#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gc import logging import os import sys import synapse import synapse.config.logger from synapse import events from synapse.api.urls import CONTENT_REPO_PREFIX, FEDERATION_PREFIX, \ LEGACY_MEDIA_PREFIX, MEDIA_PREFIX, SERVER_KEY_PREFIX, SERVER_KEY_V2_PREFIX, \ STATIC_PREFIX, WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX from synapse.app import _base from synapse.config._base import ConfigError from synapse.config.homeserver import HomeServerConfig from synapse.crypto import context_factory from synapse.federation.transport.server import TransportLayerServer from synapse.http.server import RootRedirect from synapse.http.site import SynapseSite from synapse.metrics import register_memory_metrics from synapse.metrics.resource import METRICS_PREFIX, MetricsResource from synapse.python_dependencies import CONDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS, \ check_requirements from synapse.replication.tcp.resource import ReplicationStreamProtocolFactory from synapse.rest import ClientRestResource from synapse.rest.key.v1.server_key_resource import LocalKey from synapse.rest.key.v2 import KeyApiV2Resource from synapse.rest.media.v0.content_repository import ContentRepoResource from synapse.rest.media.v1.media_repository import MediaRepositoryResource from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.storage import are_all_users_on_domain from synapse.storage.engines import IncorrectDatabaseSetup, create_engine from synapse.storage.prepare_database import UpgradeDatabaseException, prepare_database from synapse.util.httpresourcetree import create_resource_tree from synapse.util.logcontext import LoggingContext from synapse.util.manhole import manhole from synapse.util.rlimit import change_resource_limit from synapse.util.versionstring import get_version_string from twisted.application import service from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.web.resource import EncodingResourceWrapper, Resource from twisted.web.server import GzipEncoderFactory from twisted.web.static import File logger = logging.getLogger("synapse.app.homeserver") def gz_wrap(r): return EncodingResourceWrapper(r, [GzipEncoderFactory()]) def build_resource_for_web_client(hs): webclient_path = hs.get_config().web_client_location if not webclient_path: try: import syweb except ImportError: quit_with_error( "Could not find a webclient.\n\n" "Please either install the matrix-angular-sdk or configure\n" "the location of the source to serve via the configuration\n" "option `web_client_location`\n\n" "To install the `matrix-angular-sdk` via pip, run:\n\n" " pip install '%(dep)s'\n" "\n" "You can also disable hosting of the webclient via the\n" "configuration option `web_client`\n" % {"dep": CONDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS["web_client"].keys()[0]} ) syweb_path = os.path.dirname(syweb.__file__) webclient_path = os.path.join(syweb_path, "webclient") # GZip is disabled here due to # https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7678 # (It can stay enabled for the API resources: they call # write() with the whole body and then finish() straight # after and so do not trigger the bug. # GzipFile was removed in commit 184ba09 # return GzipFile(webclient_path) # TODO configurable? return File(webclient_path) # TODO configurable? class SynapseHomeServer(HomeServer): def _listener_http(self, config, listener_config): port = listener_config["port"] bind_addresses = listener_config["bind_addresses"] tls = listener_config.get("tls", False) site_tag = listener_config.get("tag", port) if tls and config.no_tls: return resources = {} for res in listener_config["resources"]: for name in res["names"]: if name == "client": client_resource = ClientRestResource(self) if res["compress"]: client_resource = gz_wrap(client_resource) resources.update({ "/_matrix/client/api/v1": client_resource, "/_matrix/client/r0": client_resource, "/_matrix/client/unstable": client_resource, "/_matrix/client/v2_alpha": client_resource, "/_matrix/client/versions": client_resource, }) if name == "federation": resources.update({ FEDERATION_PREFIX: TransportLayerServer(self), }) if name in ["static", "client"]: resources.update({ STATIC_PREFIX: File( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(synapse.