# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from twisted.internet import defer from .federation_base import FederationBase from .units import Transaction, Edu from synapse.util.logutils import log_function from synapse.util.logcontext import PreserveLoggingContext from synapse.events import FrozenEvent from synapse.api.errors import FederationError, SynapseError from synapse.crypto.event_signing import compute_event_signature import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FederationServer(FederationBase): def set_handler(self, handler): """Sets the handler that the replication layer will use to communicate receipt of new PDUs from other home servers. The required methods are documented on :py:class:`.ReplicationHandler`. """ self.handler = handler def register_edu_handler(self, edu_type, handler): if edu_type in self.edu_handlers: raise KeyError("Already have an EDU handler for %s" % (edu_type,)) self.edu_handlers[edu_type] = handler def register_query_handler(self, query_type, handler): """Sets the handler callable that will be used to handle an incoming federation Query of the given type. Args: query_type (str): Category name of the query, which should match the string used by make_query. handler (callable): Invoked to handle incoming queries of this type handler is invoked as: result = handler(args) where 'args' is a dict mapping strings to strings of the query arguments. It should return a Deferred that will eventually yield an object to encode as JSON. """ if query_type in self.query_handlers: raise KeyError( "Already have a Query handler for %s" % (query_type,) ) self.query_handlers[query_type] = handler @defer.inlineCallbacks @log_function def on_backfill_request(self, origin, room_id, versions, limit): pdus = yield self.handler.on_backfill_request( origin, room_id, versions, limit ) defer.returnValue((200, self._transaction_from_pdus(pdus).get_dict())) @defer.inlineCallbacks @log_function def on_incoming_transaction(self, transaction_data): transaction = Transaction(**transaction_data) for p in transaction.pdus: if "unsigned" in p: unsigned = p["unsigned"] if "age" in unsigned: p["age"] = unsigned["age"] if "age" in p: p["age_ts"] = int(self._clock.time_msec()) - int(p["age"]) del p["age"] pdu_list = [ self.event_from_pdu_json(p) for p in transaction.pdus ] logger.debug("[%s] Got transaction", transaction.transaction_id) response = yield self.transaction_actions.have_responded(transaction) if response: logger.debug( "[%s] We've already responed to this request", transaction.transaction_id ) defer.returnValue(response) return logger.debug("[%s] Transaction is new", transaction.transaction_id) with PreserveLoggingContext(): dl = [] for pdu in pdu_list: d = self._handle_new_pdu(transaction.origin, pdu) def handle_failure(failure): failure.trap(FederationError) self.send_failure(failure.value, transaction.origin) d.addErrback(handle_failure) dl.append(d) if hasattr(transaction, "edus"): for edu in [Edu(**x) for x in transaction.edus]: self.received_edu( transaction.origin, edu.edu_type, edu.content ) for failure in getattr(transaction, "pdu_failures", []): logger.info("Got failure %r", failure) results = yield defer.DeferredList(dl, consumeErrors=True) ret = [] for r in results: if r[0]: ret.append({}) else: logger.exception(r[1]) ret.append({"error": str(r[1].value)}) logger.debug("Returning: %s", str(ret)) response = { "pdus": dict(zip( (p.event_id for p in pdu_list), ret )), } yield self.transaction_actions.set_response( transaction, 200, response ) defer.returnValue((200, response)) def received_edu(self, origin, edu_type, content): if edu_type in self.edu_handlers: self.edu_handlers[edu_type](origin, content) else: logger.warn("Received EDU of type %s with no handler", edu_type) @defer.inlineCallbacks @log_function def on_context_state_request(self, origin, room_id, event_id): if event_id: pdus = yield self.handler.get_state_for_pdu( origin, room_id, event_id, ) auth_chain = yield self.store.get_auth_chain( [pdu.event_id for pdu in pdus] ) for event in auth_chain: event.signatures.update( compute_event_signature( event, self.hs.hostname, self.hs.config.signing_key[0] ) ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Specify an event") defer.returnValue((200, { "pdus": [pdu.get_pdu_json() for pdu in pdus], "auth_chain": [pdu.get_pdu_json() for pdu in auth_chain], })) @defer.inlineCallbacks @log_function def on_pdu_request(self, origin, event_id): pdu = yield self._get_persisted_pdu(origin, event_id) if pdu: defer.returnValue( (200, self._transaction_from_pdus([pdu]).get_dict()) ) else: defer.returnValue((404, "")) @defer.inlineCallbacks @log_function def on_pull_request(self, origin, versions): raise NotImplementedError("Pull transactions not implemented") @defer.inlineCallbacks def on_query_request(self, query_type, args): if query_type in self.query_handlers: response = yield self.query_handlers[query_type](args) defer.returnValue((200, response)) else: defer.returnValue( (404, "No handler for Query type '%s'" % (query_type,)) ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def on_make_join_request(self, room_id, user_id): pdu = yield self.handler.on_make_join_request(room_id, user_id) time_now = self._clock.time_msec() defer.returnValue({"event": pdu.get_pdu_json(time_now)}) @defer.inlineCallbacks def on_invite_request(self, origin, content): pdu = self.event_from_pdu_json(content) ret_pdu = yield self.handler.on_invite_request(origin, pdu) time_now = self._clock.time_msec() defer.returnValue((200, {"event": ret_pdu.get_pdu_json(time_now)})) @defer.inlineCallbacks def on_send_join_request(self, origin, content): logger.debug("on_send_join_request: content: %s", content) pdu = self.event_from_pdu_json(content) logger.debug("on_send_join_request: pdu sigs: %s", pdu.signatures) res_pdus = yield self.handler.on_send_join_request(origin, pdu) time_now = self._clock.time_msec() defer.returnValue((200, { "state": [p.get_pdu_json(time_now) for p in res_pdus["state"]], "auth_chain": [ p.get_pdu_json(time_now) for p in res_pdus["auth_chain"] ], })) @defer.inlineCallbacks def on_event_auth(self, origin, room_id, event_id): time_now = self._clock.time_msec() auth_pdus = yield self.handler.on_event_auth(event_id) defer.returnValue((200, { "auth_chain": [a.get_pdu_json(time_now) for a in auth_pdus], })) @defer.inlineCallbacks def on_query_auth_request(self, origin, content, event_id): """ Content is a dict with keys:: auth_chain (list): A list of events that give the auth chain. missing (list): A list of event_ids indicating what the other side (`origin`) think we're missing. rejects (dict): A mapping from event_id to a 2-tuple of reason string and a proof (or None) of why the event was rejected. The keys of this dict give the list of events the `origin` has rejected. Args: origin (str) content (dict) event_id (str) Returns: Deferred: Results in `dict` with the same format as `content` """ auth_chain = [ self.event_from_pdu_json(e) for e in content["auth_chain"] ] signed_auth = yield self._check_sigs_and_hash_and_fetch( origin, auth_chain, outlier=True ) ret = yield self.handler.on_query_auth( origin, event_id, signed_auth, content.get("rejects", []), content.get("missing", []), ) time_now = self._clock.time_msec() send_content = { "auth_chain": [ e.get_pdu_json(time_now) for e in ret["auth_chain"] ], "rejects": ret.get("rejects", []), "missing": ret.get("missing", []), } defer.returnValue( (200, send_content) ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_missing_events(self, origin, room_id, earliest_events, latest_events, limit, min_depth): limit = max(limit, 50) min_depth = max(min_depth, 0) missing_events = yield self.store.get_missing_events( room_id=room_id, earliest_events=earliest_events, latest_events=latest_events, limit=limit, min_depth=min_depth, ) known_ids = {e.event_id for e in missing_events} | {earliest_events} back_edges = { e for e in missing_events if {i for i, h in e.prev_events.items()} <= known_ids } decoded_auth_events = set() state = {} auth_events = set() auth_and_state = {} for event in back_edges: state_pdus = yield self.handler.get_state_for_pdu( origin, room_id, event.event_id, do_auth=False, ) state[event.event_id] = [s.event_id for s in