# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from six import iteritems from twisted.internet import defer from synapse.metrics.background_process_metrics import run_as_background_process from synapse.util.caches import CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR from . import background_updates from ._base import Cache logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Number of msec of granularity to store the user IP 'last seen' time. Smaller # times give more inserts into the database even for readonly API hits # 120 seconds == 2 minutes LAST_SEEN_GRANULARITY = 120 * 1000 class ClientIpStore(background_updates.BackgroundUpdateStore): def __init__(self, db_conn, hs): self.client_ip_last_seen = Cache( name="client_ip_last_seen", keylen=4, max_entries=50000 * CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR, ) super(ClientIpStore, self).__init__(db_conn, hs) self.register_background_index_update( "user_ips_device_index", index_name="user_ips_device_id", table="user_ips", columns=["user_id", "device_id", "last_seen"], ) self.register_background_index_update( "user_ips_last_seen_index", index_name="user_ips_last_seen", table="user_ips", columns=["user_id", "last_seen"], ) self.register_background_index_update( "user_ips_last_seen_only_index", index_name="user_ips_last_seen_only", table="user_ips", columns=["last_seen"], ) self.register_background_update_handler( "user_ips_remove_dupes", self._remove_user_ip_dupes, ) # Register a unique index self.register_background_index_update( "user_ips_device_unique_index", index_name="user_ips_user_token_ip_unique_index", table="user_ips", columns=["user_id", "access_token", "ip"], unique=True, ) # Drop the old non-unique index self.register_background_update_handler( "user_ips_drop_nonunique_index", self._remove_user_ip_nonunique, ) # (user_id, access_token, ip,) -> (user_agent, device_id, last_seen) self._batch_row_update = {} self._client_ip_looper = self._clock.looping_call( self._update_client_ips_batch, 5 * 1000 ) self.hs.get_reactor().addSystemEventTrigger( "before", "shutdown", self._update_client_ips_batch ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _remove_user_ip_nonunique(self, progress, batch_size): def f(conn): txn = conn.cursor() txn.execute( "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS user_ips_user_ip" ) txn.close() yield self.runWithConnection(f) yield self._end_background_update("user_ips_drop_nonunique_index") defer.returnValue(1) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _remove_user_ip_dupes(self, progress, batch_size): # This works function works by scanning the user_ips table in batches # based on `last_seen`. For each row in a batch it searches the rest of # the table to see if there are any duplicates, if there are then they # are removed and replaced with a suitable row. # Fetch the start of the batch begin_last_seen = progress.get("last_seen", 0) def get_last_seen(txn): txn.execute( """ SELECT last_seen FROM user_ips WHERE last_seen > ? ORDER BY last_seen LIMIT 1 OFFSET ? """, (begin_last_seen, batch_size) ) row = txn.fetchone() if row: return row[0] else: return None # Get a last seen that has roughly `batch_size` since `begin_last_seen` end_last_seen = yield self.runInteraction( "user_ips_dups_get_last_seen", get_last_seen ) if end_last_seen is None: # If we get a None then we're reaching the end and just need to # delete the last batch. last = True # We fake not having an upper bound by using a future date, by # just multiplying the current time by two.... last_seen = int(self.clock.time_msec()) * 2 else: last = False def remove(txn, begin_last_seen, end_last_seen): # This works by looking at all entries in the given time span, and # then for each (user_id, access_token, ip) tuple in that range # checking for any duplicates in the rest of the table (via a join). # It then only returns entries which have duplicates, and the max # last_seen across all duplicates, which can the be used to delete # all other duplicates. # It is efficient due to the existence of (user_id, access_token, # ip) and (last_seen) indices. txn.execute( """ SELECT user_id, access_token, ip, MAX(device_id), MAX(user_agent), MAX(last_seen) FROM ( SELECT user_id, access_token, ip FROM user_ips WHERE ? <= last_seen AND last_seen < ? ORDER BY last_seen ) c INNER JOIN user_ips USING (user_id, access_token, ip) GROUP BY user_id, access_token, ip HAVING count(*) > 1""", (begin_last_seen, end_last_seen) ) res = txn.fetchall() # We've got some duplicates for i in res: user_id, access_token, ip, device_id, user_agent, last_seen = i # Drop all the duplicates txn.execute( """ DELETE FROM user_ips WHERE user_id = ? AND access_token = ? AND ip = ? """, (user_id, access_token, ip) ) # Add in one to be the