# Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
from typing import Any, List, Set, Tuple, cast

from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
from synapse.storage.database import LoggingTransaction
from synapse.storage.databases.main import CacheInvalidationWorkerStore
from synapse.storage.databases.main.state import StateGroupWorkerStore
from synapse.storage.engines import PostgresEngine
from synapse.storage.engines._base import IsolationLevel
from synapse.types import RoomStreamToken

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PurgeEventsStore(StateGroupWorkerStore, CacheInvalidationWorkerStore):
    async def purge_history(
        self, room_id: str, token: str, delete_local_events: bool
    ) -> Set[int]:
        """Deletes room history before a certain point.

        Note that only a single purge can occur at once, this is guaranteed via
        a higher level (in the PaginationHandler).

            token: A topological token to delete events before
                if True, we will delete local events as well as remote ones
                (instead of just marking them as outliers and deleting their
                state groups).

            The set of state groups that are referenced by deleted events.

        parsed_token = await RoomStreamToken.parse(self, token)

        return await self.db_pool.runInteraction(

    def _purge_history_txn(
        txn: LoggingTransaction,
        room_id: str,
        token: RoomStreamToken,
        delete_local_events: bool,
    ) -> Set[int]:
        # Tables that should be pruned:
        #     event_auth
        #     event_backward_extremities
        #     event_edges
        #     event_forward_extremities
        #     event_json
        #     event_push_actions
        #     event_relations
        #     event_search
        #     event_to_state_groups
        #     events
        #     rejections
        #     room_depth
        #     state_groups
        #     state_groups_state
        #     destination_rooms

        # we will build a temporary table listing the events so that we don't
        # have to keep shovelling the list back and forth across the
        # connection. Annoyingly the python sqlite driver commits the
        # transaction on CREATE, so let's do this first.
        # furthermore, we might already have the table from a previous (failed)
        # purge attempt, so let's drop the table first.

        txn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS events_to_purge")

            "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE events_to_purge ("
            "    event_id TEXT NOT NULL,"
            "    should_delete BOOLEAN NOT NULL"

        # First ensure that we're not about to delete all the forward extremeties
            "SELECT e.event_id, e.depth FROM events as e "
            "INNER JOIN event_forward_extremities as f "
            "ON e.event_id = f.event_id "
            "AND e.room_id = f.room_id "
            "WHERE f.room_id = ?",
        rows = txn.fetchall()
        # if we already have no forwards extremities (for example because they were
        # cleared out by the `delete_old_current_state_events` background database
        # update), then we may as well carry on.
        if rows:
            max_depth = max(row[1] for row in rows)

            if max_depth < token.topological:
                # We need to ensure we don't delete all the events from the database
                # otherwise we wouldn't be able to send any events (due to not
                # having any backwards extremities)
                raise SynapseError(
                    400, "topological_ordering is greater than forward extremities"

        logger.info("[purge] looking for events to delete")

        should_delete_expr = "state_events.state_key IS NULL"
        should_delete_params: Tuple[Any, ...] = ()
        if not delete_local_events:
            should_delete_expr += " AND event_id NOT LIKE ?"

            # We include the parameter twice since we use the expression twice
            should_delete_params += ("%:" + self.hs.hostname, "%:" + self.hs.hostname)

        should_delete_params += (room_id, token.topological)

        # Note that we insert events that are outliers and aren't going to be
        # deleted, as nothing will happen to them.
            "INSERT INTO events_to_purge"
            " SELECT event_id, %s"
            " FROM events AS e LEFT JOIN state_events USING (event_id)"
            " WHERE (NOT outlier OR (%s)) AND e.room_id = ? AND topological_ordering < ?"
            % (should_delete_expr, should_delete_expr),

        # We create the indices *after* insertion as that's a lot faster.

        # create an index on should_delete because later we'll be looking for
        # the should_delete / shouldn't_delete subsets
            "CREATE INDEX events_to_purge_should_delete"
            " ON events_to_purge(should_delete)"

        # We do joins against events_to_purge for e.g. calculating state
        # groups to purge, etc., so lets make an index.
        txn.execute("CREATE INDEX events_to_purge_id ON events_to_purge(event_id)")

        txn.execute("SELECT event_id, should_delete FROM events_to_purge")
        event_rows = txn.fetchall()
            "[purge] found %i events before cutoff, of which %i can be deleted",
            sum(1 for e in event_rows if e[1]),

        logger.info("[purge] Finding new backward extremities")

        # We calculate the new entries for the backward extremities by finding
        # events to be purged that are pointed to by events we're not going to
        # purge.
            "SELECT DISTINCT e.event_id FROM events_to_purge AS e"
            " INNER JOIN event_edges AS ed ON e.event_id = ed.prev_event_id"
            " LEFT JOIN events_to_purge AS ep2 ON ed.event_id = ep2.event_id"
            " WHERE ep2.event_id IS NULL"
        new_backwards_extrems = txn.fetchall()

        logger.info("[purge] replacing backward extremities: %r", new_backwards_extrems)

            "DELETE FROM event_backward_extremities WHERE room_id = ?", (room_id,)

        # Update backward extremeties
            "INSERT INTO event_backward_extremities (room_id, event_id)"
            " VALUES (?, ?)",
            [(room_id, event_id) for event_id, in new_backwards_extrems],

        logger.info("[purge] finding state groups referenced by deleted events")

        # Get all state groups that are referenced by events that are to be
        # deleted.
            SELECT DISTINCT state_group FROM events_to_purge
            INNER JOIN event_to_state_groups USING (event_id)

        referenced_state_groups = {sg for sg, in txn}
            "[purge] found %i referenced state groups", len(referenced_state_groups)

        logger.info("[purge] removing events from event_to_state_groups")
            "DELETE FROM event_to_state_groups "
            "WHERE event_id IN (SELECT event_id from events_to_purge)"

