# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # """A circular doubly linked list implementation. """ import threading from typing import Generic, Optional, Type, TypeVar P = TypeVar("P") LN = TypeVar("LN", bound="ListNode") class ListNode(Generic[P]): """A node in a circular doubly linked list, with an (optional) reference to a cache entry. The reference should only be `None` for the root node or if the node has been removed from the list. """ # A lock to protect mutating the list prev/next pointers. _LOCK = threading.Lock() # We don't use attrs here as in py3.6 you can't have `attr.s(slots=True)` # and inherit from `Generic` for some reason __slots__ = [ "cache_entry", "prev_node", "next_node", ] def __init__(self, cache_entry: Optional[P] = None) -> None: self.cache_entry = cache_entry self.prev_node: Optional[ListNode[P]] = None self.next_node: Optional[ListNode[P]] = None @classmethod def create_root_node(cls: Type["ListNode[P]"]) -> "ListNode[P]": """Create a new linked list by creating a "root" node, which is a node that has prev_node/next_node pointing to itself and no associated cache entry. """ root = cls() root.prev_node = root root.next_node = root return root @classmethod def insert_after( cls: Type[LN], cache_entry: P, node: "ListNode[P]", ) -> LN: """Create a new list node that is placed after the given node. Args: cache_entry: The associated cache entry. node: The existing node in the list to insert the new entry after. """ new_node = cls(cache_entry) with cls._LOCK: new_node._refs_insert_after(node) return new_node def remove_from_list(self) -> None: """Remove this node from the list.""" with self._LOCK: self._refs_remove_node_from_list() # We drop the reference to the cache entry to break the reference cycle # between the list node and cache entry, allowing the two to be dropped # immediately rather than at the next GC. self.cache_entry = None def move_after(self, node: "ListNode[P]") -> None: """Move this node from its current location in the list to after the given node. """ with self._LOCK: # We assert that both this node and the target node is still "alive". assert self.prev_node assert self.next_node assert node.prev_node assert node.next_node assert self is not node # Remove self from the list self._refs_remove_node_from_list() # Insert self back into the list, after target node self._refs_insert_after(node) def _refs_remove_node_from_list(self) -> None: """Internal method to *just* remove the node from the list, without e.g. clearing out the cache entry. """ if self.prev_node is None or self.next_node is None: # We've already been removed from the list. return prev_node = self.prev_node next_node = self.next_node prev_node.next_node = next_node next_node.prev_node = prev_node # We set these to None so that we don't get circular references, # allowing us to be dropped without having to go via the GC. self.prev_node = None self.next_node = None def _refs_insert_after(self, node: "ListNode[P]") -> None: """Internal method to insert the node after the given node.""" # This method should only be called when we're not already in the list. assert self.prev_node is None assert self.next_node is None # We expect the given node to be in the list and thus have valid # prev/next refs. assert node.next_node assert node.prev_node prev_node = node next_node = node.next_node self.prev_node = prev_node self.next_node = next_node prev_node.next_node = self next_node.prev_node = self def get_cache_entry(self) -> Optional[P]: """Get the cache entry, returns None if this is the root node (i.e. cache_entry is None) or if the entry has been dropped. """ return self.cache_entry