# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This module controls the reliability for application service transactions. The nominal flow through this module looks like: __________ 1---ASa[e]-->| Service |--> Queue ASa[f] 2----ASb[e]->| Queuer | 3--ASa[f]--->|__________|-----------+ ASa[e], ASb[e] V -````````- +------------+ |````````|<--StoreTxn-|Transaction | |Database| | Controller |---> SEND TO AS `--------` +------------+ What happens on SEND TO AS depends on the state of the Application Service: - If the AS is marked as DOWN, do nothing. - If the AS is marked as UP, send the transaction. * SUCCESS : Increment where the AS is up to txn-wise and nuke the txn contents from the db. * FAILURE : Marked AS as DOWN and start Recoverer. Recoverer attempts to recover ASes who have died. The flow for this looks like: ,--------------------- backoff++ --------------. V | START ---> Wait exp ------> Get oldest txn ID from ----> FAILURE backoff DB and try to send it ^ |___________ Mark AS as | V UP & quit +---------- YES SUCCESS | | | NO <--- Have more txns? <------ Mark txn success & nuke <-+ from db; incr AS pos. Reset backoff. This is all tied together by the AppServiceScheduler which DIs the required components. """ import logging from synapse.appservice import ApplicationServiceState from synapse.logging.context import run_in_background from synapse.metrics.background_process_metrics import run_as_background_process logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ApplicationServiceScheduler(object): """ Public facing API for this module. Does the required DI to tie the components together. This also serves as the "event_pool", which in this case is a simple array. """ def __init__(self, hs): self.clock = hs.get_clock() self.store = hs.get_datastore() self.as_api = hs.get_application_service_api() self.txn_ctrl = _TransactionController(self.clock, self.store, self.as_api) self.queuer = _ServiceQueuer(self.txn_ctrl, self.clock) async def start(self): logger.info("Starting appservice scheduler") # check for any DOWN ASes and start recoverers for them. services = await self.store.get_appservices_by_state( ApplicationServiceState.DOWN ) for service in services: self.txn_ctrl.start_recoverer(service) def submit_event_for_as(self, service, event): self.queuer.enqueue(service, event) class _ServiceQueuer(object): """Queue of events waiting to be sent to appservices. Groups events into transactions per-appservice, and sends them on to the TransactionController. Makes sure that we only have one transaction in flight per appservice at a given time. """ def __init__(self, txn_ctrl, clock): self.queued_events = {} # dict of {service_id: [events]} # the appservices which currently have a transaction in flight self.requests_in_flight = set() self.txn_ctrl = txn_ctrl self.clock = clock def enqueue(self, service, event): self.queued_events.setdefault(service.id, []).append(event) # start a sender for this appservice if we don't already have one if service.id in self.requests_in_flight: return run_as_background_process( "as-sender-%s" % (service.id,), self._send_request, service ) async def _send_request(self, service): # sanity-check: we shouldn't get here if this service already has a sender # running. assert service.id not in self.requests_in_flight self.requests_in_flight.add(service.id) try: while True: events = self.queued_events.pop(service.id, []) if not events: return try: await self.txn_ctrl.send(service, events) except Exception: logger.exception("AS request failed") finally: self.requests_in_flight.discard(service.id) class _TransactionController(object): """Transaction manager. Builds AppServiceTransactions and runs their lifecycle. Also starts a Recoverer if a transaction fails. (Note we have only have one of these in the homeserver.) Args: clock (synapse.util.Clock): store (synapse.storage.DataStore): as_api (synapse.appservice.api.ApplicationServiceApi): """ def __init__(self, clock, store, as_api): self.clock = clock self.store = store self.as_api = as_api # map from service id to recoverer instance self.recoverers = {} # for UTs self.RECOVERER_CLASS = _Recoverer async def send(self, service, events): try: txn = await self.store.create_appservice_txn(service=service, events=events) service_is_up = await self._is_service_up(service) if service_is_up: sent = await txn.send(self.as_api) if sent: await txn.complete(self.store) else: run_in_background(self._on_txn_fail, service) except Exception: logger.exception("Error creating appservice transaction") run_in_background(self._on_txn_fail, service) async def on_recovered(self, recoverer): logger.info( "Successfully recovered application service AS ID %s", recoverer.service.id ) self.recoverers.pop(recoverer.service.id) logger.info("Remaining active recoverers: %s", len(self.recoverers)) await self.store.set_appservice_state( recoverer.service, ApplicationServiceState.UP ) async def _on_txn_fail(self, service): try: await self.store.set_appservice_state(service, ApplicationServiceState.DOWN) self.start_recoverer(service) except Exception: logger.exception("Error starting AS recoverer") def start_recoverer(self, service): """Start a Recoverer for the given service Args: service (synapse.appservice.ApplicationService): """ logger.info("Starting recoverer for AS ID %s", service.id) assert service.id not in self.recoverers recoverer = self.RECOVERER_CLASS( self.clock, self.store, self.as_api, service, self.on_recovered ) self.recoverers[service.id] = recoverer recoverer.recover() logger.info("Now %i active recoverers", len(self.recoverers)) async def _is_service_up(self, service): state = await self.store.get_appservice_state(service) return state == ApplicationServiceState.UP or state is None class _Recoverer(object): """Manages retries and backoff for a DOWN appservice. We have one of these for each appservice which is currently considered DOWN. Args: clock (synapse.util.Clock): store (synapse.storage.DataStore): as_api (synapse.appservice.api.ApplicationServiceApi): service (synapse.appservice.ApplicationService): the service we are managing callback (callable[_Recoverer]): called once the service recovers. """ def __init__(self, clock, store, as_api, service, callback): self.clock = clock self.store = store self.as_api = as_api self.service = service self.callback = callback self.backoff_counter = 1 def recover(self): def _retry(): run_as_background_process( "as-recoverer-%s" % (self.service.id,), self.retry ) delay = 2 ** self.backoff_counter logger.info("Scheduling retries on %s in %fs", self.service.id, delay) self.clock.call_later(delay, _retry) def _backoff(self): # cap the backoff to be around 8.5min => (2^9) = 512 secs if self.backoff_counter < 9: self.backoff_counter += 1 self.recover() async def retry(self): logger.info("Starting retries on %s", self.service.id) try: while True: txn = await self.store.get_oldest_unsent_txn(self.service) if not txn: # nothing left: we're done! await self.callback(self) return logger.info( "Retrying transaction %s for AS ID %s", txn.id, txn.service.id ) sent = await txn.send(self.as_api) if not sent: break await txn.complete(self.store) # reset the backoff counter and then process the next transaction self.backoff_counter = 1 except Exception: logger.exception("Unexpected error running retries") # we didn't manage to send all of the transactions before we got an error of # some flavour: reschedule the next retry. self._backoff()