Matrix Specification ==================== TODO(Introduction) : Matthew - Similar to intro paragraph from README. - Explaining the overall mission, what this spec describes... - "What is Matrix?" Architecture ============ - Basic structure: What are clients/home servers and what are their responsibilities? What are events. :: { Matrix clients } { Matrix clients } ^ | ^ | | events | | events | | V | V +------------------+ +------------------+ | |---------( HTTP )---------->| | | Home Server | | Home Server | | |<--------( HTTP )-----------| | +------------------+ +------------------+ - How do identity servers fit in? 3PIDs? Users? Aliases - Pattern of the APIs (HTTP/JSON, REST + txns) - Standard error response format. - C-S Event stream Rooms ===== A room is a conceptual place where users can send and receive messages. Rooms can be created, joined and left. Messages are sent to a room, and all participants in that room will receive the message. Rooms are uniquely identified via a room ID. There is exactly one room ID for each room. - Aliases - Invite/join dance - State and non-state data (+extensibility) TODO : Room permissions / config / power levels. Messages ======== This specification outlines several standard message types, all of which are prefixed with "m.". - Namespacing? State messages -------------- - - - - - What are they, when are they used, what do they contain, how should they be used Non-state messages ------------------ - - (and compressed format) What are they, when are they used, what do they contain, how should they be used types -------------------- - m.text - m.emote - - m.image - - m.location Presence ======== Each user has the concept of Presence information. This encodes a sense of the "availability" of that user, suitable for display on other user's clients. The basic piece of presence information is an enumeration of a small set of state; such as "free to chat", "online", "busy", or "offline". The default state unless the user changes it is "online". Lower states suggest some amount of decreased availability from normal, which might have some client-side effect like muting notification sounds and suggests to other users not to bother them unless it is urgent. Equally, the "free to chat" state exists to let the user announce their general willingness to receive messages moreso than default. Home servers should also allow a user to set their state as "hidden" - a state which behaves as offline, but allows the user to see the client state anyway and generally interact with client features such as reading message history or accessing contacts in the address book. This basic state field applies to the user as a whole, regardless of how many client devices they have connected. The home server should synchronise this status choice among multiple devices to ensure the user gets a consistent experience. Idle Time --------- As well as the basic state field, the presence information can also show a sense of an "idle timer". This should be maintained individually by the user's clients, and the homeserver can take the highest reported time as that to report. Likely this should be presented in fairly coarse granularity; possibly being limited to letting the home server automatically switch from a "free to chat" or "online" mode into "idle". When a user is offline, the Home Server can still report when the user was last seen online, again perhaps in a somewhat coarse manner. Device Type ----------- Client devices that may limit the user experience somewhat (such as "mobile" devices with limited ability to type on a real keyboard or read large amounts of text) should report this to the home server, as this is also useful information to report as "presence" if the user cannot be expected to provide a good typed response to messages. - m.presence and enums (when should they be used) Presence List ------------- Each user's home server stores a "presence list" for that user. This stores a list of other user IDs the user has chosen to add to it (remembering any ACL Pointer if appropriate). To be added to a contact list, the user being added must grant permission. Once granted, both user's HS(es) store this information, as it allows the user who has added the contact some more abilities; see below. Since such subscriptions are likely to be bidirectional, HSes may wish to automatically accept requests when a reverse subscription already exists. As a convenience, presence lists should support the ability to collect users into groups, which could allow things like inviting the entire group to a new ("ad-hoc") chat room, or easy interaction with the profile information ACL implementation of the HS. Presence and Permissions ------------------------ For a viewing user to be allowed to see the presence information of a target user, either * The target user has allowed the viewing user to add them to their presence list, or * The two users share at least one room in common In the latter case, this allows for clients to display some minimal sense of presence information in a user list for a room. Home servers can also use the user's choice of presence state as a signal for how to handle new private one-to-one chat message requests. For example, it might decide: - "free to chat": accept anything - "online": accept from anyone in my address book list - "busy": accept from anyone in this "important people" group in my address book list Typing notifications ==================== TODO : Leo Voice over IP ============= TODO : Dave Profiles ======== Internally within Matrix users are referred to by their user ID, which is not a human-friendly string. Profiles grant users the ability to see human-readable names for other users that are in some way meaningful to them. Additionally, profiles can publish additional information, such as the user's age or location. It is also conceivable that since we are attempting to provide a worldwide-applicable messaging system, that users may wish to present different subsets of information in their profile to different other people, from a privacy and permissions perspective. A Profile consists of a display name, an avatar picture, and a set of other metadata fields that the user may wish to publish (email address, phone numbers, website URLs, etc...). This specification puts no requirements on the display name other than it being a valid