# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # import inspect import sys import traceback from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from twisted.conch import manhole_ssh from twisted.conch.insults import insults from twisted.conch.manhole import ColoredManhole, ManholeInterpreter from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key from twisted.cred import checkers, portal from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet.protocol import ServerFactory from synapse.config.server import ManholeConfig PUBLIC_KEY = ( "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDHhGATaW4KhE23+7nrH4jFx3yLq9OjaEs5" "XALqeK+7385NlLja3DE/DO9mGhnd9+bAy39EKT3sTV6+WXQ4yD0TvEEyUEMtjWkSEm6U32+C" "DaS3TW/vPBUMeJQwq+Ydcif1UlnpXrDDTamD0AU9VaEvHq+3HAkipqn0TGpKON6aqk4vauDx" "oXSsV5TXBVrxP/y7HpMOpU4GUWsaaacBTKKNnUaQB4UflvydaPJUuwdaCUJGTMjbhWrjVfK+" "jslseSPxU6XvrkZMyCr4znxvuDxjMk1RGIdO7v+rbBMLEgqtSMNqJbYeVCnj2CFgc3fcTcld" "X2uOJDrJb/WRlHulthCh" ) PRIVATE_KEY = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAx4RgE2luCoRNt/u56x+Ixcd8i6vTo2hLOVwC6nivu9/OTZS4 2twxPwzvZhoZ3ffmwMt/RCk97E1evll0OMg9E7xBMlBDLY1pEhJulN9vgg2kt01v 7zwVDHiUMKvmHXIn9VJZ6V6ww02pg9AFPVWhLx6vtxwJIqap9ExqSjjemqpOL2rg 8aF0rFeU1wVa8T/8ux6TDqVOBlFrGmmnAUyijZ1GkAeFH5b8nWjyVLsHWglCRkzI 24Vq41Xyvo7JbHkj8VOl765GTMgq+M58b7g8YzJNURiHTu7/q2wTCxIKrUjDaiW2 HlQp49ghYHN33E3JXV9rjiQ6yW/1kZR7pbYQoQIDAQABAoIBAQC8KJ0q8Wzzwh5B esa1dQHZ8+4DEsL/Amae66VcVwD0X3cCN1W2IZ7X5W0Ij2kBqr8V51RYhcR+S+Ek BtzSiBUBvbKGrqcMGKaUgomDIMzai99hd0gvCCyZnEW1OQhFkNkaRNXCfqiZJ27M fqvSUiU2eOwh9fCvmxoA6Of8o3FbzcJ+1GMcobWRllDtLmj6lgVbDzuA+0jC5daB 9Tj1pBzu3wn3ufxiS+gBnJ+7NcXH3E73lqCcPa2ufbZ1haxfiGCnRIhFXuQDgxFX vKdEfDgtvas6r1ahGbc+b/q8E8fZT7cABuIU4yfOORK+MhpyWbvoyyzuVGKj3PKt KSPJu5CZAoGBAOkoJfAVyYteqKcmGTanGqQnAY43CaYf6GdSPX/jg+JmKZg0zqMC jWZUtPb93i+jnOInbrnuHOiHAxI8wmhEPed28H2lC/LU8PzlqFkZXKFZ4vLOhhRB /HeHCFIDosPFlohWi3b+GAjD7sXgnIuGmnXWe2ea/TS3yersifDEoKKjAoGBANsQ gJX2cJv1c3jhdgcs8vAt5zIOKcCLTOr/QPmVf/kxjNgndswcKHwsxE/voTO9q+TF v/6yCSTxAdjuKz1oIYWgi/dZo82bBKWxNRpgrGviU3/zwxiHlyIXUhzQu78q3VS/ 7S1XVbc7qMV++XkYKHPVD+nVG/gGzFxumX7MLXfrAoGBAJit9cn2OnjNj9uFE1W6 r7N254ndeLAUjPe73xH0RtTm2a4WRopwjW/JYIetTuYbWgyujc+robqTTuuOZjAp H/CG7o0Ym251CypQqaFO/l2aowclPp/dZhpPjp9GSjuxFBZLtiBB3DNBOwbRQzIK /vLTdRQvZkgzYkI4i0vjNt3JAoGBANP8HSKBLymMlShlrSx2b8TB9tc2Y2riohVJ 2ttqs0M2kt/dGJWdrgOz4mikL+983Olt/0P9juHDoxEEMK2kpcPEv40lnmBpYU7h s8yJvnBLvJe2EJYdJ8AipyAhUX1FgpbvfxmASP8eaUxsegeXvBWTGWojAoS6N2o+ 0KSl+l3vAoGAFqm0gO9f/Q1Se60YQd4l2PZeMnJFv0slpgHHUwegmd6wJhOD7zJ1 CkZcXwiv7Nog7AI9qKJEUXLjoqL+vJskBzSOqU3tcd670YQMi1aXSXJqYE202K7o EddTrx3TNpr1D5m/f+6mnXWrc8u9y1+GNx9yz889xMjIBTBI9KqaaOs= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""" def manhole(settings: ManholeConfig, globals: Dict[str, Any]) -> ServerFactory: """Starts a ssh listener with password authentication using the given username and password. Clients connecting to the ssh listener will find themselves in a colored python shell with the supplied globals. Args: username: The username ssh clients should auth with. password: The password ssh clients should auth with. globals: The variables to expose in the shell. Returns: A factory to pass to ``listenTCP`` """ username = settings.username password = settings.password.encode("ascii") priv_key = settings.priv_key if priv_key is None: priv_key = Key.fromString(PRIVATE_KEY) pub_key = settings.pub_key if pub_key is None: pub_key = Key.fromString(PUBLIC_KEY) checker = checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(**{username: password}) rlm = manhole_ssh.TerminalRealm() # mypy ignored here because: # - can't deduce types of lambdas # - variable is Type[ServerProtocol], expr is Callable[[], ServerProtocol] rlm.chainedProtocolFactory = lambda: insults.ServerProtocol( # type: ignore[misc,assignment] SynapseManhole, dict(globals, __name__="__console__") ) # type-ignore: This is an error in Twisted's annotations. See # https://github.com/twisted/twisted/issues/11812 and /11813 . factory = manhole_ssh.ConchFactory(portal.Portal(rlm, [checker])) # type: ignore[arg-type] # conch has the wrong type on these dicts (says bytes to bytes, # should be bytes to Keys judging by how it's used). factory.privateKeys[b"ssh-rsa"] = priv_key # type: ignore[assignment] factory.publicKeys[b"ssh-rsa"] = pub_key # type: ignore[assignment] # ConchFactory is a Factory, not a ServerFactory, but they are identical. return factory # type: ignore[return-value] class SynapseManhole(ColoredManhole): """Overrides connectionMade to create our own ManholeInterpreter""" def connectionMade(self) -> None: super().connectionMade() # replace the manhole interpreter with our own impl self.interpreter = SynapseManholeInterpreter(self, self.namespace) # this would also be a good place to add more keyHandlers. class SynapseManholeInterpreter(ManholeInterpreter): def showsyntaxerror(self, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Display the syntax error that just occurred. Overrides the base implementation, ignoring sys.excepthook. We always want any syntax errors to be sent to the terminal, rather than sentry. """ type, value, tb = sys.exc_info() assert value is not None sys.last_type = type sys.last_value = value sys.last_traceback = tb if filename and type is SyntaxError: # Work hard to stuff the correct filename in the exception try: msg, (dummy_filename, lineno, offset, line) = value.args except ValueError: # Not the format we expect; leave it alone pass else: # Stuff in the right filename value = SyntaxError(msg, (filename, lineno, offset, line)) sys.last_value = value lines = traceback.format_exception_only(type, value) self.write("".join(lines)) def showtraceback(self) -> None: """Display the exception that just occurred. Overrides the base implementation, ignoring sys.excepthook. We always want any syntax errors to be sent to the terminal, rather than sentry. """ sys.last_type, sys.last_value, last_tb = ei = sys.exc_info() sys.last_traceback = last_tb assert last_tb is not None try: # We remove the first stack item because it is our own code. lines = traceback.format_exception(ei[0], ei[1], last_tb.tb_next) self.write("".join(lines)) finally: # On the line below, last_tb and ei appear to be dead. # It's unclear whether there is a reason behind this line. # It conceivably could be because an exception raised in this block # will keep the local frame (containing these local variables) around. # This was adapted taken from CPython's Lib/code.py; see here: # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/4dc4300c686f543d504ab6fa9fe600eaf11bb695/Lib/code.py#L131-L150 last_tb = ei = None # type: ignore def displayhook(self, obj: Any) -> None: """ We override the displayhook so that we automatically convert coroutines into Deferreds. (Our superclass' displayhook will take care of the rest, by displaying the Deferred if it's ready, or registering a callback if it's not). """ if inspect.iscoroutine(obj): super().displayhook(defer.ensureDeferred(obj)) else: super().displayhook(obj)