# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright 2019 Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, cast from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict from synapse.api.errors import StoreError from synapse.logging.opentracing import log_kv, trace from synapse.storage._base import SQLBaseStore, db_to_json from synapse.storage.database import ( DatabasePool, LoggingDatabaseConnection, LoggingTransaction, ) from synapse.types import JsonDict, JsonSerializable, StreamKeyType from synapse.util import json_encoder if TYPE_CHECKING: from synapse.server import HomeServer class RoomKey(TypedDict): """`KeyBackupData` in the Matrix spec. https://spec.matrix.org/v1.1/client-server-api/#get_matrixclientv3room_keyskeysroomidsessionid """ first_message_index: int forwarded_count: int is_verified: bool session_data: JsonSerializable class EndToEndRoomKeyBackgroundStore(SQLBaseStore): def __init__( self, database: DatabasePool, db_conn: LoggingDatabaseConnection, hs: "HomeServer", ): super().__init__(database, db_conn, hs) self.db_pool.updates.register_background_index_update( update_name="e2e_room_keys_index_room_id", index_name="e2e_room_keys_room_id", table="e2e_room_keys", columns=("room_id",), ) self.db_pool.updates.register_background_update_handler( "delete_e2e_backup_keys_for_deactivated_users", self._delete_e2e_backup_keys_for_deactivated_users, ) def _delete_keys_txn(self, txn: LoggingTransaction, user_id: str) -> None: self.db_pool.simple_delete_txn( txn, table="e2e_room_keys", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id}, ) self.db_pool.simple_delete_txn( txn, table="e2e_room_keys_versions", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id}, ) async def _delete_e2e_backup_keys_for_deactivated_users( self, progress: JsonDict, batch_size: int ) -> int: """ Retroactively purges account data for users that have already been deactivated. Gets run as a background update caused by a schema delta. """ last_user: str = progress.get("last_user", "") def _delete_backup_keys_for_deactivated_users_txn( txn: LoggingTransaction, ) -> int: sql = """ SELECT name FROM users WHERE deactivated = ? and name > ? ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT ? """ txn.execute(sql, (1, last_user, batch_size)) users = [row[0] for row in txn] for user in users: self._delete_keys_txn(txn, user) if users: self.db_pool.updates._background_update_progress_txn( txn, "delete_e2e_backup_keys_for_deactivated_users", {"last_user": users[-1]}, ) return len(users) number_deleted = await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "_delete_backup_keys_for_deactivated_users", _delete_backup_keys_for_deactivated_users_txn, ) if number_deleted < batch_size: await self.db_pool.updates._end_background_update( "delete_e2e_backup_keys_for_deactivated_users" ) return number_deleted class EndToEndRoomKeyStore(EndToEndRoomKeyBackgroundStore): """The store for end to end room key backups. See https://spec.matrix.org/v1.1/client-server-api/#server-side-key-backups As per the spec, backups are identified by an opaque version string. Internally, version identifiers are assigned using incrementing integers. Non-numeric version strings are treated as if they do not exist, since we would have never issued them. """ async def update_e2e_room_key( self, user_id: str, version: str, room_id: str, session_id: str, room_key: RoomKey, ) -> None: """Replaces the encrypted E2E room key for a given session in a given backup Args: user_id: the user whose backup we're setting version: the version ID of the backup we're updating room_id: the ID of the room whose keys we're setting session_id: the session whose room_key we're setting room_key: the room_key being set Raises: StoreError """ try: version_int = int(version) except ValueError: # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer, # it doesn't exist. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists") await self.db_pool.simple_update_one( table="e2e_room_keys", keyvalues={ "user_id": user_id, "version": version_int, "room_id": room_id, "session_id": session_id, }, updatevalues={ "first_message_index": room_key["first_message_index"], "forwarded_count": room_key["forwarded_count"], "is_verified": room_key["is_verified"], "session_data": json_encoder.encode(room_key["session_data"]), }, desc="update_e2e_room_key", ) async def add_e2e_room_keys( self, user_id: str, version: str, room_keys: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, RoomKey]] ) -> None: """Bulk add room keys to a given backup. Args: user_id: the user whose backup we're adding to version: the version ID of the backup for the set of keys we're adding to room_keys: the keys to add, in the form (roomID, sessionID, keyData) """ try: version_int = int(version) except ValueError: # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer, # it doesn't exist. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists") values = [] for room_id, session_id, room_key in room_keys: values.append( ( user_id, version_int, room_id, session_id, room_key["first_message_index"], room_key["forwarded_count"], room_key["is_verified"], json_encoder.encode(room_key["session_data"]), ) ) log_kv( { "message": "Set room key", "room_id": room_id, "session_id": session_id, StreamKeyType.ROOM.value: room_key, } ) await self.db_pool.simple_insert_many( table="e2e_room_keys", keys=( "user_id", "version", "room_id", "session_id", "first_message_index", "forwarded_count", "is_verified", "session_data", ), values=values, desc="add_e2e_room_keys", ) @trace async def get_e2e_room_keys( self, user_id: str, version: str, room_id: Optional[str] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[ Literal["rooms"], Dict[str, Dict[Literal["sessions"], Dict[str, RoomKey]]] ]: """Bulk get the E2E room keys for a given backup, optionally filtered to a given room, or a given session. Args: user_id: the user whose backup we're querying