# Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd # Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import heapq import logging from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, ) import attr from synapse.api.constants import AccountDataTypes from synapse.replication.http.streams import ReplicationGetStreamUpdates if TYPE_CHECKING: from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.storage.util.id_generators import AbstractStreamIdGenerator logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # the number of rows to request from an update_function. _STREAM_UPDATE_TARGET_ROW_COUNT = 100 # Some type aliases to make things a bit easier. # A stream position token Token = int # The type of a stream update row, after JSON deserialisation, but before # parsing with Stream.parse_row (which turns it into a `ROW_TYPE`). Normally it's # just a row from a database query, though this is dependent on the stream in question. # StreamRow = TypeVar("StreamRow", bound=Tuple) # The type returned by the update_function of a stream, as well as get_updates(), # get_updates_since, etc. # # It consists of a triplet `(updates, new_last_token, limited)`, where: # * `updates` is a list of `(token, row)` entries. # * `new_last_token` is the new position in stream. # * `limited` is whether there are more updates to fetch. # StreamUpdateResult = Tuple[List[Tuple[Token, StreamRow]], Token, bool] # The type of an update_function for a stream # # The arguments are: # # * instance_name: the writer of the stream # * from_token: the previous stream token: the starting point for fetching the # updates # * to_token: the new stream token: the point to get updates up to # * target_row_count: a target for the number of rows to be returned. # # The update_function is expected to return up to _approximately_ target_row_count rows. # If there are more updates available, it should set `limited` in the result, and # it will be called again to get the next batch. # UpdateFunction = Callable[[str, Token, Token, int], Awaitable[StreamUpdateResult]] class Stream: """Base class for the streams. Provides a `get_updates()` function that returns new updates since the last time it was called. """ NAME: str # The name of the stream # The type of the row. Used by the default impl of parse_row. ROW_TYPE: Any = None @classmethod def parse_row(cls, row: StreamRow) -> Any: """Parse a row received over replication By default, assumes that the row data is an array object and passes its contents to the constructor of the ROW_TYPE for this stream. Args: row: row data from the incoming RDATA command, after json decoding Returns: ROW_TYPE object for this stream """ return cls.ROW_TYPE(*row) def __init__( self, local_instance_name: str, update_function: UpdateFunction, ): """Instantiate a Stream `update_function` is called to get updates for this stream between a pair of stream tokens. See the `UpdateFunction` type definition for more info. Args: local_instance_name: The instance name of the current process current_token_function: callback to get the current token, as above update_function: callback go get stream updates, as above """ self.local_instance_name = local_instance_name self.update_function = update_function # The token from which we last asked for updates self.last_token = self.current_token(self.local_instance_name) def current_token(self, instance_name: str) -> Token: """This takes an instance name, which is a writer to the stream, and returns the position in the stream of the writer (as viewed from the current process). """ # We can't make this an abstract class as it makes mypy unhappy. raise NotImplementedError() def minimal_local_current_token(self) -> Token: """Tries to return a minimal current token for the local instance, i.e. for writers this would be the last successful write. If local instance is not a writer (or has written yet) then falls back to returning the normal "current token". """ raise NotImplementedError() def discard_updates_and_advance(self) -> None: """Called when the stream should advance but the updates would be discarded, e.g. when there are no currently connected workers. """ self.last_token = self.current_token(self.local_instance_name) async def get_updates(self) -> StreamUpdateResult: """Gets all updates since the last time this function was called (or since the stream was constructed if it hadn't been called before). Returns: A triplet `(updates, new_last_token, limited)`, where `updates` is a list of `(token, row)` entries, `new_last_token` is the new position in stream (ie the highest token returned in the updates), and `limited` is whether there are more updates to fetch. """ current_token = self.current_token(self.local_instance_name) updates, current_token, limited = await self.get_updates_since( self.local_instance_name, self.last_token, current_token ) self.last_token = current_token return updates, current_token, limited async def get_updates_since( self, instance_name: str, from_token: Token, upto_token: Token ) -> StreamUpdateResult: """Like get_updates except allows specifying from when we should stream updates Returns: A triplet `(updates, new_last_token, limited)`, where `updates` is a list of `(token, row)` entries, `new_last_token` is the new position in stream, and `limited` is whether there are more updates to fetch. """ from_token = int(from_token) if from_token == upto_token: return [], upto_token, False updates, upto_token, limited = await self.update_function( instance_name, from_token, upto_token, _STREAM_UPDATE_TARGET_ROW_COUNT, ) return updates, upto_token, limited class _StreamFromIdGen(Stream): """Helper class for simple streams that use a stream ID generator""" def __init__( self, local_instance_name: str, update_function: UpdateFunction, stream_id_gen: "AbstractStreamIdGenerator", ): self._stream_id_gen = stream_id_gen super().