from import HttpTransactionCache from import CLEANUP_PERIOD_MS from twisted.internet import defer from mock import Mock, call from tests import unittest from tests.utils import MockClock class HttpTransactionCacheTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.clock = MockClock() self.cache = HttpTransactionCache(self.clock) self.mock_http_response = (200, "GOOD JOB!") self.mock_key = "foo" @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_executes_given_function(self): cb = Mock( return_value=defer.succeed(self.mock_http_response) ) res = yield self.cache.fetch_or_execute( self.mock_key, cb, "some_arg", keyword="arg" ) cb.assert_called_once_with("some_arg", keyword="arg") self.assertEqual(res, self.mock_http_response) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_deduplicates_based_on_key(self): cb = Mock( return_value=defer.succeed(self.mock_http_response) ) for i in range(3): # invoke multiple times res = yield self.cache.fetch_or_execute( self.mock_key, cb, "some_arg", keyword="arg", changing_args=i ) self.assertEqual(res, self.mock_http_response) # expect only a single call to do the work cb.assert_called_once_with("some_arg", keyword="arg", changing_args=0) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_cleans_up(self): cb = Mock( return_value=defer.succeed(self.mock_http_response) ) yield self.cache.fetch_or_execute( self.mock_key, cb, "an arg" ) # should NOT have cleaned up yet self.clock.advance_time_msec(CLEANUP_PERIOD_MS / 2) yield self.cache.fetch_or_execute( self.mock_key, cb, "an arg" ) # still using cache cb.assert_called_once_with("an arg") self.clock.advance_time_msec(CLEANUP_PERIOD_MS) yield self.cache.fetch_or_execute( self.mock_key, cb, "an arg" ) # no longer using cache self.assertEqual(cb.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual( cb.call_args_list, [call("an arg",), call("an arg",)] )