{{ room.room_id | mRoomName }} {{ room.numUsersInRoom || '1' }} {{ room.numUsersInRoom == 1 ? 'user' : 'users' }} {{ (room.lastMsg.ts) | date:'MMM d HH:mm' }}
{{ room.inviter | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} invited you
{{ room.lastMsg.state_key | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id}} joined {{room.lastMsg.state_key | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} left {{ room.lastMsg.user_id | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} {{ {"join": "kicked", "ban": "unbanned"}[room.lastMsg.content.prev] }} {{ room.lastMsg.state_key | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} : {{ room.lastMsg.content.reason }} {{ room.lastMsg.user_id | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} {{ {"invite": "invited", "ban": "banned"}[room.lastMsg.content.membership] }} {{ room.lastMsg.state_key | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} : {{ room.lastMsg.content.reason }}
{{ room.lastMsg.user_id | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} :
{{ room.lastMsg.user_id | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} sent an image
{{ room.lastMsg.content }}
{{ room.lastMsg.user_id | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} changed the topic to: {{ room.lastMsg.content.topic }}
{{ room.lastMsg.user_id | mUserDisplayName: room.room_id }} changed the room name to: {{ room.lastMsg.content.name }}