describe('mRoomName filter', function() { var filter, mRoomName; var roomId = "!"; // test state values (f.e. test) var testUserId, testAlias, testDisplayName, testOtherDisplayName, testRoomState; // mocked services which return the test values above. var matrixService = { getRoomIdToAliasMapping: function(room_id) { return testAlias; }, config: function() { return { user_id: testUserId }; } }; var eventHandlerService = { getUserDisplayName: function(room_id, user_id) { if (user_id === testUserId) { return testDisplayName; } return testOtherDisplayName; } }; var modelService = { getRoom: function(room_id) { return { current_room_state: testRoomState }; } }; beforeEach(function() { // inject mocked dependencies module(function ($provide) { $provide.value('matrixService', matrixService); $provide.value('eventHandlerService', eventHandlerService); $provide.value('modelService', modelService); }); module('matrixFilter'); }); beforeEach(inject(function($filter) { filter = $filter; mRoomName = filter("mRoomName"); // purge the previous test values testUserId = undefined; testAlias = undefined; testDisplayName = undefined; testOtherDisplayName = undefined; // mock up a stub room state testRoomState = { s:{}, // internal; stores the state events state: function(type, key) { // accessor used by filter return key ? this.s[type+key] : this.s[type]; }, members: {}, // struct used by filter // test helper methods setJoinRule: function(rule) { this.s[""] = { content: { join_rule: rule } }; }, setRoomName: function(name) { this.s[""] = { content: { name: name } }; }, setMember: function(user_id, membership, inviter_user_id) { if (!inviter_user_id) { inviter_user_id = user_id; } this.s["" + user_id] = { event: { content: { membership: membership }, state_key: user_id, user_id: inviter_user_id } }; this.members[user_id] = this.s["" + user_id]; } }; })); /**** ROOM NAME ****/ it("should show the room name if one exists for private (invite join_rules) rooms.", function() { var roomName = "The Room Name"; testUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("invite"); testRoomState.setRoomName(roomName); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(roomName); }); it("should show the room name if one exists for public (public join_rules) rooms.", function() { var roomName = "The Room Name"; testUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("public"); testRoomState.setRoomName(roomName); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(roomName); }); /**** ROOM ALIAS ****/ it("should show the room alias if one exists for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name doesn't exist.", function() { testAlias = ""; testUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("invite"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(testAlias); }); it("should show the room alias if one exists for public (public join_rules) rooms if a room name doesn't exist.", function() { testAlias = ""; testUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("public"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(testAlias); }); /**** ROOM ID ****/ it("should show the room ID for public (public join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist.", function() { testUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("public"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(roomId); }); it("should show the room ID for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and there are >2 members.", function() { testUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("public"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); testRoomState.setMember("", "join"); testRoomState.setMember("", "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(roomId); }); /**** SELF-CHAT ****/ it("should show your display name for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and it is a self-chat.", function() { testUserId = ""; testDisplayName = "Me"; testRoomState.setJoinRule("private"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(testDisplayName); }); it("should show your user ID for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and it is a self-chat and they don't have a display name set.", function() { testUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("private"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(testUserId); }); /**** ONE-TO-ONE CHAT ****/ it("should show the other user's display name for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and it is a 1:1-chat.", function() { testUserId = ""; otherUserId = ""; testOtherDisplayName = "Alice"; testRoomState.setJoinRule("private"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); testRoomState.setMember("", "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(testOtherDisplayName); }); it("should show the other user's ID for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and it is a 1:1-chat and they don't have a display name set.", function() { testUserId = ""; otherUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("private"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); testRoomState.setMember("", "join"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(otherUserId); }); /**** INVITED TO ROOM ****/ it("should show the other user's display name for private (invite join_rules) rooms if you are invited to it.", function() { testUserId = ""; testDisplayName = "Me"; otherUserId = ""; testOtherDisplayName = "Alice"; testRoomState.setJoinRule("private"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); testRoomState.setMember(otherUserId, "join"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "invite"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(testOtherDisplayName); }); it("should show the other user's ID for private (invite join_rules) rooms if you are invited to it and the inviter doesn't have a display name.", function() { testUserId = ""; testDisplayName = "Me"; otherUserId = ""; testRoomState.setJoinRule("private"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join"); testRoomState.setMember(otherUserId, "join"); testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "invite"); var output = mRoomName(roomId); expect(output).toEqual(otherUserId); }); }); describe('duration filter', function() { var filter, durationFilter; beforeEach(module('matrixWebClient')); beforeEach(inject(function($filter) { filter = $filter; durationFilter = filter("duration"); })); it("should represent 15000 ms as '15s'", function() { var output = durationFilter(15000); expect(output).toEqual("15s"); }); it("should represent 60000 ms as '1m'", function() { var output = durationFilter(60000); expect(output).toEqual("1m"); }); it("should represent 65000 ms as '1m'", function() { var output = durationFilter(65000); expect(output).toEqual("1m"); }); it("should represent 10 ms as '0s'", function() { var output = durationFilter(10); expect(output).toEqual("0s"); }); it("should represent 4m as '4m'", function() { var output = durationFilter(1000*60*4); expect(output).toEqual("4m"); }); it("should represent 4m30s as '4m'", function() { var output = durationFilter(1000*60*4 + 1000*30); expect(output).toEqual("4m"); }); it("should represent 2h as '2h'", function() { var output = durationFilter(1000*60*60*2); expect(output).toEqual("2h"); }); it("should represent 2h35m as '2h'", function() { var output = durationFilter(1000*60*60*2 + 1000*60*35); expect(output).toEqual("2h"); }); }); describe('orderMembersList filter', function() { var filter, orderMembersList; beforeEach(module('matrixWebClient')); beforeEach(inject(function($filter) { filter = $filter; orderMembersList = filter("orderMembersList"); })); it("should sort a single entry", function() { var output = orderMembersList({ "": { last_active_ago: 50, last_updated: 1415266943964 } }); expect(output).toEqual([{ id: "", last_active_ago: 50, last_updated: 1415266943964 }]); }); it("should sort by taking last_active_ago into account", function() { var output = orderMembersList({ "": { last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, "": { last_active_ago: 50, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, "": { last_active_ago: 99999, last_updated: 1415266943964 } }); expect(output).toEqual([ { id: "", last_active_ago: 50, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, { id: "", last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, { id: "", last_active_ago: 99999, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, ]); }); it("should sort by taking last_updated into account", function() { var output = orderMembersList({ "": { last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, "": { last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266900000 }, "": { last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943000 } }); expect(output).toEqual([ { id: "", last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, { id: "", last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943000 }, { id: "", last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266900000 }, ]); }); it("should sort by taking last_updated and last_active_ago into account", function() { var output = orderMembersList({ "": { last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943000 }, "": { last_active_ago: 100000, last_updated: 1415266943900 }, "": { last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943964 } }); expect(output).toEqual([ { id: "", last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, { id: "", last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943000 }, { id: "", last_active_ago: 100000, last_updated: 1415266943900 }, ]); }); // SYWEB-26 comment it("should sort members who do not have last_active_ago value at the end of the list", function() { // single undefined entry var output = orderMembersList({ "": { last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, "": { last_active_ago: 100000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, "": { last_active_ago: undefined, last_updated: 1415266943964 } }); expect(output).toEqual([ { id: "", last_active_ago: 1000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, { id: "", last_active_ago: 100000, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, { id: "", last_active_ago: undefined, last_updated: 1415266943964 }, ]); }); it("should sort multiple members who do not have last_active_ago according to presence", function() { // single undefined entry var output = orderMembersList({ "": { last_active_ago: undefined, last_updated: 1415266943964, presence: "unavailable" }, "": { last_active_ago: undefined, last_updated: 1415266943964, presence: "online" }, "": { last_active_ago: undefined, last_updated: 1415266943964, presence: "offline" } }); expect(output).toEqual([ { id: "", last_active_ago: undefined, last_updated: 1415266943964, presence: "online" }, { id: "", last_active_ago: undefined, last_updated: 1415266943964, presence: "unavailable" }, { id: "", last_active_ago: undefined, last_updated: 1415266943964, presence: "offline" }, ]); }); });