describe('MatrixService', function() { var scope, httpBackend; var BASE = ""; var PREFIX = "/_matrix/client/api/v1"; var URL = BASE + PREFIX; var roomId = "!"; var CONFIG = { access_token: "foobar", homeserver: BASE }; beforeEach(module('matrixService')); beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $httpBackend) { httpBackend = $httpBackend; scope = $rootScope; })); afterEach(function() { httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(); httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest(); }); it('should be able to POST /createRoom with an alias', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var alias = "flibble"; matrixService.create(alias).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPOST(URL + "/createRoom?access_token=foobar", { room_alias_name: alias }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to GET /initialSync', inject(function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var limit = 15; matrixService.initialSync(limit).then(function(response) { expect([]); }); httpBackend.expectGET( URL + "/initialSync?access_token=foobar&limit=15") .respond([]); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to GET /rooms/$roomid/state', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); matrixService.roomState(roomId).then(function(response) { expect([]); }); httpBackend.expectGET( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/state?access_token=foobar") .respond([]); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to POST /join', inject(function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); matrixService.joinAlias(roomId).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPOST( URL + "/join/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "?access_token=foobar", {}) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to POST /rooms/$roomid/join', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); matrixService.join(roomId).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPOST( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/join?access_token=foobar", {}) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to POST /rooms/$roomid/invite', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var inviteUserId = ""; matrixService.invite(roomId, inviteUserId).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPOST( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/invite?access_token=foobar", { user_id: inviteUserId }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to POST /rooms/$roomid/leave', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); matrixService.leave(roomId).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPOST( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/leave?access_token=foobar", {}) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to POST /rooms/$roomid/ban', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var userId = ""; var reason = "Because."; matrixService.ban(roomId, userId, reason).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPOST( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/ban?access_token=foobar", { user_id: userId, reason: reason }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to GET /directory/room/$alias', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var alias = ""; var roomId = "!"; matrixService.resolveRoomAlias(alias).then(function(response) { expect({ room_id: roomId }); }); httpBackend.expectGET( URL + "/directory/room/" + encodeURIComponent(alias) + "?access_token=foobar") .respond({ room_id: roomId }); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to send', inject(function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var name = "Room Name"; matrixService.setName(roomId, name).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/state/", { name: name }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to send', inject(function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var topic = "A room topic can go here."; matrixService.setTopic(roomId, topic).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/state/", { topic: topic }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to send generic state events without a state key', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var eventType = ""; var content = { testing: "1 2 3" }; matrixService.sendStateEvent(roomId, eventType, content).then( function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/state/" + encodeURIComponent(eventType) + "?access_token=foobar", content) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); // TODO: Skipped since the webclient is purposefully broken so as not to // 500 xit('should be able to send generic state events with a state key', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var eventType = ""; var content = { testing: "1 2 3" }; var stateKey = "version:1"; matrixService.sendStateEvent(roomId, eventType, content, stateKey).then( function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/state/" + encodeURIComponent(eventType) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(stateKey)+ "?access_token=foobar", content) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to PUT generic events ', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var eventType = ""; var txnId = "42"; var content = { testing: "1 2 3" }; matrixService.sendEvent(roomId, eventType, txnId, content).then( function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/send/" + encodeURIComponent(eventType) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(txnId)+ "?access_token=foobar", content) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to PUT text messages ', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var body = "ABC 123"; matrixService.sendTextMessage(roomId, body).then( function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT( new RegExp(URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/send/*)" + "?access_token=foobar"), { body: body, msgtype: "m.text" }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to PUT emote messages ', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var body = "ABC 123"; matrixService.sendEmoteMessage(roomId, body).then( function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT( new RegExp(URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/send/*)" + "?access_token=foobar"), { body: body, msgtype: "m.emote" }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to POST redactions', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var eventId = ""; matrixService.redactEvent(roomId, eventId).then( function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPOST(URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/redact/" + encodeURIComponent(eventId) + "?access_token=foobar") .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to GET /directory/room/$alias', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var alias = ""; var roomId = "!"; matrixService.resolveRoomAlias(alias).then(function(response) { expect({ room_id: roomId }); }); httpBackend.expectGET( URL + "/directory/room/" + encodeURIComponent(alias) + "?access_token=foobar") .respond({ room_id: roomId }); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to GET /rooms/$roomid/members', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; matrixService.getMemberList(roomId).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectGET( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/members?access_token=foobar") .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to paginate a room', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var roomId = "!"; var from = "3t_44e_54z"; var limit = 20; matrixService.paginateBackMessages(roomId, from, limit).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectGET( URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/messages?access_token=foobar&dir=b&from="+ encodeURIComponent(from)+"&limit="+limit) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to GET /publicRooms', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); matrixService.publicRooms().then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectGET( new RegExp(URL + "/publicRooms(.*)")) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to GET /profile/$userid/displayname', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var userId = ""; matrixService.getDisplayName(userId).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectGET(URL + "/profile/" + encodeURIComponent(userId) + "/displayname?access_token=foobar") .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to GET /profile/$userid/avatar_url', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var userId = ""; matrixService.getProfilePictureUrl(userId).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectGET(URL + "/profile/" + encodeURIComponent(userId) + "/avatar_url?access_token=foobar") .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to PUT /profile/$me/avatar_url', inject( function(matrixService) { var testConfig = angular.copy(CONFIG); testConfig.user_id = ""; matrixService.setConfig(testConfig); var url = ""; matrixService.setProfilePictureUrl(url).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT(URL + "/profile/" + encodeURIComponent(testConfig.user_id) + "/avatar_url?access_token=foobar", { avatar_url: url }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to PUT /profile/$me/displayname', inject( function(matrixService) { var testConfig = angular.copy(CONFIG); testConfig.user_id = ""; matrixService.setConfig(testConfig); var displayname = "Bob Smith"; matrixService.setDisplayName(displayname).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT(URL + "/profile/" + encodeURIComponent(testConfig.user_id) + "/displayname?access_token=foobar", { displayname: displayname }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to login with password', inject( function(matrixService) { matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG); var userId = ""; var password = "monkey"; matrixService.login(userId, password).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPOST(new RegExp(URL+"/login(.*)"), { user: userId, password: password, type: "m.login.password" }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); it('should be able to PUT presence status', inject( function(matrixService) { var testConfig = angular.copy(CONFIG); testConfig.user_id = ""; matrixService.setConfig(testConfig); var status = "unavailable"; matrixService.setUserPresence(status).then(function(response) { expect({}); }); httpBackend.expectPUT(URL+"/presence/"+ encodeURIComponent(testConfig.user_id)+ "/status?access_token=foobar", { presence: status }) .respond({}); httpBackend.flush(); })); });