid well-known after valid record expires WELL_KNOWN_REMEMBER_DOMAIN_HAD_VALID = 2 * 3600 # cap for .well-known cache period WELL_KNOWN_MAX_CACHE_PERIOD = 48 * 3600 # lower bound for .well-known cache period WELL_KNOWN_MIN_CACHE_PERIOD = 5 * 60 # Attempt to refetch a cached well-known N% of the TTL before it expires. # e.g. if set to 0.2 and we have a cached entry with a TTL of 5mins, then # we'll start trying to refetch 1 minute before it expires. WELL_KNOWN_GRACE_PERIOD_FACTOR = 0.2 # Number of times we retry fetching a well-known for a domain we know recently # had a valid entry. WELL_KNOWN_RETRY_ATTEMPTS = 3 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _well_known_cache = TTLCache("well-known") _had_valid_well_known_cache = TTLCache("had-valid-well-known") @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True) class WellKnownLookupResult(object): delegated_server = attr.ib() class WellKnownResolver(object): """Handles well-known lookups for matrix servers. """ def __init__( self, reactor, agent, user_agent, well_known_cache=None, had_well_known_cache=None, ): self._reactor = reactor self._clock = Clock(reactor) if well_known_cache is None: well_known_cache = _well_known_cache if had_well_known_cache is None: had_well_known_cache = _had_valid_well_known_cache self._well_known_cache = well_known_cache self._had_valid_well_known_cache = had_well_known_cache self._well_known_agent = RedirectAgent(agent) self.user_agent = user_agent @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_well_known(self, server_name): """Attempt to fetch and parse a .well-known file for the given server Args: server_name (bytes): name of the server, from the requested url Returns: Deferred[WellKnownLookupResult]: The result of the lookup """ try: prev_result, expiry, ttl = self._well_known_cache.get_with_expiry( server_name ) now = self._clock.time() if now < expiry - WELL_KNOWN_GRACE_PERIOD_FACTOR * ttl: return WellKnownLookupResult(delegated_server=prev_result) except KeyError: prev_result = None # TODO: should we linearise so that we don't end up doing two .well-known # requests for the same server in parallel? try: with Measure(self._clock, "get_well_known"): result, cache_period = yield self._fetch_well_known(server_name) except _FetchWellKnownFailure as e: if prev_result and e.temporary: # This is a temporary failure and we have a still valid cached # result, so lets return that. Hopefully the next time we ask # the remote will be back up again. return WellKnownLookupResult(delegated_server=prev_result) result = None if self._had_valid_well_known_cache.get(server_name, False): # We have recently seen a valid well-known record for this # server, so we cache the lack of well-known for a shorter time. cache_period = WELL_KNOWN_DOWN_CACHE_PERIOD else: cache_period = WELL_KNOWN_INVALID_CACHE_PERIOD # add some randomness to the TTL to avoid a stampeding herd cache_period *= random.uniform( 1 - WELL_KNOWN_DEFAULT_CACHE_PERIOD_JITTER, 1 + WELL_KNOWN_DEFAULT_CACHE_PERIOD_JITTER, ) if cache_period > 0: self._well_known_cache.set(server_name, result, cache_period) return WellKnownLookupResult(delegated_server=result) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _fetch_well_known(self, server_name): """Actually fetch and parse a .well-known, without checking the cache Args: server_name (bytes): name of the server, from the requested url Raises: _FetchWellKnownFailure if we fail to lookup a result Returns: Deferred[Tuple[bytes,int]]: The lookup result and cache period. """ had_valid_well_known = self._had_valid_well_known_cache.get(server_name, False) # We do this in two steps to differentiate between possibly transient # errors (e.g. can't connect to host, 503 response) and more permenant # errors (such as getting a 404 response). response, body = yield self._make_well_known_request( server_name, retry=had_valid_well_known ) try: if response.code != 200: raise Exception("Non-200 response %s" % (response.code,)) parsed_body = json_decoder.decode(body.decode("utf-8")) logger.info("Response from .well-known: %s", parsed_body) result = parsed_body["m.server"].encode("ascii") except defer.CancelledError: # Bail if we've been cancelled raise except Exception as e: logger.info("Error parsing well-known for %s: %s", server_name, e) raise _FetchWellKnownFailure(temporary=False) cache_period = _cache_period_from_headers( response.headers, time_now=self._reactor.seconds ) if cache_period is None: cache_period = WELL_KNOWN_DEFAULT_CACHE_PERIOD # add some randomness to the TTL to avoid a stampeding herd every 24 hours # after startup cache_period *= random.uniform( 1 - WELL_KNOWN_DEFAULT_CACHE_PERIOD_JITTER, 1 + WELL_KNOWN_DEFAULT_CACHE_PERIOD_JITTER, ) else: cache_period = min(cache_period, WELL_KNOWN_MAX_CACHE_PERIOD) cache_period = max(cache_period, WELL_KNOWN_MIN_CACHE_PERIOD) # We got a success, mark as such in the cache self._had_valid_well_known_cache.set( server_name, bool(result), cache_period + WELL_KNOWN_REMEMBER_DOMAIN_HAD_VALID, ) return result, cache_period @defer.inlineCallbacks def _make_well_known_request(self, server_name, retry): """Make the well known request. This will retry the request if requested and it fails (with unable to connect or receives a 5xx error). Args: server_name (bytes) retry (bool): Whether to retry the request if it fails. Returns: Deferred[tuple[IResponse, bytes]] Returns the response object and body. Response may be a non-200 response. """ uri = b"https://%s/.well-known/matrix/server" % (server_name,) uri_str = uri.decode("ascii") headers = { b"User-Agent": [self.user_agent], } i = 0 while True: i += 1 logger.info("Fetching %s", uri_str) try: response = yield make_deferred_yieldable( self._well_known_agent.request( b"GET", uri, headers=Headers(headers) ) ) body = yield make_deferred_yieldable(readBody(response)) if 500 <= response.code < 600: raise Exception("Non-200 response %s" % (response.code,)) return response, body except defer.CancelledError: # Bail if we've been cancelled raise except Exception as e: if not retry or i >= WELL_KNOWN_RETRY_ATTEMPTS: logger.info("Error fetching %s: %s", uri_str, e) raise _FetchWellKnownFailure(temporary=True) logger.info("Error fetching %s: %s. Retrying", uri_str, e) # Sleep briefly in the hopes that they come back up yield self._clock.sleep(0.5) def _cache_period_from_headers(headers, time_now=time.time): cache_controls = _parse_cache_control(headers) if b"no-store" in cache_controls: return 0 if b"max-age" in cache_controls: try: max_age = int(cache_controls[b"max-age"]) return max_age except ValueError: pass expires = headers.getRawHeaders(b"expires") if expires is not None: try: expires_date = stringToDatetime(expires[-1]) return expires_date - time_now() except ValueError: # RFC7234 says 'A cache recipient MUST interpret invalid date formats, # especially the value "0", as representing a time in the past (i.e., # "already expired"). return 0 return None def _parse_cache_control(headers): cache_controls = {} for hdr in headers.getRawHeaders(b"cache-control", []): for directive in hdr.split(b","): splits = [x.strip() for x in directive.split(b"=", 1)] k = splits[0].lower() v = splits[1] if len(splits) > 1 else None cache_controls[k] = v return cache_controls @attr.s() class _FetchWellKnownFailure(Exception): # True if we didn't get a non-5xx HTTP response, i.e. this may or may not be # a temporary failure. temporary = attr.ib()