        # Delete all remote non-state events
        for table in (
            logger.info("[purge] removing events from %s", table)

                "DELETE FROM %s WHERE event_id IN ("
                "    SELECT event_id FROM events_to_purge WHERE should_delete"
                ")" % (table,)

        # event_push_actions lacks an index on event_id, and has one on
        # (room_id, event_id) instead.
        for table in ("event_push_actions",):
            logger.info("[purge] removing events from %s", table)

                "DELETE FROM %s WHERE room_id = ? AND event_id IN ("
                "    SELECT event_id FROM events_to_purge WHERE should_delete"
                ")" % (table,),

        # Mark all state and own events as outliers
        logger.info("[purge] marking remaining events as outliers")
            "UPDATE events SET outlier = ?"
            " WHERE event_id IN ("
            "    SELECT event_id FROM events_to_purge "
            "    WHERE NOT should_delete"

        # synapse tries to take out an exclusive lock on room_depth whenever it
        # persists events (because upsert), and once we run this update, we
        # will block that for the rest of our transaction.
        # So, let's stick it at the end so that we don't block event
        # persistence.
        # We do this by calculating the minimum depth of the backwards
        # extremities. However, the events in event_backward_extremities
        # are ones we don't have yet so we need to look at the events that
        # point to it via event_edges table.
            SELECT COALESCE(MIN(depth), 0)
            FROM event_backward_extremities AS eb
            INNER JOIN event_edges AS eg ON eg.prev_event_id = eb.event_id
            INNER JOIN events AS e ON e.event_id = eg.event_id
            WHERE eb.room_id = ?
        (min_depth,) = cast(Tuple[int], txn.fetchone())

        logger.info("[purge] updating room_depth to %d", min_depth)

            "UPDATE room_depth SET min_depth = ? WHERE room_id = ?",
            (min_depth, room_id),

        # finally, drop the temp table. this will commit the txn in sqlite,
        # so make sure to keep this actually last.
        txn.execute("DROP TABLE events_to_purge")

        for event_id, should_delete in event_rows:
                txn, self._get_state_group_for_event, (event_id,)

            # XXX: This is racy, since have_seen_events could be called between the
            #    transaction completing and the invalidation running. On the other hand,
            #    that's no different to calling `have_seen_events` just before the
            #    event is deleted from the database.
            if should_delete:
                    txn, self.have_seen_event, (room_id, event_id)
                self.invalidate_get_event_cache_after_txn(txn, event_id)

        logger.info("[purge] done")

        return referenced_state_groups

    async def purge_room(self, room_id: str) -> List[int]:
        """Deletes all record of a room


            The list of state groups to delete.

        # This first runs the purge transaction with READ_COMMITTED isolation level,
        # meaning any new rows in the tables will not trigger a serialization error.
        # We then run the same purge a second time without this isolation level to
        # purge any of those rows which were added during the first.

        state_groups_to_delete = await self.db_pool.runInteraction(

            await self.db_pool.runInteraction(

        return state_groups_to_delete

    def _purge_room_txn(self, txn: LoggingTransaction, room_id: str) -> List[int]:
        # This collides with event persistence so we cannot write new events and metadata into
        # a room while deleting it or this transaction will fail.
        if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
                "SELECT room_version FROM rooms WHERE room_id = ? FOR UPDATE",

        # First, fetch all the state groups that should be deleted, before
        # we delete that information.
                SELECT DISTINCT state_group FROM events
                INNER JOIN event_to_state_groups USING(event_id)
                WHERE events.room_id = ?

        state_groups = [row[0] for row in txn]

        # Get all the auth chains that are referenced by events that are to be
        # deleted.
            SELECT chain_id, sequence_number FROM events
            LEFT JOIN event_auth_chains USING (event_id)
            WHERE room_id = ?
        referenced_chain_id_tuples = list(txn)

        logger.info("[purge] removing events from event_auth_chain_links")
            DELETE FROM event_auth_chain_links WHERE
            origin_chain_id = ? AND origin_sequence_number = ?

        # Now we delete tables which lack an index on room_id but have one on event_id
        for table in (
            logger.info("[purge] removing %s from %s", room_id, table)

                DELETE FROM %s WHERE event_id IN (
                  SELECT event_id FROM events WHERE room_id=?
                % (table,),

        # next, the tables with an index on room_id (or no useful index)
        for table in (
            # no useful index, but let's clear them anyway
            # "rooms" happens last, to keep the foreign keys in the other tables
            # happy
            logger.info("[purge] removing %s from %s", room_id, table)
            txn.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE room_id=?" % (table,), (room_id,))

        # Other tables we do NOT need to clear out:
        #  - blocked_rooms
        #    This is important, to make sure that we don't accidentally rejoin a blocked
        #    room after it was purged
        #  - user_directory
        #    This has a room_id column, but it is unused

        # Other tables that we might want to consider clearing out include:
        #  - event_reports
        #       Given that these are intended for abuse management my initial
        #       inclination is to leave them in place.
        #  - current_state_delta_stream
        #  - ex_outlier_stream
        #  - room_tags_revisions
        #       The problem with these is that they are largeish and there is no room_id
        #       index on them. In any case we should be clearing out 'stream' tables
        #       periodically anyway (#5888)

        # TODO: we could probably usefully do a bunch more cache invalidation here

        # XXX: as with purge_history, this is racy, but no worse than other races
        #   that already exist.
        self._invalidate_cache_and_stream(txn, self.have_seen_event, (room_id,))

        logger.info("[purge] done")

        return state_groups