# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import email.mime.multipart import email.utils import logging import urllib.parse from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, TypeVar import bleach import jinja2 from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, Membership from synapse.api.errors import StoreError from synapse.config.emailconfig import EmailSubjectConfig from synapse.events import EventBase from synapse.logging.context import make_deferred_yieldable from synapse.push.presentable_names import ( calculate_room_name, descriptor_from_member_events, name_from_member_event, ) from synapse.types import StateMap, UserID from synapse.util.async_helpers import concurrently_execute from synapse.visibility import filter_events_for_client if TYPE_CHECKING: from synapse.app.homeserver import HomeServer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T") CONTEXT_BEFORE = 1 CONTEXT_AFTER = 1 # From https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-react-sdk/blob/master/src/HtmlUtils.js ALLOWED_TAGS = [ "font", # custom to matrix for IRC-style font coloring "del", # for markdown # deliberately no h1/h2 to stop people shouting. "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "blockquote", "p", "a", "ul", "ol", "nl", "li", "b", "i", "u", "strong", "em", "strike", "code", "hr", "br", "div", "table", "thead", "caption", "tbody", "tr", "th", "td", "pre", ] ALLOWED_ATTRS = { # custom ones first: "font": ["color"], # custom to matrix "a": ["href", "name", "target"], # remote target: custom to matrix # We don't currently allow img itself by default, but this # would make sense if we did "img": ["src"], } # When bleach release a version with this option, we can specify schemes # ALLOWED_SCHEMES = ["http", "https", "ftp", "mailto"] class Mailer: def __init__( self, hs: "HomeServer", app_name: str, template_html: jinja2.Template, template_text: jinja2.Template, ): self.hs = hs self.template_html = template_html self.template_text = template_text self.sendmail = self.hs.get_sendmail() self.store = self.hs.get_datastore() self.macaroon_gen = self.hs.get_macaroon_generator() self.state_handler = self.hs.get_state_handler() self.storage = hs.get_storage() self.app_name = app_name self.email_subjects = hs.config.email_subjects # type: EmailSubjectConfig logger.info("Created Mailer for app_name %s" % app_name) async def send_password_reset_mail( self, email_address: str, token: str, client_secret: str, sid: str ) -> None: """Send an email with a password reset link to a user Args: email_address: Email address we're sending the password reset to token: Unique token generated by the server to verify the email was received client_secret: Unique token generated by the client to group together multiple email sending attempts sid: The generated session ID """ params = {"token": token, "client_secret": client_secret, "sid": sid} link = ( self.hs.config.public_baseurl + "_synapse/client/password_reset/email/submit_token?%s" % urllib.parse.urlencode(params) ) template_vars = {"link": link} await self.send_email( email_address, self.email_subjects.password_reset % {"server_name": self.hs.config.server_name}, template_vars, ) async def send_registration_mail( self, email_address: str, token: str, client_secret: str, sid: str ) -> None: """Send an email with a registration confirmation link to a user Args: email_address: Email address we're sending the registration link to token: Unique token generated by the server to verify the email was received client_secret: Unique token generated by the client to group together multiple email sending attempts sid: The generated session ID """ params = {"token": token, "client_secret": client_secret, "sid": sid} link = ( self.hs.config.public_baseurl + "_matrix/client/unstable/registration/email/submit_token?%s" % urllib.parse.urlencode(params) ) template_vars = {"link": link} await self.send_email( email_address, self.email_subjects.email_validation % {"server_name": self.hs.config.server_name}, template_vars, ) async def send_add_threepid_mail( self, email_address: str, token: str, client_secret: str, sid: str ) -> None: """Send an email with a validation link to a user for adding a 3pid to their account Args: email_address: Email address we're sending the validation link to token: Unique token generated by the server to verify the email was received client_secret: Unique token generated by the client to group together multiple email sending attempts sid: The generated session ID """ params = {"token": token, "client_secret": client_secret, "sid": sid} link = ( self.hs.config.public_baseurl + "_matrix/client/unstable/add_threepid/email/submit_token?