version: the version ID of the backup for the set of keys we're querying room_id: Optional. the ID of the room whose keys we're querying, if any. If not specified, we return the keys for all the rooms in the backup. session_id: Optional. the session whose room_key we're querying, if any. If specified, we also require the room_id to be specified. If not specified, we return all the keys in this version of the backup (or for the specified room) Returns: A dict giving the session_data and message metadata for these room keys. `{"rooms": {room_id: {"sessions": {session_id: room_key}}}}` """ try: version_int = int(version) except ValueError: return {"rooms": {}} keyvalues = {"user_id": user_id, "version": version_int} if room_id: keyvalues["room_id"] = room_id if session_id: keyvalues["session_id"] = session_id rows = cast( List[Tuple[str, str, int, int, int, str]], await self.db_pool.simple_select_list( table="e2e_room_keys", keyvalues=keyvalues, retcols=( "room_id", "session_id", "first_message_index", "forwarded_count", "is_verified", "session_data", ), desc="get_e2e_room_keys", ), ) sessions: Dict[ Literal["rooms"], Dict[str, Dict[Literal["sessions"], Dict[str, RoomKey]]] ] = {"rooms": {}} for ( room_id, session_id, first_message_index, forwarded_count, is_verified, session_data, ) in rows: room_entry = sessions["rooms"].setdefault(room_id, {"sessions": {}}) room_entry["sessions"][session_id] = { "first_message_index": first_message_index, "forwarded_count": forwarded_count, # is_verified must be returned to the client as a boolean "is_verified": bool(is_verified), "session_data": db_to_json(session_data), } return sessions async def get_e2e_room_keys_multi( self, user_id: str, version: str, room_keys: Mapping[str, Mapping[Literal["sessions"], Iterable[str]]], ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, RoomKey]]: """Get multiple room keys at a time. The difference between this function and get_e2e_room_keys is that this function can be used to retrieve multiple specific keys at a time, whereas get_e2e_room_keys is used for getting all the keys in a backup version, all the keys for a room, or a specific key. Args: user_id: the user whose backup we're querying version: the version ID of the backup we're querying about room_keys: a map from room ID -> {"sessions": [session ids]} indicating the session IDs that we want to query Returns: A map of room IDs to session IDs to room key """ try: version_int = int(version) except ValueError: # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer, # it doesn't exist. return {} return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "get_e2e_room_keys_multi", self._get_e2e_room_keys_multi_txn, user_id, version_int, room_keys, ) @staticmethod def _get_e2e_room_keys_multi_txn( txn: LoggingTransaction, user_id: str, version: int, room_keys: Mapping[str, Mapping[Literal["sessions"], Iterable[str]]], ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, RoomKey]]: if not room_keys: return {} where_clauses = [] params = [user_id, version] for room_id, room in room_keys.items(): sessions = list(room["sessions"]) if not sessions: continue params.append(room_id) params.extend(sessions) where_clauses.append( "(room_id = ? AND session_id IN (%s))" % (",".join(["?" for _ in sessions]),) ) # check if we're actually querying something if not where_clauses: return {} sql = """ SELECT room_id, session_id, first_message_index, forwarded_count, is_verified, session_data FROM e2e_room_keys WHERE user_id = ? AND version = ? AND (%s) """ % ( " OR ".join(where_clauses) ) txn.execute(sql, params) ret: Dict[str, Dict[str, RoomKey]] = {} for row in txn: room_id = row[0] session_id = row[1] ret.setdefault(room_id, {}) ret[room_id][session_id] = { "first_message_index": row[2], "forwarded_count": row[3], "is_verified": row[4], "session_data": db_to_json(row[5]), } return ret async def count_e2e_room_keys(self, user_id: str, version: str) -> int: """Get the number of keys in a backup version. Args: user_id: the user whose backup we're querying version: the version ID of the backup we're querying about """ try: version_int = int(version) except ValueError: # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer, # it doesn't exist. return 0 return await self.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol( table="e2e_room_keys", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": version_int}, retcol="COUNT(*)", desc="count_e2e_room_keys", ) @trace async def delete_e2e_room_keys( self, user_id: str, version: str, room_id: Optional[str] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Bulk delete the E2E room keys for a given backup, optionally filtered to a given room or a given session. Args: user_id: the user whose backup we're deleting from version: the version ID of the backup for the set of keys we're deleting room_id: Optional. the ID of the room whose keys we're deleting, if any. If not specified, we delete the keys for all the rooms in the backup. session_id: Optional. the session whose room_key we're querying, if any. If specified, we also require the room_id to be specified. If not specified, we delete all the keys in this version of the backup (or for the specified room) """ try: version_int = int(version) except ValueError: # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer, # it doesn't exist. return keyvalues = {"user_id": user_id, "version": version_int} if room_id: keyvalues["room_id"] = room_id if session_id: keyvalues["session_id"] = session_id await self.db_pool.simple_delete( table="e2e_room_keys", keyvalues=keyvalues, desc="delete_e2e_room_keys" ) @staticmethod def _get_current_version(txn: LoggingTransaction, user_id: str) -> int: txn.execute( "SELECT MAX(version) FROM e2e_room_keys_versions " "WHERE user_id=? AND deleted=0", (user_id,), ) # `SELECT MAX() FROM ...