state_pdus] auth_and_state.update({ s.event_id: s for s in state_pdus }) state_ids = {pdu.event_id for pdu in state_pdus} prev_ids = {i for i, h in event.prev_events.items()} partial_auth_chain = yield self.store.get_auth_chain( state_ids | prev_ids, have_ids=decoded_auth_events.keys() ) for p in partial_auth_chain: p.signatures.update( compute_event_signature( p, self.hs.hostname, self.hs.config.signing_key[0] ) ) auth_events.update( a.event_id for a in partial_auth_chain ) auth_and_state.update({ a.event_id: a for a in partial_auth_chain }) time_now = self._clock.time_msec() defer.returnValue({ "events": [ev.get_pdu_json(time_now) for ev in missing_events], "state_for_events": state, "auth_events": auth_events, "event_map": { k: ev.get_pdu_json(time_now) for k, ev in auth_and_state.items() }, }) @log_function def _get_persisted_pdu(self, origin, event_id, do_auth=True): """ Get a PDU from the database with given origin and id. Returns: Deferred: Results in a `Pdu`. """ return self.handler.get_persisted_pdu( origin, event_id, do_auth=do_auth ) def _transaction_from_pdus(self, pdu_list): """Returns a new Transaction containing the given PDUs suitable for transmission. """ time_now = self._clock.time_msec() pdus = [p.get_pdu_json(time_now) for p in pdu_list] return Transaction( origin=self.server_name, pdus=pdus, origin_server_ts=int(time_now), destination=None, ) @defer.inlineCallbacks @log_function def _handle_new_pdu(self, origin, pdu, max_recursion=10): # We reprocess pdus when we have seen them only as outliers existing = yield self._get_persisted_pdu( origin, pdu.event_id, do_auth=False ) # FIXME: Currently we fetch an event again when we already have it # if it has been marked as an outlier. already_seen = ( existing and ( not existing.internal_metadata.is_outlier() or pdu.internal_metadata.is_outlier() ) ) if already_seen: logger.debug("Already seen pdu %s", pdu.event_id) return # Check signature. try: pdu = yield self._check_sigs_and_hash(pdu) except SynapseError as e: raise FederationError( "ERROR", e.code, e.msg, affected=pdu.event_id, ) state = None auth_chain = [] have_seen = yield self.store.have_events( [ev for ev, _ in pdu.prev_events] ) fetch_state = False # Get missing pdus if necessary. if not pdu.internal_metadata.is_outlier(): # We only backfill backwards to the min depth. min_depth = yield self.handler.get_min_depth_for_context( pdu.room_id ) logger.debug( "_handle_new_pdu min_depth for %s: %d", pdu.room_id, min_depth ) if min_depth and pdu.depth < min_depth: # This is so that we don't notify the user about this # message, to work around the fact that some events will # reference really really old events we really don't want to # send to the clients. pdu.internal_metadata.outlier = True elif min_depth and pdu.depth > min_depth and max_recursion > 0: for event_id, hashes in pdu.prev_events: if event_id not in have_seen: logger.debug( "_handle_new_pdu requesting pdu %s", event_id ) try: new_pdu = yield self.federation_client.get_pdu( [origin, pdu.origin], event_id=event_id, ) if new_pdu: yield self._handle_new_pdu( origin, new_pdu, max_recursion=max_recursion-1 ) logger.debug("Processed pdu %s", event_id) else: logger.warn("Failed to get PDU %s", event_id) fetch_state = True except: # TODO(erikj): Do some more intelligent retries. logger.exception("Failed to get PDU") fetch_state = True else: prevs = {e_id for e_id, _ in pdu.prev_events} seen = set(have_seen.keys()) if prevs - seen: fetch_state = True else: fetch_state = True if fetch_state: # We need to get the state at this event, since we haven't # processed all the prev events. logger.debug( "_handle_new_pdu getting state for %s", pdu.room_id ) try: state, auth_chain = yield self.get_state_for_room( origin, pdu.room_id, pdu.event_id, ) except: logger.warn("Failed to get state for event: %s", pdu.event_id) yield self.handler.on_receive_pdu( origin, pdu, backfilled=False, state=state, auth_chain=auth_chain, ) def __str__(self): return "" % self.server_name def event_from_pdu_json(self, pdu_json, outlier=False): event = FrozenEvent( pdu_json ) event.internal_metadata.outlier = outlier return event