%s" % urllib.parse.urlencode(params) ) template_vars = {"link": link} await self.send_email( email_address, self.email_subjects.email_validation % {"server_name": self.hs.config.server_name}, template_vars, ) async def send_notification_mail( self, app_id: str, user_id: str, email_address: str, push_actions: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], reason: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Send email regarding a user's room notifications""" rooms_in_order = deduped_ordered_list([pa["room_id"] for pa in push_actions]) notif_events = await self.store.get_events( [pa["event_id"] for pa in push_actions] ) notifs_by_room = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] for pa in push_actions: notifs_by_room.setdefault(pa["room_id"], []).append(pa) # collect the current state for all the rooms in which we have # notifications state_by_room = {} try: user_display_name = await self.store.get_profile_displayname( UserID.from_string(user_id).localpart ) if user_display_name is None: user_display_name = user_id except StoreError: user_display_name = user_id async def _fetch_room_state(room_id): room_state = await self.store.get_current_state_ids(room_id) state_by_room[room_id] = room_state # Run at most 3 of these at once: sync does 10 at a time but email # notifs are much less realtime than sync so we can afford to wait a bit. await concurrently_execute(_fetch_room_state, rooms_in_order, 3) # actually sort our so-called rooms_in_order list, most recent room first rooms_in_order.sort(key=lambda r: -(notifs_by_room[r][-1]["received_ts"] or 0)) rooms = [] for r in rooms_in_order: roomvars = await self.get_room_vars( r, user_id, notifs_by_room[r], notif_events, state_by_room[r] ) rooms.append(roomvars) reason["room_name"] = await calculate_room_name( self.store, state_by_room[reason["room_id"]], user_id, fallback_to_members=True, ) if len(notifs_by_room) == 1: # Only one room has new stuff room_id = list(notifs_by_room.keys())[0] summary_text = await self.make_summary_text_single_room( room_id, notifs_by_room[room_id], state_by_room[room_id], notif_events, user_id, ) else: summary_text = await self.make_summary_text( notifs_by_room, state_by_room, notif_events, reason ) template_vars = { "user_display_name": user_display_name, "unsubscribe_link": self.make_unsubscribe_link( user_id, app_id, email_address ), "summary_text": summary_text, "rooms": rooms, "reason": reason, } await self.send_email(email_address, summary_text, template_vars) async def send_email( self, email_address: str, subject: str, extra_template_vars: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Send an email with the given information and template text""" try: from_string = self.hs.config.email_notif_from % {"app": self.app_name} except TypeError: from_string = self.hs.config.email_notif_from raw_from = email.utils.parseaddr(from_string)[1] raw_to = email.utils.parseaddr(email_address)[1] if raw_to == "": raise RuntimeError("Invalid 'to' address") template_vars = { "app_name": self.app_name, "server_name": self.hs.config.server.server_name, } template_vars.update(extra_template_vars) html_text = self.template_html.render(**template_vars) html_part = MIMEText(html_text, "html", "utf8") plain_text = self.template_text.render(**template_vars) text_part = MIMEText(plain_text, "plain", "utf8") multipart_msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative") multipart_msg["Subject"] = subject multipart_msg["From"] = from_string multipart_msg["To"] = email_address multipart_msg["Date"] = email.utils.formatdate() multipart_msg["Message-ID"] = email.utils.make_msgid() multipart_msg.attach(text_part) multipart_msg.attach(html_part) logger.info("Sending email to %s" % email_address) await make_deferred_yieldable( self.sendmail( self.hs.config.email_smtp_host, raw_from, raw_to, multipart_msg.as_string().encode("utf8"), reactor=self.hs.get_reactor(), port=self.hs.config.email_smtp_port, requireAuthentication=self.hs.config.email_smtp_user is not None, username=self.hs.config.email_smtp_user, password=self.hs.config.email_smtp_pass, requireTransportSecurity=self.hs.config.require_transport_security, ) ) async def get_room_vars( self, room_id: str, user_id: str, notifs: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], notif_events: Dict[str, EventBase], room_state_ids: StateMap[str], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Check if one of the notifs is an invite event for the user. is_invite = False for n in notifs: ev = notif_events[n["event_id"]] if ev.type == EventTypes.Member and ev.state_key == user_id: if ev.content.get("membership") == Membership.INVITE: is_invite = True break room_name = await