` will always return 1 row. The value in that row will # be `NULL` when there are no available versions. row = cast(Tuple[Optional[int]], txn.fetchone()) if row[0] is None: raise StoreError(404, "No current backup version") return row[0] async def get_e2e_room_keys_version_info( self, user_id: str, version: Optional[str] = None ) -> JsonDict: """Get info metadata about a version of our room_keys backup. Args: user_id: the user whose backup we're querying version: Optional. the version ID of the backup we're querying about If missing, we return the information about the current version. Raises: StoreError: with code 404 if there are no e2e_room_keys_versions present Returns: A dict giving the info metadata for this backup version, with fields including: version (str) algorithm (str) auth_data (object): opaque dict supplied by the client etag (int): tag of the keys in the backup """ def _get_e2e_room_keys_version_info_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> JsonDict: if version is None: this_version = self._get_current_version(txn, user_id) else: try: this_version = int(version) except ValueError: # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer, # it isn't there. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists") row = cast( Tuple[int, str, str, Optional[int]], self.db_pool.simple_select_one_txn( txn, table="e2e_room_keys_versions", keyvalues={ "user_id": user_id, "version": this_version, "deleted": 0, }, retcols=("version", "algorithm", "auth_data", "etag"), allow_none=False, ), ) return { "auth_data": db_to_json(row[2]), "version": str(row[0]), "algorithm": row[1], "etag": 0 if row[3] is None else row[3], } return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "get_e2e_room_keys_version_info", _get_e2e_room_keys_version_info_txn ) @trace async def create_e2e_room_keys_version(self, user_id: str, info: JsonDict) -> str: """Atomically creates a new version of this user's e2e_room_keys store with the given version info. Args: user_id: the user whose backup we're creating a version info: the info about the backup version to be created Returns: The newly created version ID """ def _create_e2e_room_keys_version_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> str: txn.execute( "SELECT MAX(version) FROM e2e_room_keys_versions WHERE user_id=?", (user_id,), ) current_version = cast(Tuple[Optional[int]], txn.fetchone())[0] if current_version is None: current_version = 0 new_version = current_version + 1 self.db_pool.simple_insert_txn( txn, table="e2e_room_keys_versions", values={ "user_id": user_id, "version": new_version, "algorithm": info["algorithm"], "auth_data": json_encoder.encode(info["auth_data"]), }, ) return str(new_version) return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "create_e2e_room_keys_version_txn", _create_e2e_room_keys_version_txn ) @trace async def update_e2e_room_keys_version( self, user_id: str, version: str, info: Optional[JsonDict] = None, version_etag: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Update a given backup version Args: user_id: the user whose backup version we're updating version: the version ID of the backup version we're updating info: the new backup version info to store. If None, then the backup version info is not updated. version_etag: etag of the keys in the backup. If None, then the etag is not updated. """ updatevalues: Dict[str, object] = {} if info is not None and "auth_data" in info: updatevalues["auth_data"] = json_encoder.encode(info["auth_data"]) if version_etag is not None: updatevalues["etag"] = version_etag if updatevalues: try: version_int = int(version) except ValueError: # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer, # it doesn't exist. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists") await self.db_pool.simple_update_one( table="e2e_room_keys_versions", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": version_int}, updatevalues=updatevalues, desc="update_e2e_room_keys_version", ) @trace async def delete_e2e_room_keys_version( self, user_id: str, version: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Delete a given backup version of the user's room keys. Doesn't delete their actual key data. Args: user_id: the user whose backup version we're deleting version: Optional. the version ID of the backup version we're deleting If missing, we delete the current backup version info. Raises: StoreError: with code 404 if there are no e2e_room_keys_versions present, or if the version requested doesn't exist. """ def _delete_e2e_room_keys_version_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> None: if version is None: this_version = self._get_current_version(txn, user_id) else: try: this_version = int(version) except ValueError: # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer, # it isn't there. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists") self.db_pool.simple_delete_txn( txn, table="e2e_room_keys", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": this_version}, ) self.db_pool.simple_update_one_txn( txn, table="e2e_room_keys_versions", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": this_version}, updatevalues={"deleted": 1}, ) await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "delete_e2e_room_keys_version", _delete_e2e_room_keys_version_txn ) async def bulk_delete_backup_keys_and_versions_for_user(self, user_id: str) -> None: """ Bulk deletes all backup room keys and versions for a given user. Args: user_id: the user whose backup keys and versions we're deleting """ def _delete_all_e2e_room_keys_and_versions_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> None: self.db_pool.simple_delete_txn( txn, table="e2e_room_keys", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id}, ) self.db_pool.simple_delete_txn( txn, table="e2e_room_keys_versions", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id}, ) await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "delete_all_e2e_room_keys_and_versions", _delete_all_e2e_room_keys_and_versions_txn, )