last_seen txn.execute( """ INSERT INTO user_ips (user_id, access_token, ip, device_id, user_agent, last_seen) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (user_id, access_token, ip, device_id, user_agent, last_seen) ) self._background_update_progress_txn( txn, "user_ips_remove_dupes", {"last_seen": end_last_seen} ) yield self.runInteraction( "user_ips_dups_remove", remove, begin_last_seen, end_last_seen ) if last: yield self._end_background_update("user_ips_remove_dupes") defer.returnValue(batch_size) @defer.inlineCallbacks def insert_client_ip(self, user_id, access_token, ip, user_agent, device_id, now=None): if not now: now = int(self._clock.time_msec()) key = (user_id, access_token, ip) try: last_seen = self.client_ip_last_seen.get(key) except KeyError: last_seen = None yield self.populate_monthly_active_users(user_id) # Rate-limited inserts if last_seen is not None and (now - last_seen) < LAST_SEEN_GRANULARITY: return self.client_ip_last_seen.prefill(key, now) self._batch_row_update[key] = (user_agent, device_id, now) def _update_client_ips_batch(self): # If the DB pool has already terminated, don't try updating if not self.hs.get_db_pool().running: return def update(): to_update = self._batch_row_update self._batch_row_update = {} return self.runInteraction( "_update_client_ips_batch", self._update_client_ips_batch_txn, to_update, ) return run_as_background_process( "update_client_ips", update, ) def _update_client_ips_batch_txn(self, txn, to_update): self.database_engine.lock_table(txn, "user_ips") for entry in iteritems(to_update): (user_id, access_token, ip), (user_agent, device_id, last_seen) = entry try: self._simple_upsert_txn( txn, table="user_ips", keyvalues={ "user_id": user_id, "access_token": access_token, "ip": ip, }, values={ "user_agent": user_agent, "device_id": device_id, "last_seen": last_seen, }, lock=False, ) except Exception as e: # Failed to upsert, log and continue logger.error("Failed to insert client IP %r: %r", entry, e) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_last_client_ip_by_device(self, user_id, device_id): """For each device_id listed, give the user_ip it was last seen on Args: user_id (str) device_id (str): If None fetches all devices for the user Returns: defer.Deferred: resolves to a dict, where the keys are (user_id, device_id) tuples. The values are also dicts, with keys giving the column names """ res = yield self.runInteraction( "get_last_client_ip_by_device", self._get_last_client_ip_by_device_txn, user_id, device_id, retcols=( "user_id", "access_token", "ip", "user_agent", "device_id", "last_seen", ), ) ret = {(d["user_id"], d["device_id"]): d for d in res} for key in self._batch_row_update: uid, access_token, ip = key if uid == user_id: user_agent, did, last_seen = self._batch_row_update[key] if not device_id or did == device_id: ret[(user_id, device_id)] = { "user_id": user_id, "access_token": access_token, "ip": ip, "user_agent": user_agent, "device_id": did, "last_seen": last_seen, } defer.returnValue(ret) @classmethod def _get_last_client_ip_by_device_txn(cls, txn, user_id, device_id, retcols): where_clauses = [] bindings = [] if device_id is None: where_clauses.append("user_id = ?") bindings.extend((user_id, )) else: where_clauses.append("(user_id = ? AND device_id = ?)") bindings.extend((user_id, device_id)) if not where_clauses: return [] inner_select = ( "SELECT MAX(last_seen) mls, user_id, device_id FROM user_ips " "WHERE %(where)s " "GROUP BY user_id, device_id" ) % { "where": " OR ".join(where_clauses), } sql = ( "SELECT %(retcols)s FROM user_ips " "JOIN (%(inner_select)s) ips ON" " user_ips.last_seen = ips.mls AND" " user_ips.user_id = ips.user_id AND" " (user_ips.device_id = ips.device_id OR" " (user_ips.device_id IS NULL AND ips.device_id IS NULL)" " )" ) % { "retcols": ",".join("user_ips." + c for c in retcols), "inner_select": inner_select, } txn.execute(sql, bindings) return cls.cursor_to_dict(txn) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_user_ip_and_agents(self, user): user_id = user.to_string() results = {} for key in self._batch_row_update: uid, access_token, ip, = key if uid == user_id: user_agent, _, last_seen = self._batch_row_update[key] results[(access_token, ip)] = (user_agent, last_seen) rows = yield self._simple_select_list( table="user_ips", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id}, retcols=[ "access_token", "ip", "user_agent", "last_seen" ], desc="get_user_ip_and_agents", ) results.update( ((row["access_token"], row["ip"]), (row["user_agent"], row["last_seen"])) for row in rows ) defer.returnValue(list( { "access_token": access_token, "ip": ip, "user_agent": user_agent, "last_seen": last_seen, } for (access_token, ip), (user_agent, last_seen) in iteritems(results) ))