Unicode string. - Metadata extensibility - Bundled with which events? e.g. Registration and login ====================== Clients must register with a home server in order to use Matrix. After registering, the client will be given an access token which must be used in ALL requests to that home server as a query parameter 'access_token'. - TODO Kegan : Make registration like login - TODO Kegan : Allow alternative forms of login (>1 route) If the client has already registered, they need to be able to login to their account. The home server may provide many different ways of logging in, such as user/password auth, login via a social network (OAuth), login by confirming a token sent to their email address, etc. This specification does not define how home servers should authorise their users who want to login to their existing accounts, but instead defines the standard interface which implementations should follow so that ANY client can login to ANY home server. The login process breaks down into the following: 1. Get login process info. 2. Submit the login stage credentials. 3. Get access token or be told the next stage in the login process and repeat step 2. - What are types? Matrix-defined login types -------------------------- - m.login.password - m.login.oauth2 - - Password-based -------------- Type: "m.login.password" LoginSubmission:: { "type": "m.login.password", "user": , "password": } Example: Assume you are and you wish to login on another mobile device. First, you GET /login which returns:: { "type": "m.login.password" } Your client knows how to handle this, so your client prompts the user to enter their username and password. This is then submitted:: { "type": "m.login.password", "user": "", "password": "monkey" } The server checks this, finds it is valid, and returns:: { "access_token": "abcdef0123456789" } The server may optionally return "user_id" to confirm or change the user's ID. This is particularly useful if the home server wishes to support localpart entry of usernames (e.g. "bob" rather than ""). OAuth2-based ------------ Type: "m.login.oauth2" This is a multi-stage login. LoginSubmission:: { "type": "m.login.oauth2", "user": } Returns:: { "uri": } The home server acts as a 'confidential' Client for the purposes of OAuth2. If the uri is a "sevice selection uri", it is a simple page which prompts the user to choose which service to authorize with. On selection of a service, they link through to Authorization Request URIs. If there is only 1 service which the home server accepts when logging in, this indirection can be skipped and the "uri" key can be the Authorization Request URI. The client visits the Authorization Request URI, which then shows the OAuth2 Allow/Deny prompt. Hitting 'Allow' returns the redirect URI with the auth code. Home servers can choose any path for the redirect URI. The client should visit the redirect URI, which will then finish the OAuth2 login process, granting the home server an access token for the chosen service. When the home server gets this access token, it knows that the cilent has authed with the 3rd party, and so can return a LoginResult. The OAuth redirect URI (with auth code) MUST return a LoginResult. Example: Assume you are and you wish to login on another mobile device. First, you GET /login which returns:: { "type": "m.login.oauth2" } Your client knows how to handle this, so your client prompts the user to enter their username. This is then submitted:: { "type": "m.login.oauth2", "user": "" } The server only accepts auth from Google, so returns the Authorization Request URI for Google:: { "uri": " client_id=CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=photos" } The client then visits this URI and authorizes the home server. The client then visits the REDIRECT_URI with the auth code= query parameter which returns:: { "access_token": "0123456789abcdef" } Email-based (code) ------------------ Type: "" This is a multi-stage login. First LoginSubmission:: { "type": "", "user": "email": } Returns:: { "type": "session": } The email contains a code which must be sent in the next LoginSubmission:: { "type": "", "session": , "code": } Returns:: { "access_token": } Email-based (url) ----------------- Type: "" This is a multi-stage login. First LoginSubmission:: { "type": "", "user": "email": } Returns:: { "session": } The email contains a URL which must be clicked. After it has been clicked, the client should perform a request:: { "type": "", "session": } Returns:: { "access_token": } Example: Assume you are and you wish to login on another mobile device. First, you GET /login which returns:: { "type": "" } Your client knows how to handle this, so your client prompts the user to enter their email address. This is then submitted:: { "type": "", "user": "", "email": "" } The server confirms that is linked to, then sends an email to this address and returns:: { "session": "ewuigf7462" } The client then starts polling the server with the following:: { "type": "", "session": "ewuigf7462" } (Alternatively, the server could send the device a push notification when the email has been validated). The email arrives and it contains a URL to click on. The user clicks on the which completes the login process with the server. The next time the client polls, it returns:: { "access_token": "abcdef0123456789" } N-Factor auth ------------- Multiple login stages can be combined with the "next" key in the LoginResult. Example: A server demands an email.code then password auth before logging in. First, the client performs a GET /login which returns:: { "type": "", "stages": ["", "m.login.password"] } The client performs the email login (See "Email-based (code)"), but instead of returning an access_token, it returns:: { "next": "m.login.password" } The client then presents a user/password screen and the login continues until this is complete (See "Password-based"), which then returns the "access_token". Fallback -------- If the client does NOT know how to handle the given type, they should:: GET /login/fallback This MUST return an HTML page which can perform the entire login process. Identity ======== TODO : Dave - 3PIDs and identity server, functions Federation ========== Federation is the term used to describe how to communicate between Matrix home servers. Federation is a mechanism by which two home servers can exchange Matrix