# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import itertools from six.moves import zip import attr from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, JoinRules, Membership from synapse.api.room_versions import RoomVersions from synapse.event_auth import auth_types_for_event from synapse.events import make_event_from_dict from synapse.state.v2 import lexicographical_topological_sort, resolve_events_with_store from synapse.types import EventID from tests import unittest ALICE = "@alice:example.com" BOB = "@bob:example.com" CHARLIE = "@charlie:example.com" EVELYN = "@evelyn:example.com" ZARA = "@zara:example.com" ROOM_ID = "!test:example.com" MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_JOIN = {"membership": Membership.JOIN} MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_BAN = {"membership": Membership.BAN} ORIGIN_SERVER_TS = 0 class FakeEvent(object): """A fake event we use as a convenience. NOTE: Again as a convenience we use "node_ids" rather than event_ids to refer to events. The event_id has node_id as localpart and example.com as domain. """ def __init__(self, id, sender, type, state_key, content): self.node_id = id self.event_id = EventID(id, "example.com").to_string() self.sender = sender self.type = type self.state_key = state_key self.content = content self.room_id = ROOM_ID def to_event(self, auth_events, prev_events): """Given the auth_events and prev_events, convert to a Frozen Event Args: auth_events (list[str]): list of event_ids prev_events (list[str]): list of event_ids Returns: FrozenEvent """ global ORIGIN_SERVER_TS ts = ORIGIN_SERVER_TS ORIGIN_SERVER_TS = ORIGIN_SERVER_TS + 1 event_dict = { "auth_events": [(a, {}) for a in auth_events], "prev_events": [(p, {}) for p in prev_events], "event_id": self.node_id, "sender": self.sender, "type": self.type, "content": self.content, "origin_server_ts": ts, "room_id": ROOM_ID, } if self.state_key is not None: event_dict["state_key"] = self.state_key return make_event_from_dict(event_dict) # All graphs start with this set of events INITIAL_EVENTS = [ FakeEvent( id="CREATE", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Create, state_key="", content={"creator": ALICE}, ), FakeEvent( id="IMA", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=ALICE, content=MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_JOIN, ), FakeEvent( id="IPOWER", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100}}, ), FakeEvent( id="IJR", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.JoinRules, state_key="", content={"join_rule": JoinRules.PUBLIC}, ), FakeEvent( id="IMB", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=BOB, content=MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_JOIN, ), FakeEvent( id="IMC", sender=CHARLIE, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=CHARLIE, content=MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_JOIN, ), FakeEvent( id="IMZ", sender=ZARA, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=ZARA, content=MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_JOIN, ), FakeEvent( id="START", sender=ZARA, type=EventTypes.Message, state_key=None, content={} ), FakeEvent( id="END", sender=ZARA, type=EventTypes.Message, state_key=None, content={} ), ] INITIAL_EDGES = ["START", "IMZ", "IMC", "IMB", "IJR", "IPOWER", "IMA", "CREATE"] class StateTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_ban_vs_pl(self): events = [ FakeEvent( id="PA", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50}}, ), FakeEvent( id="MA", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=ALICE, content={"membership": Membership.JOIN}, ), FakeEvent( id="MB", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=BOB, content={"membership": Membership.BAN}, ), FakeEvent( id="PB", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50}}, ), ] edges = [["END", "MB", "MA", "PA", "START"], ["END", "PB", "PA"]] expected_state_ids = ["PA", "MA", "MB"] self.do_check(events, edges, expected_state_ids) def test_join_rule_evasion(self): events = [ FakeEvent( id="JR", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.JoinRules, state_key="", content={"join_rules": JoinRules.PRIVATE}, ), FakeEvent( id="ME", sender=EVELYN, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=EVELYN, content={"membership": Membership.JOIN}, ), ] edges = [["END", "JR", "START"], ["END", "ME", "START"]] expected_state_ids = ["JR"] self.do_check(events, edges, expected_state_ids) def test_offtopic_pl(self): events = [ FakeEvent( id="PA", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50}}, ), FakeEvent( id="PB", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50, CHARLIE: 50}}, ), FakeEvent( id="PC", sender=CHARLIE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50, CHARLIE: 0}}, ), ] edges = [["END", "PC", "PB", "PA", "START"], ["END", "PA"]] expected_state_ids = ["PC"] self.do_check(events, edges, expected_state_ids) def test_topic_basic(self): events = [ FakeEvent( id="T1", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), FakeEvent( id="PA1", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50}}, ), FakeEvent( id="T2", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), FakeEvent( id="PA2", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 0}}, ), FakeEvent( id="PB", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50}}, ), FakeEvent( id="T3", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), ] edges = [["END", "PA2", "T2", "PA1", "T1", "START"], ["END", "T3", "PB", "PA1"]] expected_state_ids = ["PA2", "T2"] self.do_check(events, edges, expected_state_ids) def test_topic_reset(self): events = [ FakeEvent( id="T1", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), FakeEvent( id="PA", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50}}, ), FakeEvent( id="T2", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), FakeEvent( id="MB", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=BOB, content={"membership": Membership.BAN}, ), ] edges = [["END", "MB", "T2", "PA", "T1", "START"], ["END", "T1"]] expected_state_ids = ["T1", "MB", "PA"] self.do_check(events, edges, expected_state_ids) def test_topic(self): events = [ FakeEvent( id="T1", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), FakeEvent( id="PA1", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50}}, ), FakeEvent( id="T2", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), FakeEvent( id="PA2", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 0}}, ), FakeEvent( id="PB", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.PowerLevels, state_key="", content={"users": {ALICE: 100, BOB: 50}}, ), FakeEvent( id="T3", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), FakeEvent( id="MZ1", sender=ZARA, type=EventTypes.Message, state_key=None, content={}, ), FakeEvent( id="T4", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Topic, state_key="", content={} ), ] edges = [ ["END", "T4", "MZ1", "PA2", "T2", "PA1", "T1", "START"], ["END", "MZ1", "T3", "PB", "PA1"], ] expected_state_ids = ["T4", "PA2"] self.do_check(events, edges, expected_state_ids) def do_check(self, events, edges, expected_state_ids): """Take a list of events and edges and calculate the state of the graph at END, and asserts it matches `expected_state_ids` Args: events (list[FakeEvent]) edges (list[list[str]]): A list of chains of event edges, e.g. `[[A, B, C]]` are edges A->B and B->C. expected_state_ids (list[str]): The expected state at END, (excluding the keys that haven't changed since START). """ # We want to sort the events into topological order for processing. graph = {} # node_id -> FakeEvent fake_event_map = {} for ev in itertools.chain(INITIAL_EVENTS, events): graph[ev.node_id] = set() fake_event_map[ev.node_id] = ev for a, b in pairwise(INITIAL_EDGES): graph[a].add(b) for edge_list in edges: for a, b in pairwise(edge_list): graph[a].add(b) # event_id -> FrozenEvent event_map = {} # node_id -> state state_at_event = {} # We copy the map as the sort consumes the graph graph_copy = {k: set(v) for k, v in graph.items()} for node_id in lexicographical_topological_sort(graph_copy, key=lambda e: e): fake_event = fake_event_map[node_id] event_id = fake_event.event_id prev_events = list(graph[node_id]) if len(prev_events) == 0: state_before = {} elif len(prev_events) == 1: state_before = dict(state_at_event[prev_events[0]]) else: state_d = resolve_events_with_store( ROOM_ID, RoomVersions.V2.identifier, [state_at_event[n] for n in prev_events], event_map=event_map, state_res_store=TestStateResolutionStore(event_map), ) state_before = self.successResultOf(state_d) state_after = dict(state_before) if fake_event.state_key is not None: state_after[(fake_event.type, fake_event.state_key)] = event_id auth_types = set(auth_types_for_event(fake_event)) auth_events = [] for key in auth_types: if key in state_before: auth_events.append(state_before[key]) event = fake_event.to_event(auth_events, prev_events) state_at_event[node_id] = state_after event_map[event_id] = event expected_state = {} for node_id in expected_state_ids: # expected_state_ids