# Presence router callbacks Presence router callbacks allow module developers to specify additional users (local or remote) to receive certain presence updates from local users. Presence router callbacks can be registered using the module API's `register_presence_router_callbacks` method. ## Callbacks The available presence router callbacks are: ### `get_users_for_states` ```python async def get_users_for_states( state_updates: Iterable["synapse.api.UserPresenceState"], ) -> Dict[str, Set["synapse.api.UserPresenceState"]] ``` **Requires** `get_interested_users` to also be registered Called when processing updates to the presence state of one or more users. This callback can be used to instruct the server to forward that presence state to specific users. The module must return a dictionary that maps from Matrix user IDs (which can be local or remote) to the `UserPresenceState` changes that they should be forwarded. Synapse will then attempt to send the specified presence updates to each user when possible. If multiple modules implement this callback, Synapse merges all the dictionaries returned by the callbacks. If multiple callbacks return a dictionary containing the same key, Synapse concatenates the sets associated with this key from each dictionary. ### `get_interested_users` ```python async def get_interested_users( user_id: str ) -> Union[Set[str], "synapse.module_api.PRESENCE_ALL_USERS"] ``` **Requires** `get_users_for_states` to also be registered Called when determining which users someone should be able to see the presence state of. This callback should return complementary results to `get_users_for_state` or the presence information may not be properly forwarded. The callback is given the Matrix user ID for a local user that is requesting presence data and should return the Matrix user IDs of the users whose presence state they are allowed to query. The returned users can be local or remote. Alternatively the callback can return `synapse.module_api.PRESENCE_ALL_USERS` to indicate that the user should receive updates from all known users. If multiple modules implement this callback, they will be considered in order. Synapse calls each callback one by one, and use a concatenation of all the `set`s returned by the callbacks. If one callback returns `synapse.module_api.PRESENCE_ALL_USERS`, Synapse uses this value instead. If this happens, Synapse does not call any of the subsequent implementations of this callback. ## Example The example below is a module that implements both presence router callbacks, and ensures that `@alice:example.org` receives all presence updates from `@bob:example.com` and `@charlie:somewhere.org`, regardless of whether Alice shares a room with any of them. ```python from typing import Dict, Iterable, Set, Union from synapse.module_api import ModuleApi class CustomPresenceRouter: def __init__(self, config: dict, api: ModuleApi): self.api = api self.api.register_presence_router_callbacks( get_users_for_states=self.get_users_for_states, get_interested_users=self.get_interested_users, ) async def get_users_for_states( self, state_updates: Iterable["synapse.api.UserPresenceState"], ) -> Dict[str, Set["synapse.api.UserPresenceState"]]: res = {} for update in state_updates: if ( update.user_id == "@bob:example.com" or update.user_id == "@charlie:somewhere.org" ): res.setdefault("@alice:example.com", set()).add(update) return res async def get_interested_users( self, user_id: str, ) -> Union[Set[str], "synapse.module_api.PRESENCE_ALL_USERS"]: if user_id == "@alice:example.com": return {"@bob:example.com", "@charlie:somewhere.org"} return set() ```