__init__(local_instance_name, update_function) def current_token(self, instance_name: str) -> Token: return self._stream_id_gen.get_current_token_for_writer(instance_name) def minimal_local_current_token(self) -> Token: return self._stream_id_gen.get_minimal_local_current_token() def current_token_without_instance( current_token: Callable[[], int] ) -> Callable[[str], int]: """Takes a current token callback function for a single writer stream that doesn't take an instance name parameter and wraps it in a function that does accept an instance name parameter but ignores it. """ return lambda instance_name: current_token() def make_http_update_function(hs: "HomeServer", stream_name: str) -> UpdateFunction: """Makes a suitable function for use as an `update_function` that queries the master process for updates. """ client = ReplicationGetStreamUpdates.make_client(hs) async def update_function( instance_name: str, from_token: int, upto_token: int, limit: int ) -> StreamUpdateResult: result = await client( instance_name=instance_name, stream_name=stream_name, from_token=from_token, upto_token=upto_token, ) return result["updates"], result["upto_token"], result["limited"] return update_function class BackfillStream(Stream): """We fetched some old events and either we had never seen that event before or it went from being an outlier to not. """ @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class BackfillStreamRow: event_id: str room_id: str type: str state_key: Optional[str] redacts: Optional[str] relates_to: Optional[str] NAME = "backfill" ROW_TYPE = BackfillStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): self.store = hs.get_datastores().main super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), self.store.get_all_new_backfill_event_rows, ) def current_token(self, instance_name: str) -> Token: # The backfill stream over replication operates on *positive* numbers, # which means we need to negate it. return -self.store._backfill_id_gen.get_current_token_for_writer(instance_name) def minimal_local_current_token(self) -> Token: # The backfill stream over replication operates on *positive* numbers, # which means we need to negate it. return -self.store._backfill_id_gen.get_minimal_local_current_token() class PresenceStream(_StreamFromIdGen): @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class PresenceStreamRow: user_id: str state: str last_active_ts: int last_federation_update_ts: int last_user_sync_ts: int status_msg: str currently_active: bool NAME = "presence" ROW_TYPE = PresenceStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): store = hs.get_datastores().main if hs.get_instance_name() in hs.config.worker.writers.presence: # on the presence writer, query the presence handler presence_handler = hs.get_presence_handler() from synapse.handlers.presence import PresenceHandler assert isinstance(presence_handler, PresenceHandler) update_function: UpdateFunction = presence_handler.get_all_presence_updates else: # Query presence writer process update_function = make_http_update_function(hs, self.NAME) super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), update_function, store._presence_id_gen ) class PresenceFederationStream(Stream): """A stream used to send ad hoc presence updates over federation. Streams the remote destination and the user ID of the presence state to send. """ @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class PresenceFederationStreamRow: destination: str user_id: str NAME = "presence_federation" ROW_TYPE = PresenceFederationStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): self._federation_queue = hs.get_presence_handler().get_federation_queue() super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), self._federation_queue.get_replication_rows, ) def current_token(self, instance_name: str) -> Token: return self._federation_queue.get_current_token(instance_name) def minimal_local_current_token(self) -> Token: return self._federation_queue.get_current_token(self.local_instance_name) class TypingStream(Stream): @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class TypingStreamRow: """ An entry in the typing stream. Describes all the users that are 'typing' right now in one room. When a user stops typing, it will be streamed as a new update with that user absent; you can think of the `user_ids` list as overwriting the entire list that was there previously. """ # The room that this update is for. room_id: str # All the users that are 'typing' right now in the specified room. user_ids: List[str] NAME = "typing" ROW_TYPE = TypingStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): if hs.get_instance_name() in hs.config.worker.writers.typing: # On the writer, query the typing handler typing_writer_handler = hs.get_typing_writer_handler() update_function: Callable[ [str, int, int, int], Awaitable[Tuple[List[Tuple[int, Any]], int, bool]] ] = typing_writer_handler.get_all_typing_updates self.current_token_function = typing_writer_handler.get_current_token else: # Query the typing writer process update_function = make_http_update_function(hs, self.NAME) self.current_token_function = hs.get_typing_handler().get_current_token super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), update_function, ) def current_token(self, instance_name: str) -> Token: return self.current_token_function() def minimal_local_current_token(self) -> Token: return self.current_token_function() class ReceiptsStream(_StreamFromIdGen): @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class ReceiptsStreamRow: room_id: str receipt_type: str user_id: str event_id: str thread_id: Optional[str] data: dict NAME = "receipts" ROW_TYPE = ReceiptsStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): store = hs.get_datastores().main super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), store.get_all_updated_receipts, store._receipts_id_gen, ) class PushRulesStream(_StreamFromIdGen): """A user has changed their push rules""" @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class PushRulesStreamRow: user_id: str NAME = "push_rules" ROW_TYPE = PushRulesStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): store = hs.get_datastores().main super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), store.get_all_push_rule_updates, store._push_rules_stream_id_gen, ) class