# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # # This file can't be called email.py because if it is, we cannot: import email.utils import logging import os from typing import Any import attr from synapse.types import JsonDict from ._base import Config, ConfigError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MISSING_PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIG_ERROR = """\ Password reset emails are enabled on this homeserver due to a partial 'email' block. However, the following required keys are missing: %s """ DEFAULT_SUBJECTS = { "message_from_person_in_room": "[%(app)s] You have a message on %(app)s from %(person)s in the %(room)s room...", "message_from_person": "[%(app)s] You have a message on %(app)s from %(person)s...", "messages_from_person": "[%(app)s] You have messages on %(app)s from %(person)s...", "messages_in_room": "[%(app)s] You have messages on %(app)s in the %(room)s room...", "messages_in_room_and_others": "[%(app)s] You have messages on %(app)s in the %(room)s room and others...", "messages_from_person_and_others": "[%(app)s] You have messages on %(app)s from %(person)s and others...", "invite_from_person": "[%(app)s] %(person)s has invited you to chat on %(app)s...", "invite_from_person_to_room": "[%(app)s] %(person)s has invited you to join the %(room)s room on %(app)s...", "invite_from_person_to_space": "[%(app)s] %(person)s has invited you to join the %(space)s space on %(app)s...", "password_reset": "[%(server_name)s] Password reset", "email_validation": "[%(server_name)s] Validate your email", } LEGACY_TEMPLATE_DIR_WARNING = """ This server's configuration file is using the deprecated 'template_dir' setting in the 'email' section. Support for this setting has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Synapse. Server admins should instead use the new 'custom_template_directory' setting documented here: https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/templates.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class EmailSubjectConfig: message_from_person_in_room: str message_from_person: str messages_from_person: str messages_in_room: str messages_in_room_and_others: str messages_from_person_and_others: str invite_from_person: str invite_from_person_to_room: str invite_from_person_to_space: str password_reset: str email_validation: str class EmailConfig(Config): section = "email" def read_config(self, config: JsonDict, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # TODO: We should separate better the email configuration from the notification # and account validity config. self.email_enable_notifs = False email_config = config.get("email") if email_config is None: email_config = {} self.force_tls = email_config.get("force_tls", False) self.email_smtp_host = email_config.get("smtp_host", "localhost") self.email_smtp_port = email_config.get( "smtp_port", 465 if self.force_tls else 25 ) self.email_smtp_user = email_config.get("smtp_user", None) self.email_smtp_pass = email_config.get("smtp_pass", None) self.require_transport_security = email_config.get( "require_transport_security", False ) self.enable_smtp_tls = email_config.get("enable_tls", True) if self.force_tls and not self.enable_smtp_tls: raise ConfigError("email.force_tls requires email.enable_tls to be true") if self.require_transport_security and not self.enable_smtp_tls: raise ConfigError( "email.require_transport_security requires email.enable_tls to be true" ) if "app_name" in email_config: self.email_app_name = email_config["app_name"] else: self.email_app_name = "Matrix" # TODO: Rename notif_from to something more generic, or have a separate # from for password resets, message notifications, etc? # Currently the email section is a bit bogged down with settings for # multiple functions. Would be good to split it out into separate # sections and only put the common ones under email: self.email_notif_from = email_config.get("notif_from", None) if self.email_notif_from is not None: # make sure it's valid parsed = email.utils.parseaddr(self.email_notif_from) if parsed[1] == "": raise RuntimeError("Invalid notif_from address") # A user-configurable template directory template_dir = email_config.get("template_dir") if template_dir is not None: logger.warning(LEGACY_TEMPLATE_DIR_WARNING) if isinstance(template_dir, str): # We need an absolute path, because we change directory after starting (and # we don't yet know what auxiliary templates like mail.css we will need). template_dir = os.path.abspath(template_dir) elif template_dir is not None: # If template_dir is something other than a str or None, warn the user raise ConfigError("Config option email.template_dir must be type str") self.email_enable_notifs = email_config.get("enable_notifs", False) if config.get("trust_identity_server_for_password_resets"): raise ConfigError( 'The config option "trust_identity_server_for_password_resets" ' "is no longer supported. Please remove it from the config file." ) # If we have email config settings, assume that we can verify ownership of # email addresses. self.can_verify_email = email_config != {} # Get lifetime of a validation token in milliseconds self.email_validation_token_lifetime = self.parse_duration( email_config.get("validation_token_lifetime", "1h") ) if self.can_verify_email: missing = [] if not self.email_notif_from: missing.append("email.notif_from") if missing: raise