# Maunium Synapse This is a fork of [Synapse] to remove dumb limits and fix bugs that the upstream devs don't want to fix. The only official distribution is the docker image in the [GitLab container registry], but you can also install from source ([upstream instructions]). The master branch and `:latest` docker tag are upgraded to each upstream release candidate very soon after release (usually within 10 minutes†). There are also docker tags for each release, e.g. `:1.75.0`. If you don't want RCs, use the specific release tags. †If there are merge conflicts, the update may be delayed for up to a few days after the full release. [Synapse]: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse [GitLab container registry]: https://mau.dev/maunium/synapse/container_registry [upstream instructions]: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/develop/INSTALL.md#installing-from-source ## List of changes * Default power level for room creator is 9001 instead of 100. * Room creator can specify a custom room ID with the `room_id` param in the request body. If the room ID is already in use, it will return `M_CONFLICT`. * ~~URL previewer user agent includes `Bot` so Twitter previews work properly.~~ Upstreamed after over 2 years 🎉 * ~~Local event creation concurrency is disabled to avoid unnecessary state resolution.~~ Upstreamed after over 3 years 🎉 * Register admin API can register invalid user IDs. * Docker image with jemalloc enabled by default. * Config option to allow specific users to send events without unnecessary validation. * Config option to allow specific users to receive events that are usually filtered away (e.g. `org.matrix.dummy_event` and `m.room.aliases`). * Config option to allow specific users to use timestamp massaging without being appservice users. * Config option to allow appservices to use MSC2716 batch sending as any local user. * Removed bad pusher URL validation. * webp images are thumbnailed to webp instead of jpeg to avoid losing transparency. * Media repo `Cache-Control` header says `immutable` and 1 year for all media that exists, as media IDs in Matrix are immutable. * Allowed sending custom data with read receipts. You can view the full list of changes on the [meow-patchset] branch. [meow-patchset]: https://mau.dev/maunium/synapse/-/compare/patchset-base...meow-patchset ## Configuration Generating a new config will include the `meow` section, but this is here for reference for existing configs. ```yaml meow: # List of users who aren't subject to unnecessary validation in the C-S API. validation_override: - "@you:example.com" # List of users who will get org.matrix.dummy_event and m.room.aliases events down /sync filter_override: - "@you:example.com" # Whether or not the admin API should be able to register invalid user IDs. admin_api_register_invalid: true # List of users who can use timestamp massaging without being appservices timestamp_override: - "@you:example.com" # Whether appservices should be allowed to use MSC2716 batch sending as any local user. appservice_batch_send_any: false ```