event messages, both as a real-time push of current events, and as a historic fetching mechanism to synchronise past history for clients to view. It uses HTTP connections between each pair of servers involved as the underlying transport. Messages are exchanged between servers in real-time by active pushing from each server's HTTP client into the server of the other. Queries to fetch historic data for the purpose of back-filling scrollback buffers and the like can also be performed. There are three main kinds of communication that occur between home servers: * Queries These are single request/response interactions between a given pair of servers, initiated by one side sending an HTTP request to obtain some information, and responded by the other. They are not persisted and contain no long-term significant history. They simply request a snapshot state at the instant the query is made. * EDUs - Ephemeral Data Units These are notifications of events that are pushed from one home server to another. They are not persisted and contain no long-term significant history, nor does the receiving home server have to reply to them. * PDUs - Persisted Data Units These are notifications of events that are broadcast from one home server to any others that are interested in the same "context" (namely, a Room ID). They are persisted to long-term storage and form the record of history for that context. Where Queries are presented directly across the HTTP connection as GET requests to specific URLs, EDUs and PDUs are further wrapped in an envelope called a Transaction, which is transferred from the origin to the destination home server using a PUT request. Transactions and EDUs/PDUs -------------------------- The transfer of EDUs and PDUs between home servers is performed by an exchange of Transaction messages, which are encoded as JSON objects with a dict as the top-level element, passed over an HTTP PUT request. A Transaction is meaningful only to the pair of home servers that exchanged it; they are not globally- meaningful. Each transaction has an opaque ID and timestamp (UNIX epoch time in milliseconds) generated by its origin server, an origin and destination server name, a list of "previous IDs", and a list of PDUs - the actual message payload that the Transaction carries. {"transaction_id":"916d630ea616342b42e98a3be0b74113", "ts":1404835423000, "origin":"red", "destination":"blue", "prev_ids":["e1da392e61898be4d2009b9fecce5325"], "pdus":[...], "edus":[...]} The "previous IDs" field will contain a list of previous transaction IDs that the origin server has sent to this destination. Its purpose is to act as a sequence checking mechanism - the destination server can check whether it has successfully received that Transaction, or ask for a retransmission if not. The "pdus" field of a transaction is a list, containing zero or more PDUs.[*] Each PDU is itself a dict containing a number of keys, the exact details of which will vary depending on the type of PDU. Similarly, the "edus" field is another list containing the EDUs. This key may be entirely absent if there are no EDUs to transfer. (* Normally the PDU list will be non-empty, but the server should cope with receiving an "empty" transaction, as this is useful for informing peers of other transaction IDs they should be aware of. This effectively acts as a push mechanism to encourage peers to continue to replicate content.) All PDUs have an ID, a context, a declaration of their type, a list of other PDU IDs that have been seen recently on that context (regardless of which origin sent them), and a nested content field containing the actual event content. [[TODO(paul): Update this structure so that 'pdu_id' is a two-element [origin,ref] pair like the prev_pdus are]] {"pdu_id":"a4ecee13e2accdadf56c1025af232176", "context":"", "origin":"green", "ts":1404838188000, "pdu_type":"m.text", "prev_pdus":[["blue","99d16afbc857975916f1d73e49e52b65"]], "content":... "is_state":false} In contrast to the transaction layer, it is important to note that the prev_pdus field of a PDU refers to PDUs that any origin server has sent, rather than previous IDs that this origin has sent. This list may refer to other PDUs sent by the same origin as the current one, or other origins. Because of the distributed nature of participants in a Matrix conversation, it is impossible to establish a globally-consistent total ordering on the events. However, by annotating each outbound PDU at its origin with IDs of other PDUs it has received, a partial ordering can be constructed allowing causallity relationships to be preserved. A client can then display these messages to the end-user in some order consistent with their content and ensure that no message that is semantically in reply of an earlier one is ever displayed before it. PDUs fall into two main categories: those that deliver Events, and those that synchronise State. For PDUs that relate to State synchronisation, additional keys exist to support this: {..., "is_state":true, "state_key":TODO "power_level":TODO "prev_state_id":TODO "prev_state_origin":TODO} [[TODO(paul): At this point we should probably have a long description of how State management works, with descriptions of clobbering rules, power levels, etc etc... But some of that detail is rather up-in-the-air, on the whiteboard, and so on. This part needs refining. And writing in its own document as the details relate to the server/system as a whole, not specifically to server-server federation.]] EDUs, by comparison to PDUs, do not have an ID, a context, or a list of "previous" IDs. The only mandatory fields for these are the type, origin and destination home server names, and the actual nested content. {"edu_type":"m.presence", "origin":"blue", "destination":"orange", "content":...} Backfilling ----------- - What it is, when is it used, how is it done SRV Records ----------- - Why it is needed Security ======== - rate limiting - crypto (s-s auth) - E2E - Lawful intercept + Key Escrow TODO Mark Policy Servers ============== TODO Content repository ================== - thumbnail paths Address book repository ======================= - format Glossary ======== - domain specific words/acronyms with definitions User ID: An opaque ID which identifies an end-user, which consists of some opaque localpart combined with the domain name of their home server.