# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # import gc import logging import platform import time from typing import Iterable from prometheus_client.core import ( REGISTRY, CounterMetricFamily, Gauge, GaugeMetricFamily, Histogram, Metric, ) from twisted.internet import task from synapse.metrics._types import Collector """Prometheus metrics for garbage collection""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # The minimum time in seconds between GCs for each generation, regardless of the current GC # thresholds and counts. MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_GCS = (1.0, 10.0, 30.0) running_on_pypy = platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy" # # Python GC metrics # gc_unreachable = Gauge("python_gc_unreachable_total", "Unreachable GC objects", ["gen"]) gc_time = Histogram( "python_gc_time", "Time taken to GC (sec)", ["gen"], buckets=[ 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 2.50, 5.00, 7.50, 15.00, 30.00, 45.00, 60.00, ], ) class GCCounts(Collector): def collect(self) -> Iterable[Metric]: cm = GaugeMetricFamily("python_gc_counts", "GC object counts", labels=["gen"]) for n, m in enumerate(gc.get_count()): cm.add_metric([str(n)], m) yield cm def install_gc_manager() -> None: """Disable automatic GC, and replace it with a task that runs every 100ms This means that (a) we can limit how often GC runs; (b) we can get some metrics about GC activity. It does nothing on PyPy. """ if running_on_pypy: return REGISTRY.register(GCCounts()) gc.disable() # The time (in seconds since the epoch) of the last time we did a GC for each generation. _last_gc = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] def _maybe_gc() -> None: # Check if we need to do a manual GC (since its been disabled), and do # one if necessary. Note we go in reverse order as e.g. a gen 1 GC may # promote an object into gen 2, and we don't want to handle the same # object multiple times. threshold = gc.get_threshold() counts = gc.get_count() end = time.time() for i in (2, 1, 0): # We check if we need to do one based on a straightforward # comparison between the threshold and count. We also do an extra # check to make sure that we don't a GC too often. if threshold[i] < counts[i] and MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_GCS[i] < end - _last_gc[i]: if i == 0: logger.debug("Collecting gc %d", i) else: logger.info("Collecting gc %d", i) start = time.time() unreachable = gc.collect(i) end = time.time() _last_gc[i] = end gc_time.labels(i).observe(end - start) gc_unreachable.labels(i).set(unreachable) gc_task = task.LoopingCall(_maybe_gc) gc_task.start(0.1) # # PyPy GC / memory metrics # class PyPyGCStats(Collector): def collect(self) -> Iterable[Metric]: # @stats is a pretty-printer object with __str__() returning a nice table, # plus some fields that contain data from that table. # unfortunately, fields are pretty-printed themselves (i. e. '4.5MB'). stats = gc.get_stats(memory_pressure=False) # type: ignore # @s contains same fields as @stats, but as actual integers. s = stats._s # type: ignore # also note that field naming is completely braindead # and only vaguely correlates with the pretty-printed table. # >>>> gc.get_stats(False) # Total memory consumed: # GC used: 8.7MB (peak: 39.0MB) # s.total_gc_memory, s.peak_memory # in arenas: 3.0MB # s.total_arena_memory # rawmalloced: 1.7MB # s.total_rawmalloced_memory # nursery: 4.0MB # s.nursery_size # raw assembler used: 31.0kB # s.jit_backend_used # ----------------------------- # Total: 8.8MB # stats.memory_used_sum # # Total memory allocated: # GC allocated: 38.7MB (peak: 41.1MB) # s.total_allocated_memory, s.peak_allocated_memory # in arenas: 30.9MB # s.peak_arena_memory # rawmalloced: 4.1MB # s.peak_rawmalloced_memory # nursery: 4.0MB # s.nursery_size # raw assembler allocated: 1.0MB # s.jit_backend_allocated # ----------------------------- # Total: 39.7MB # stats.memory_allocated_sum # # Total time spent in GC: 0.073 # s.total_gc_time pypy_gc_time = CounterMetricFamily( "pypy_gc_time_seconds_total", "Total time spent in PyPy GC", labels=[], ) pypy_gc_time.add_metric([], s.total_gc_time / 1000) yield pypy_gc_time pypy_mem = GaugeMetricFamily( "pypy_memory_bytes", "Memory tracked by PyPy allocator", labels=["state", "class", "kind"], ) # memory used by JIT assembler pypy_mem.add_metric(["used", "", "jit"], s.jit_backend_used) pypy_mem.add_metric(["allocated", "", "jit"], s.jit_backend_allocated) # memory used by GCed objects pypy_mem.add_metric(["used", "", "arenas"], s.total_arena_memory) pypy_mem.add_metric(["allocated", "", "arenas"], s.peak_arena_memory) pypy_mem.add_metric(["used", "", "rawmalloced"], s.total_rawmalloced_memory) pypy_mem.add_metric(["allocated", "", "rawmalloced"], s.peak_rawmalloced_memory) pypy_mem.add_metric(["used", "", "nursery"], s.nursery_size) pypy_mem.add_metric(["allocated", "", "nursery"], s.nursery_size) # totals pypy_mem.add_metric(["used", "totals", "gc"], s.total_gc_memory) pypy_mem.add_metric(["allocated", "totals", "gc"], s.total_allocated_memory) pypy_mem.add_metric(["used", "totals", "gc_peak"], s.peak_memory) pypy_mem.add_metric(["allocated", "totals", "gc_peak"], s.peak_allocated_memory) yield pypy_mem if running_on_pypy: REGISTRY.register(PyPyGCStats())