are node IDs rather than event IDs, # so we have to convert event_id = EventID(node_id, "example.com").to_string() event = event_map[event_id] key = (event.type, event.state_key) expected_state[key] = event_id start_state = state_at_event["START"] end_state = { key: value for key, value in state_at_event["END"].items() if key in expected_state or start_state.get(key) != value } self.assertEqual(expected_state, end_state) class LexicographicalTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_simple(self): graph = {"l": {"o"}, "m": {"n", "o"}, "n": {"o"}, "o": set(), "p": {"o"}} res = list(lexicographical_topological_sort(graph, key=lambda x: x)) self.assertEqual(["o", "l", "n", "m", "p"], res) class SimpleParamStateTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # We build up a simple DAG. event_map = {} create_event = FakeEvent( id="CREATE", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Create, state_key="", content={"creator": ALICE}, ).to_event([], []) event_map[create_event.event_id] = create_event alice_member = FakeEvent( id="IMA", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=ALICE, content=MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_JOIN, ).to_event([create_event.event_id], [create_event.event_id]) event_map[alice_member.event_id] = alice_member join_rules = FakeEvent( id="IJR", sender=ALICE, type=EventTypes.JoinRules, state_key="", content={"join_rule": JoinRules.PUBLIC}, ).to_event( auth_events=[create_event.event_id, alice_member.event_id], prev_events=[alice_member.event_id], ) event_map[join_rules.event_id] = join_rules # Bob and Charlie join at the same time, so there is a fork bob_member = FakeEvent( id="IMB", sender=BOB, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=BOB, content=MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_JOIN, ).to_event( auth_events=[create_event.event_id, join_rules.event_id], prev_events=[join_rules.event_id], ) event_map[bob_member.event_id] = bob_member charlie_member = FakeEvent( id="IMC", sender=CHARLIE, type=EventTypes.Member, state_key=CHARLIE, content=MEMBERSHIP_CONTENT_JOIN, ).to_event( auth_events=[create_event.event_id, join_rules.event_id], prev_events=[join_rules.event_id], ) event_map[charlie_member.event_id] = charlie_member self.event_map = event_map self.create_event = create_event self.alice_member = alice_member self.join_rules = join_rules self.bob_member = bob_member self.charlie_member = charlie_member self.state_at_bob = { (e.type, e.state_key): e.event_id for e in [create_event, alice_member, join_rules, bob_member] } self.state_at_charlie = { (e.type, e.state_key): e.event_id for e in [create_event, alice_member, join_rules, charlie_member] } self.expected_combined_state = { (e.type, e.state_key): e.event_id for e in [ create_event, alice_member, join_rules, bob_member, charlie_member, ] } def test_event_map_none(self): # Test that we correctly handle passing `None` as the event_map state_d = resolve_events_with_store( ROOM_ID, RoomVersions.V2.identifier, [self.state_at_bob, self.state_at_charlie], event_map=None, state_res_store=TestStateResolutionStore(self.event_map), ) state = self.successResultOf(state_d) self.assert_dict(self.expected_combined_state, state) def pairwise(iterable): "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..." a, b = itertools.tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b) @attr.s class TestStateResolutionStore(object): event_map = attr.ib() def get_events(self, event_ids, allow_rejected=False): """Get events from the database Args: event_ids (list): The event_ids of the events to fetch allow_rejected (bool): If True return rejected events. Returns: Deferred[dict[str, FrozenEvent]]: Dict from event_id to event. """ return {eid: self.event_map[eid] for eid in event_ids if eid in self.event_map} def get_auth_chain(self, event_ids): """Gets the full auth chain for a set of events (including rejected events). Includes the given event IDs in the result. Note that: 1. All events must be state events. 2. For v1 rooms this may not have the full auth chain in the presence of rejected events Args: event_ids (list): The event IDs of the events to fetch the auth chain for. Must be state events. Returns: Deferred[list[str]]: List of event IDs of the auth chain. """ # Simple DFS for auth chain result = set() stack = list(event_ids) while stack: event_id = stack.pop() if event_id in result: continue result.add(event_id) event = self.event_map[event_id] for aid in event.auth_event_ids(): stack.append(aid) return list(result)