# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import threading from functools import wraps from typing import Callable, Optional, Type, Union from synapse.config import cache as cache_config from synapse.util.caches.treecache import TreeCache def enumerate_leaves(node, depth): if depth == 0: yield node else: for n in node.values(): for m in enumerate_leaves(n, depth - 1): yield m class _Node(object): __slots__ = ["prev_node", "next_node", "key", "value", "callbacks"] def __init__(self, prev_node, next_node, key, value, callbacks=set()): self.prev_node = prev_node self.next_node = next_node self.key = key self.value = value self.callbacks = callbacks class LruCache(object): """ Least-recently-used cache. Supports del_multi only if cache_type=TreeCache If cache_type=TreeCache, all keys must be tuples. Can also set callbacks on objects when getting/setting which are fired when that key gets invalidated/evicted. """ def __init__( self, max_size: int, keylen: int = 1, cache_type: Type[Union[dict, TreeCache]] = dict, size_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, evicted_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, apply_cache_factor_from_config: bool = True, ): """ Args: max_size: The maximum amount of entries the cache can hold keylen: The length of the tuple used as the cache key cache_type (type): type of underlying cache to be used. Typically one of dict or TreeCache. size_callback (func(V) -> int | None): evicted_callback (func(int)|None): if not None, called on eviction with the size of the evicted entry apply_cache_factor_from_config (bool): If true, `max_size` will be multiplied by a cache factor derived from the homeserver config """ cache = cache_type() self.cache = cache # Used for introspection. # Save the original max size, and apply the default size factor. self._original_max_size = max_size # We previously didn't apply the cache factor here, and as such some caches were # not affected by the global cache factor. Add an option here to disable applying # the cache factor when a cache is created if apply_cache_factor_from_config: self.max_size = int(max_size * cache_config.properties.default_factor_size) else: self.max_size = int(max_size) list_root = _Node(None, None, None, None) list_root.next_node = list_root list_root.prev_node = list_root lock = threading.Lock() def evict(): while cache_len() > self.max_size: todelete = list_root.prev_node evicted_len = delete_node(todelete) cache.pop(todelete.key, None) if evicted_callback: evicted_callback(evicted_len) def synchronized(f): @wraps(f) def inner(*args, **kwargs): with lock: return f(*args, **kwargs) return inner cached_cache_len = [0] if size_callback is not None: def cache_len(): return cached_cache_len[0] else: def cache_len(): return len(cache) self.len = synchronized(cache_len) def add_node(key, value, callbacks=set()): prev_node = list_root next_node = prev_node.next_node node = _Node(prev_node, next_node, key, value, callbacks) prev_node.next_node = node next_node.prev_node = node cache[key] = node if size_callback: cached_cache_len[0] += size_callback(node.value) def move_node_to_front(node): prev_node = node.prev_node next_node = node.next_node prev_node.next_node = next_node next_node.prev_node = prev_node prev_node = list_root next_node = prev_node.next_node node.prev_node = prev_node node.next_node = next_node prev_node.next_node = node next_node.prev_node = node def delete_node(node): prev_node = node.prev_node next_node = node.next_node prev_node.next_node = next_node next_node.prev_node = prev_node deleted_len = 1 if size_callback: deleted_len = size_callback(node.value) cached_cache_len[0] -= deleted_len for cb in node.callbacks: cb() node.callbacks.clear() return deleted_len @synchronized def cache_get(key, default=None, callbacks=[]): node = cache.get(key, None) if node is not None: move_node_to_front(node) node.callbacks.update(callbacks) return node.value else: return default @synchronized def cache_set(key, value, callbacks=[]): node = cache.get(key, None) if node is not None: # We sometimes store large objects, e.g. dicts, which cause # the inequality check to take a long time. So let's only do # the check if we have some callbacks to call. if node.callbacks and value != node.value: for cb in node.callbacks: cb() node.callbacks.clear() # We don't bother to protect this by value != node.value as # generally size_callback will be cheap compared with equality # checks. (For example, taking the size of two dicts is quicker # than comparing them for equality.) if size_callback: cached_cache_len[0] -= size_callback(node.value) cached_cache_len[0] += size_callback(value) node.callbacks.update(callbacks) move_node_to_front(node) node.value = value else: add_node(key, value, set(callbacks)) evict() @synchronized def cache_set_default(key, value): node = cache.get(key, None) if node is not None: return node.value else: add_node(key, value) evict() return value @synchronized def cache_pop(key, default=None): node = cache.get(key, None) if node: delete_node(node) cache.pop(node.key, None) return node.value else: return default @synchronized def cache_del_multi(key): """ This will only work if constructed with cache_type=TreeCache """ popped = cache.pop(key) if popped is None: return for leaf in enumerate_leaves(popped, keylen - len(key)): delete_node(leaf) @synchronized def cache_clear(): list_root.next_node = list_root list_root.prev_node = list_root for node in cache.values(): for cb in node.callbacks: cb() cache.clear() if size_callback: cached_cache_len[0] = 0 @synchronized def cache_contains(key): return key in cache self.sentinel = object() self._on_resize = evict self.get = cache_get self.set = cache_set self.setdefault = cache_set_default self.pop = cache_pop if cache_type is TreeCache: self.del_multi = cache_del_multi self.len = synchronized(cache_len) self.contains = cache_contains self.clear = cache_clear def __getitem__(self, key): result = self.get(key, self.sentinel) if result is self.sentinel: raise KeyError() else: return result def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.set(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key, value): result = self.pop(key, self.sentinel) if result is self.sentinel: raise KeyError() def __len__(self): return self.len() def __contains__(self, key): return self.contains(key) def set_cache_factor(self, factor: float) -> bool: """ Set the cache factor for this individual cache. This will trigger a resize if it changes, which may require evicting items from the cache. Returns: bool: Whether the cache changed size or not. """ new_size = int(self._original_max_size * factor) if new_size != self.max_size: self.max_size = new_size self._on_resize() return True return False