some useful aliases:

get a list of all rooms:

matrix-show_rooms() {
        curl -s --header "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET '' | jq -Mr . > ~/rooms.txt && nano ~/rooms.txt

get a list of all users:

matrix-show_users() {
        curl -s --header "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X GET '' | jq -Mr . > ~/users.txt && nano ~/users.txt

deactivate a list of user_ids:

matrix-deactivate-users() {
        while read i; do
        printf '%s\n' "$i"; \
        curl -s --header "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X POST ''"$i" -d '{"erase": true}'; printf '\n'; done < ~/deactivate_users.txt

purge and block a list of room_ids:

matrix-purge-rooms() {
        while read i; do
        printf '%s\n' "$i"; \
        curl -s --header "Authorization: Bearer $token" -X DELETE ''"$i" -d '{"purge": true, "block": true}'; printf '\n'; done < ~/purge_rooms.txt

get a list of all blocked room_ids:

matrix-get-blocked_rooms() {
        sudo -iu postgres psql -d matrix -c "SELECT room_id FROM blocked_rooms" > ~/blocked_rooms.tmp
        sed -i -e 's/ //' -e '1,2d' ~/blocked_rooms.tmp
        head -n -2 /root/blocked_rooms.tmp > ~/blocked_rooms.txt
        rm ~/blocked_rooms.tmp