ConfigError( MISSING_PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIG_ERROR % (", ".join(missing),) ) # These email templates have placeholders in them, and thus must be # parsed using a templating engine during a request password_reset_template_html = email_config.get( "password_reset_template_html", "password_reset.html" ) password_reset_template_text = email_config.get( "password_reset_template_text", "password_reset.txt" ) registration_template_html = email_config.get( "registration_template_html", "registration.html" ) registration_template_text = email_config.get( "registration_template_text", "registration.txt" ) add_threepid_template_html = email_config.get( "add_threepid_template_html", "add_threepid.html" ) add_threepid_template_text = email_config.get( "add_threepid_template_text", "add_threepid.txt" ) password_reset_template_failure_html = email_config.get( "password_reset_template_failure_html", "password_reset_failure.html" ) registration_template_failure_html = email_config.get( "registration_template_failure_html", "registration_failure.html" ) add_threepid_template_failure_html = email_config.get( "add_threepid_template_failure_html", "add_threepid_failure.html" ) # These templates do not support any placeholder variables, so we # will read them from disk once during setup password_reset_template_success_html = email_config.get( "password_reset_template_success_html", "password_reset_success.html" ) registration_template_success_html = email_config.get( "registration_template_success_html", "registration_success.html" ) add_threepid_template_success_html = email_config.get( "add_threepid_template_success_html", "add_threepid_success.html" ) # Read all templates from disk ( self.email_password_reset_template_html, self.email_password_reset_template_text, self.email_registration_template_html, self.email_registration_template_text, self.email_add_threepid_template_html, self.email_add_threepid_template_text, self.email_password_reset_template_confirmation_html, self.email_password_reset_template_failure_html, self.email_registration_template_failure_html, self.email_add_threepid_template_failure_html, password_reset_template_success_html_template, registration_template_success_html_template, add_threepid_template_success_html_template, ) = self.read_templates( [ password_reset_template_html, password_reset_template_text, registration_template_html, registration_template_text, add_threepid_template_html, add_threepid_template_text, "password_reset_confirmation.html", password_reset_template_failure_html, registration_template_failure_html, add_threepid_template_failure_html, password_reset_template_success_html, registration_template_success_html, add_threepid_template_success_html, ], ( td for td in ( self.root.server.custom_template_directory, template_dir, ) if td ), # Filter out template_dir if not provided ) # Render templates that do not contain any placeholders self.email_password_reset_template_success_html_content = ( password_reset_template_success_html_template.render() ) self.email_registration_template_success_html_content = ( registration_template_success_html_template.render() ) self.email_add_threepid_template_success_html_content = ( add_threepid_template_success_html_template.render() ) if self.email_enable_notifs: missing = [] if not self.email_notif_from: missing.append("email.notif_from") if missing: raise ConfigError( "email.enable_notifs is True but required keys are missing: %s" % (", ".join(missing),) ) notif_template_html = email_config.get( "notif_template_html", "notif_mail.html" ) notif_template_text = email_config.get( "notif_template_text", "notif_mail.txt" ) ( self.email_notif_template_html, self.email_notif_template_text, ) = self.read_templates( [notif_template_html, notif_template_text], ( td for td in ( self.root.server.custom_template_directory, template_dir, ) if td ), # Filter out template_dir if not provided ) self.email_notif_for_new_users = email_config.get( "notif_for_new_users", True ) self.email_riot_base_url = email_config.get( "client_base_url", email_config.get("riot_base_url", None) ) if self.root.account_validity.account_validity_renew_by_email_enabled: expiry_template_html = email_config.get( "expiry_template_html", "notice_expiry.html" ) expiry_template_text = email_config.get( "expiry_template_text", "notice_expiry.txt" ) ( self.account_validity_template_html, self.account_validity_template_text, ) = self.read_templates( [expiry_template_html, expiry_template_text], ( td for td in ( self.root.server.custom_template_directory, template_dir, ) if td ), # Filter out template_dir if not provided ) subjects_config = email_config.get("subjects", {}) subjects = {} for key, default in DEFAULT_SUBJECTS.items(): subjects[key] = subjects_config.get(key, default) self.email_subjects = EmailSubjectConfig(**subjects) # The invite client location should be a HTTP(S) URL or None. self.invite_client_location = email_config.get("invite_client_location") or None if self.invite_client_location: if not isinstance(self.invite_client_location, str): raise ConfigError( "Config option email.invite_client_location must be type str" ) if not ( self.invite_client_location.startswith("http://") or self.invite_client_location.startswith("https://") ): raise ConfigError( "Config option email.invite_client_location must be a http or https URL", path=("email", "invite_client_location"), )