PushersStream(_StreamFromIdGen): """A user has added/changed/removed a pusher""" @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class PushersStreamRow: user_id: str app_id: str pushkey: str deleted: bool NAME = "pushers" ROW_TYPE = PushersStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): store = hs.get_datastores().main super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), store.get_all_updated_pushers_rows, store._pushers_id_gen, ) class CachesStream(Stream): """A cache was invalidated on the master and no other stream would invalidate the cache on the workers """ @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class CachesStreamRow: """Stream to inform workers they should invalidate their cache. Attributes: cache_func: Name of the cached function. keys: The entry in the cache to invalidate. If None then will invalidate all. invalidation_ts: Timestamp of when the invalidation took place. """ cache_func: str keys: Optional[List[Any]] invalidation_ts: int NAME = "caches" ROW_TYPE = CachesStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): self.store = hs.get_datastores().main super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), self.store.get_all_updated_caches, ) def current_token(self, instance_name: str) -> Token: return self.store.get_cache_stream_token_for_writer(instance_name) def minimal_local_current_token(self) -> Token: return self.current_token(self.local_instance_name) class DeviceListsStream(_StreamFromIdGen): """Either a user has updated their devices or a remote server needs to be told about a device update. """ @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class DeviceListsStreamRow: entity: str # Indicates that a user has signed their own device with their user-signing key is_signature: bool NAME = "device_lists" ROW_TYPE = DeviceListsStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): self.store = hs.get_datastores().main super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), self._update_function, self.store._device_list_id_gen, ) async def _update_function( self, instance_name: str, from_token: Token, current_token: Token, target_row_count: int, ) -> StreamUpdateResult: ( device_updates, devices_to_token, devices_limited, ) = await self.store.get_all_device_list_changes_for_remotes( instance_name, from_token, current_token, target_row_count ) ( signatures_updates, signatures_to_token, signatures_limited, ) = await self.store.get_all_user_signature_changes_for_remotes( instance_name, from_token, current_token, target_row_count ) upper_limit_token = current_token if devices_limited: upper_limit_token = min(upper_limit_token, devices_to_token) if signatures_limited: upper_limit_token = min(upper_limit_token, signatures_to_token) device_updates = [ (stream_id, (entity, False)) for stream_id, (entity,) in device_updates if stream_id <= upper_limit_token ] signatures_updates = [ (stream_id, (entity, True)) for stream_id, (entity,) in signatures_updates if stream_id <= upper_limit_token ] updates = list( heapq.merge(device_updates, signatures_updates, key=lambda row: row[0]) ) return updates, upper_limit_token, devices_limited or signatures_limited class ToDeviceStream(_StreamFromIdGen): """New to_device messages for a client""" @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class ToDeviceStreamRow: entity: str NAME = "to_device" ROW_TYPE = ToDeviceStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): store = hs.get_datastores().main super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), store.get_all_new_device_messages, store._device_inbox_id_gen, ) class AccountDataStream(_StreamFromIdGen): """Global or per room account data was changed""" @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True) class AccountDataStreamRow: user_id: str room_id: Optional[str] data_type: str NAME = "account_data" ROW_TYPE = AccountDataStreamRow def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): self.store = hs.get_datastores().main super().__init__( hs.get_instance_name(), self._update_function, self.store._account_data_id_gen, ) async def _update_function( self, instance_name: str, from_token: int, to_token: int, limit: int ) -> StreamUpdateResult: limited = False global_results = await self.store.get_updated_global_account_data( from_token, to_token, limit ) # if the global results hit the limit, we'll need to limit the room results to # the same stream token. if len(global_results) >= limit: to_token = global_results[-1][0] limited = True room_results = await self.store.get_updated_room_account_data( from_token, to_token, limit ) # likewise, if the room results hit the limit, limit the global results to # the same stream token. if len(room_results) >= limit: to_token = room_results[-1][0] limited = True tags, tag_to_token, tags_limited = await self.store.get_all_updated_tags( instance_name, from_token, to_token, limit, ) # again, if the tag results hit the limit, limit the global results to # the same stream token. if tags_limited: to_token = tag_to_token limited = True # convert the global results to the right format, and limit them to the to_token # at the same time global_rows = ( (stream_id, (user_id, None, account_data_type)) for stream_id, user_id, account_data_type in global_results if stream_id <= to_token ) room_rows = ( (stream_id, (user_id, room_id, account_data_type)) for stream_id, user_id, room_id, account_data_type in room_results if stream_id <= to_token ) tag_rows = ( (stream_id, (user_id, room_id, AccountDataTypes.TAG)) for stream_id, user_id, room_id in tags if stream_id <= to_token ) # We need to return a sorted list, so merge them together. # # Note: We order only by the stream ID to work around a bug where the # same stream ID could appear in both `global_rows` and `room_rows`, # leading to a comparison between the data tuples. The comparison could # fail due to attempting to compare the `room_id` which results in a # `TypeError` from comparing a `str` vs `None`. updates = list( heapq.merge(room_rows, global_rows, tag_rows, key=lambda row: row[0]) ) return updates, to_token, limited