__file__), "static") ), }) if name in ["media", "federation", "client"]: media_repo = MediaRepositoryResource(self) resources.update({ MEDIA_PREFIX: media_repo, LEGACY_MEDIA_PREFIX: media_repo, CONTENT_REPO_PREFIX: ContentRepoResource( self, self.config.uploads_path ), }) if name in ["keys", "federation"]: resources.update({ SERVER_KEY_PREFIX: LocalKey(self), SERVER_KEY_V2_PREFIX: KeyApiV2Resource(self), }) if name == "webclient": resources[WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX] = build_resource_for_web_client(self) if name == "metrics" and self.get_config().enable_metrics: resources[METRICS_PREFIX] = MetricsResource(self) if WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX in resources: root_resource = RootRedirect(WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX) else: root_resource = Resource() root_resource = create_resource_tree(resources, root_resource) if tls: for address in bind_addresses: reactor.listenSSL( port, SynapseSite( "synapse.access.https.%s" % (site_tag,), site_tag, listener_config, root_resource, ), self.tls_server_context_factory, interface=address ) else: for address in bind_addresses: reactor.listenTCP( port, SynapseSite( "synapse.access.http.%s" % (site_tag,), site_tag, listener_config, root_resource, ), interface=address ) logger.info("Synapse now listening on port %d", port) def start_listening(self): config = self.get_config() for listener in config.listeners: if listener["type"] == "http": self._listener_http(config, listener) elif listener["type"] == "manhole": bind_addresses = listener["bind_addresses"] for address in bind_addresses: reactor.listenTCP( listener["port"], manhole( username="matrix", password="rabbithole", globals={"hs": self}, ), interface=address ) elif listener["type"] == "replication": bind_addresses = listener["bind_addresses"] for address in bind_addresses: factory = ReplicationStreamProtocolFactory(self) server_listener = reactor.listenTCP( listener["port"], factory, interface=address ) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger( "before", "shutdown", server_listener.stopListening, ) else: logger.warn("Unrecognized listener type: %s", listener["type"]) def run_startup_checks(self, db_conn, database_engine): all_users_native = are_all_users_on_domain( db_conn.cursor(), database_engine, self.hostname ) if not all_users_native: quit_with_error( "Found users in database not native to %s!\n" "You cannot changed a synapse server_name after it's been configured" % (self.hostname,) ) try: database_engine.check_database(db_conn.cursor()) except IncorrectDatabaseSetup as e: quit_with_error(e.message) def get_db_conn(self, run_new_connection=True): # Any param beginning with cp_ is a parameter for adbapi, and should # not be passed to the database engine. db_params = { k: v for k, v in self.db_config.get("args", {}).items() if not k.startswith("cp_") } db_conn = self.database_engine.module.connect(**db_params) if run_new_connection: self.database_engine.on_new_connection(db_conn) return db_conn def quit_with_error(error_string): message_lines = error_string.split("\n") line_length = max([len(l) for l in message_lines if len(l) < 80]) + 2 sys.stderr.write("*" * line_length + '\n') for line in message_lines: sys.stderr.write(" %s\n" % (line.rstrip(),)) sys.stderr.write("*" * line_length + '\n') sys.exit(1) def setup(config_options): """ Args: config_options_options: The options passed to Synapse. Usually `sys.argv[1:]`. Returns: HomeServer """ try: config = HomeServerConfig.load_or_generate_config( "Synapse Homeserver", config_options, ) except ConfigError as e: sys.stderr.write("\n" + e.message + "\n") sys.exit(1) if not config: # If a config isn't returned, and an exception isn't raised, we're just # generating config files and shouldn't try to continue. sys.exit(0) synapse.config.logger.setup_logging(config, use_worker_options=False) # check any extra requirements we have now we have a config check_requirements(config) version_string = "Synapse/" + get_version_string(synapse) logger.info("Server hostname: %s", config.server_name) logger.info("Server version: %s", version_string) events.USE_FROZEN_DICTS = config.use_frozen_dicts tls_server_context_factory = context_factory.ServerContextFactory(config) database_engine = create_engine(config.database_config) config.database_config["args"]["cp_openfun"] = database_engine.on_new_connection hs = SynapseHomeServer( config.server_name, db_config=config.database_config, tls_server_context_factory=tls_server_context_factory, config=config, version_string=version_string, database_engine=database_engine, ) logger.info("Preparing database: %s...", config.database_config['name']) try: db_conn = hs.get_db_conn(run_new_connection=False) prepare_database(db_conn, database_engine, config=config) database_engine.on_new_connection(db_conn) hs.run_startup_checks(db_conn, database_engine) db_conn.commit() except UpgradeDatabaseException: sys.stderr.write( "\nFailed to upgrade database.\n" "Have you checked for version specific instructions in" " UPGRADES.rst?\n" ) sys.exit(1) logger.info("Database prepared in %s.", config.database_config['name']) hs.setup() hs.start_listening() def start(): hs.get_pusherpool().start() hs.get_state_handler().start_caching() hs.get_datastore().start_profiling() hs.get_datastore().start_doing_background_updates() hs.get_replication_layer().start_get_pdu_cache() register_memory_metrics(hs) reactor.callWhenRunning(start) return hs class SynapseService(service.Service): """A twisted Service class that will start synapse. Used to run synapse via twistd and a .tac. """ def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def startService(self): hs = setup(self.config) change_resource_limit(hs.config.soft_file_limit) if hs.config.gc_thresholds: gc.set_threshold(*hs.config.gc_thresholds) def stopService(self): return self._port.stopListening() def run(hs): PROFILE_SYNAPSE = False if PROFILE_SYNAPSE: def profile(func): from cProfile import Profile from threading import current_thread def profiled(*args, **kargs): profile = Profile() profile.enable() func(*args, **kargs) profile.disable() ident = current_thread().ident profile.dump_stats("/tmp/%s.%s.%i.pstat" % ( hs.hostname, func.__name__, ident )) return profiled from twisted.python.threadpool import ThreadPool ThreadPool._worker = profile(ThreadPool._worker) reactor.run = profile(reactor.run) clock = hs.get_clock() start_time = clock.time() stats = {} @defer.inlineCallbacks def phone_stats_home(): logger.info("Gathering stats for reporting") now = int(hs.get_clock().time()) uptime = int(now - start_time) if uptime < 0: uptime = 0 stats["homeserver"] = hs.config.server_name stats["timestamp"] = now stats["uptime_seconds"] = uptime stats["total_users"] = yield hs.get_datastore().count_all_users() total_nonbridged_users = yield hs.get_datastore().count_nonbridged_users() stats["total_nonbridged_users"] = total_nonbridged_users room_count = yield hs.get_datastore().get_room_count() stats["total_room_count"] = room_count stats["daily_active_users"] = yield hs.get_datastore().count_daily_users() stats["daily_active_rooms"] = yield hs.get_datastore().count_daily_active_rooms() stats["daily_messages"] = yield hs.get_datastore().count_daily_messages() daily_sent_messages = yield hs.get_datastore().count_daily_sent_messages() stats["daily_sent_messages"] = daily_sent_messages logger.info("Reporting stats to matrix.org: %s" % (stats,)) try: yield hs.get_simple_http_client().put_json( "https://matrix.org/report-usage-stats/push", stats ) except Exception as e: logger.warn("Error reporting stats: %s", e) if hs.config.report_stats: logger.info("Scheduling stats reporting for 3 hour intervals") clock.looping_call(phone_stats_home, 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000) # We wait 5 minutes to send the first set of stats as the server can # be quite busy the first few minutes clock.call_later(5 * 60, phone_stats_home) if hs.config.daemonize and hs.config.print_pidfile: print (hs.config.pid_file) _base.start_reactor( "synapse-homeserver", hs.config.soft_file_limit, hs.config.gc_thresholds, hs.config.pid_file, hs.config.daemonize, logger, ) def main(): with LoggingContext("main"): # check base requirements check_requirements() hs = setup(sys.argv[1:]) run(hs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()