#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014, 2015 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from synapse.storage import prepare_database, UpgradeDatabaseException from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.python_dependencies import check_requirements from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web.static import File from twisted.web.server import Site from synapse.http.server import JsonResource, RootRedirect from synapse.rest.media.v0.content_repository import ContentRepoResource from synapse.rest.media.v1.media_repository import MediaRepositoryResource from synapse.http.server_key_resource import LocalKey from synapse.http.matrixfederationclient import MatrixFederationHttpClient from synapse.api.urls import ( CLIENT_PREFIX, FEDERATION_PREFIX, WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX, CONTENT_REPO_PREFIX, SERVER_KEY_PREFIX, MEDIA_PREFIX, CLIENT_V2_ALPHA_PREFIX, ) from synapse.config.homeserver import HomeServerConfig from synapse.crypto import context_factory from synapse.util.logcontext import LoggingContext from synapse.rest.client.v1 import ClientV1RestResource from synapse.rest.client.v2_alpha import ClientV2AlphaRestResource from daemonize import Daemonize import twisted.manhole.telnet import synapse import logging import os import re import sys import sqlite3 import syweb logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SynapseHomeServer(HomeServer): def build_http_client(self): return MatrixFederationHttpClient(self) def build_resource_for_client(self): return ClientV1RestResource(self) def build_resource_for_client_v2_alpha(self): return ClientV2AlphaRestResource(self) def build_resource_for_federation(self): return JsonResource(self) def build_resource_for_web_client(self): syweb_path = os.path.dirname(syweb.__file__) webclient_path = os.path.join(syweb_path, "webclient") return File(webclient_path) # TODO configurable? def build_resource_for_content_repo(self): return ContentRepoResource( self, self.upload_dir, self.auth, self.content_addr ) def build_resource_for_media_repository(self): return MediaRepositoryResource(self) def build_resource_for_server_key(self): return LocalKey(self) def build_db_pool(self): return adbapi.ConnectionPool( "sqlite3", self.get_db_name(), check_same_thread=False, cp_min=1, cp_max=1 ) def create_resource_tree(self, web_client, redirect_root_to_web_client): """Create the resource tree for this Home Server. This in unduly complicated because Twisted does not support putting child resources more than 1 level deep at a time. Args: web_client (bool): True to enable the web client. redirect_root_to_web_client (bool): True to redirect '/' to the location of the web client. This does nothing if web_client is not True. """ # list containing (path_str, Resource) e.g: # [ ("/aaa/bbb/cc", Resource1), ("/aaa/dummy", Resource2) ] desired_tree = [ (CLIENT_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_client()), (CLIENT_V2_ALPHA_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_client_v2_alpha()), (FEDERATION_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_federation()), (CONTENT_REPO_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_content_repo()), (SERVER_KEY_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_server_key()), (MEDIA_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_media_repository()), ] if web_client: logger.info("Adding the web client.") desired_tree.append((WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_web_client())) if web_client and redirect_root_to_web_client: self.root_resource = RootRedirect(WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX) else: self.root_resource = Resource() # ideally we'd just use getChild and putChild but getChild doesn't work # unless you give it a Request object IN ADDITION to the name :/ So # instead, we'll store a copy of this mapping so we can actually add # extra resources to existing nodes. See self._resource_id for the key. resource_mappings = {} for (full_path, resource) in desired_tree: logger.info("Attaching %s to path %s", resource, full_path) last_resource = self.root_resource for path_seg in full_path.split('/')[1:-1]: if not path_seg in last_resource.listNames(): # resource doesn't exist, so make a "dummy resource" child_resource = Resource() last_resource.putChild(path_seg, child_resource) res_id = self._resource_id(last_resource, path_seg) resource_mappings[res_id] = child_resource last_resource = child_resource else: # we have an existing Resource, use that instead. res_id = self._resource_id(last_resource, path_seg) last_resource = resource_mappings[res_id] # =========================== # now attach the actual desired resource last_path_seg = full_path.split('/')[-1] # if there is already a resource here, thieve its children and # replace it res_id = self._resource_id(last_resource, last_path_seg) if res_id in resource_mappings: # there is a dummy resource at this path already, which needs # to be replaced with the desired resource. existing_dummy_resource = resource_mappings[res_id] for child_name in existing_dummy_resource.listNames(): child_res_id = self._resource_id(existing_dummy_resource, child_name) child_resource = resource_mappings[child_res_id] # steal the children resource.putChild(child_name, child_resource) # finally, insert the desired resource in the right place last_resource.putChild(last_path_seg, resource) res_id = self._resource_id(last_resource, last_path_seg) resource_mappings[res_id] = resource return self.root_resource def _resource_id(self, resource, path_seg): """Construct an arbitrary resource ID so you can retrieve the mapping later. If you want to represent resource A putChild resource B with path C, the mapping should looks like _resource_id(A,C) = B. Args: resource (Resource): The *parent* Resource path_seg (str): The name of the child Resource to be attached. Returns: str: A unique string which can be a key to the child Resource. """ return "%s-%s" % (resource, path_seg) def start_listening(self, secure_port, unsecure_port): if secure_port is not None: reactor.listenSSL( secure_port, Site(self.root_resource), self.tls_context_factory ) logger.info("Synapse now listening on port %d", secure_port) if unsecure_port is not None: reactor.listenTCP( unsecure_port, Site(self.root_resource) ) logger.info("Synapse now listening on port %d", unsecure_port) def setup(): config = HomeServerConfig.load_config( "Synapse Homeserver", sys.argv[1:], generate_section="Homeserver" ) config.setup_logging() check_requirements() logger.info("Server hostname: %s", config.server_name) logger.info("Server version: %s", synapse.__version__) if re.search(":[0-9]+$", config.server_name): domain_with_port = config.server_name else: domain_with_port = "%s:%s" % (config.server_name, config.bind_port) tls_context_factory = context_factory.ServerContextFactory(config) hs = SynapseHomeServer( config.server_name, domain_with_port=domain_with_port, upload_dir=os.path.abspath("uploads"), db_name=config.database_path, tls_context_factory=tls_context_factory, config=config, content_addr=config.content_addr, ) hs.create_resource_tree( web_client=config.webclient, redirect_root_to_web_client=True, ) db_name = hs.get_db_name() logger.info("Preparing database: %s...", db_name) try: with sqlite3.connect(db_name) as db_conn: prepare_database(db_conn) except UpgradeDatabaseException: sys.stderr.write( "\nFailed to upgrade database.\n" "Have you checked for version specific instructions in" " UPGRADES.rst?\n" ) sys.exit(1) logger.info("Database prepared in %s.", db_name) db_pool = hs.get_db_pool() if db_name == ":memory:": # Memory databases will need to be setup each time they are opened. reactor.callWhenRunning( db_pool.runWithConnection, prepare_database ) if config.manhole: f = twisted.manhole.telnet.ShellFactory() f.username = "matrix" f.password = "rabbithole" f.namespace['hs'] = hs reactor.listenTCP(config.manhole, f, interface='') bind_port = config.bind_port if config.no_tls: bind_port = None hs.start_listening(bind_port, config.unsecure_port) hs.get_pusherpool().start() if config.daemonize: print config.pid_file daemon = Daemonize( app="synapse-homeserver", pid=config.pid_file, action=run, auto_close_fds=False, verbose=True, logger=logger, ) daemon.start() else: reactor.run() def run(): with LoggingContext("run"): reactor.run() def main(): with LoggingContext("main"): check_requirements() setup() if __name__ == '__main__': main()