calculate_room_name(self.store, room_state_ids, user_id) room_vars = { "title": room_name, "hash": string_ordinal_total(room_id), # See sender avatar hash "notifs": [], "invite": is_invite, "link": self.make_room_link(room_id), } # type: Dict[str, Any] if not is_invite: for n in notifs: notifvars = await self.get_notif_vars( n, user_id, notif_events[n["event_id"]], room_state_ids ) # merge overlapping notifs together. # relies on the notifs being in chronological order. merge = False if room_vars["notifs"] and "messages" in room_vars["notifs"][-1]: prev_messages = room_vars["notifs"][-1]["messages"] for message in notifvars["messages"]: pm = list( filter(lambda pm: pm["id"] == message["id"], prev_messages) ) if pm: if not message["is_historical"]: pm[0]["is_historical"] = False merge = True elif merge: # we're merging, so append any remaining messages # in this notif to the previous one prev_messages.append(message) if not merge: room_vars["notifs"].append(notifvars) return room_vars async def get_notif_vars( self, notif: Dict[str, Any], user_id: str, notif_event: EventBase, room_state_ids: StateMap[str], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: results = await self.store.get_events_around( notif["room_id"], notif["event_id"], before_limit=CONTEXT_BEFORE, after_limit=CONTEXT_AFTER, ) ret = { "link": self.make_notif_link(notif), "ts": notif["received_ts"], "messages": [], } the_events = await filter_events_for_client( self.storage, user_id, results["events_before"] ) the_events.append(notif_event) for event in the_events: messagevars = await self.get_message_vars(notif, event, room_state_ids) if messagevars is not None: ret["messages"].append(messagevars) return ret async def get_message_vars( self, notif: Dict[str, Any], event: EventBase, room_state_ids: StateMap[str] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if event.type != EventTypes.Message and event.type != EventTypes.Encrypted: return None sender_state_event_id = room_state_ids[("m.room.member", event.sender)] sender_state_event = await self.store.get_event(sender_state_event_id) sender_name = name_from_member_event(sender_state_event) sender_avatar_url = sender_state_event.content.get("avatar_url") # 'hash' for deterministically picking default images: use # sender_hash % the number of default images to choose from sender_hash = string_ordinal_total(event.sender) ret = { "event_type": event.type, "is_historical": event.event_id != notif["event_id"], "id": event.event_id, "ts": event.origin_server_ts, "sender_name": sender_name, "sender_avatar_url": sender_avatar_url, "sender_hash": sender_hash, } # Encrypted messages don't have any additional useful information. if event.type == EventTypes.Encrypted: return ret msgtype = event.content.get("msgtype") ret["msgtype"] = msgtype if msgtype == "m.text": self.add_text_message_vars(ret, event) elif msgtype == "m.image": self.add_image_message_vars(ret, event) if "body" in event.content: ret["body_text_plain"] = event.content["body"] return ret def add_text_message_vars( self, messagevars: Dict[str, Any], event: EventBase ) -> None: msgformat = event.content.get("format") messagevars["format"] = msgformat formatted_body = event.content.get("formatted_body") body = event.content.get("body") if msgformat == "org.matrix.custom.html" and formatted_body: messagevars["body_text_html"] = safe_markup(formatted_body) elif body: messagevars["body_text_html"] = safe_text(body) def add_image_message_vars( self, messagevars: Dict[str, Any], event: EventBase ) -> None: """ Potentially add an image URL to the message variables. """ if "url" in event.content: messagevars["image_url"] = event.content["url"] async def make_summary_text_single_room( self, room_id: str, notifs: List[Dict[str, Any]], room_state_ids: StateMap[str], notif_events: Dict[str, EventBase], user_id: str, ) -> str: """ Make a summary text for the email when only a single room has notifications. Args: room_id: The ID of the room. notifs: The notifications for this room. room_state_ids: The state map for the room. notif_events: A map of event ID -> notification event. user_id: The user receiving the notification. Returns: The summary text. """ # If the room has some kind of name, use it, but we don't # want the generated-from-names one here otherwise we'll # end up with, "new message from Bob in the Bob room" room_name = await calculate_room_name( self.store, room_state_ids, user_id, fallback_to_members=False ) # See if one of the notifs is an invite event for the user invite_event = None for n in notifs: ev = notif_events[n["event_id"]] if ev.type == EventTypes.Member and ev.state_key == user_id: if ev.content.get("membership") == Membership.INVITE: invite_event = ev break if invite_event: inviter_member_event_id = room_state_ids.get( ("m.room.member", invite_event.sender) ) inviter_name = invite_event.sender if inviter_member_event_id: inviter_member_event = await self.store.get_event( inviter_member_event_id, allow_none=True ) if inviter_member_event: inviter_name = name_from_member_event(inviter_member_event) if room_name is None: return self.email_subjects.invite_from_person % { "person": inviter_name, "app": self.app_name, } return self.email_subjects.invite_from_person_to_room % { "person": inviter_name, "room": room_name, "app": self.app_name, } if len(notifs) == 1: # There is just the one notification, so give some detail sender_name = None event = notif_events[notifs[0]["event_id"]] if ("m.room.member", event.sender) in room_state_ids: state_event_id = room_state_ids[("m.room.member", event.sender)] state_event = await self.store.get_event(state_event_id) sender_name = name_from_member_event(state_event) if sender_name is not None and room_name is not None: return self.email_subjects.message_from_person_in_room % { "person": sender_name, "room": room_name, "app": self.app_name, } elif sender_name is not None: return self.email_subjects.message_from_person % { "person": sender_name, "app": self.app_name, } # The sender is unknown, just use the room name (or ID). return self.email_subjects.messages_in_room % { "room": room_name or room_id, "app": self.app_name, } else: # There's more than one notification for this room, so just # say there are several if room_name is not None: return self.email_subjects.messages_in_room % { "room": room_name, "app": self.app_name, } return await self.make_summary_text_from_member_events( room_id, notifs, room_state_ids, notif_events ) async def make_summary_text( self, notifs_by_room: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], room_state_ids: Dict[str, StateMap[str]], notif_events: Dict[str, EventBase], reason: Dict[str, Any], ) -> str: """ Make a summary text for the email when multiple rooms have notifications. Args: notifs_by_room: A map of room ID to the notifications for that room. room_state_ids: A map of room ID to the state map for that room. notif_events: A map of event ID -> notification event. reason: The reason this notification is being sent. Returns: The summary text. """ # Stuff's happened in multiple different rooms # ...but we still refer to the 'reason' room which triggered the mail if reason["room_name"] is not None: return self.email_subjects.messages_in_room_and_others % { "room": reason["room_name"], "app": self.app_name, } room_id = reason["room_id"] return await self.make_summary_text_from_member_events( room_id, notifs_by_room[room_id], room_state_ids[room_id], notif_events ) async def make_summary_text_from_member_events( self, room_id: str, notifs: List[Dict[str, Any]], room_state_ids: StateMap[str], notif_events: Dict[str, EventBase], ) -> str: """ Make a summary text for the email when only a single room has notifications. Args: room_id: The ID of the room. notifs: The notifications for this room. room_state_ids: The state map for the room. notif_events: A map of event ID -> notification event. Returns: The summary text. """ # If the room doesn't have a name, say who the messages # are from explicitly to avoid, "messages in the Bob room" sender_ids = {notif_events[n["event_id"]].sender for n in notifs} member_events = await self.store.get_events( [room_state_ids[("m.room.member", s)] for s in sender_ids] ) # There was a single sender. if len(sender_ids) == 1: return self.email_subjects.messages_from_person % { "person": descriptor_from_member_events(member_events.values()), "app": self.app_name, } # There was more than one sender, use the first one and a tweaked template. return self.email_subjects.messages_from_person_and_others % { "person": descriptor_from_member_events(list(member_events.values())[:1]), "app": self.app_name, } def make_room_link(self, room_id: str) -> str: if self.hs.config.email_riot_base_url: base_url = "%s/#/room" % (self.hs.config.email_riot_base_url) elif self.app_name == "Vector": # need /beta for Universal Links to work on iOS base_url = "https://vector.im/beta/#/room" else: base_url = "https://matrix.to/#" return "%s/%s" % (base_url, room_id) def make_notif_link(self, notif: Dict[str, str]) -> str: if self.hs.config.email_riot_base_url: return "%s/#/room/%s/%s" % ( self.hs.config.email_riot_base_url, notif["room_id"], notif["event_id"], ) elif self.app_name == "Vector": # need /beta for Universal Links to work on iOS return "https://vector.im/beta/#/room/%s/%s" % ( notif["room_id"], notif["event_id"], ) else: return "https://matrix.to/#/%s/%s" % (notif["room_id"], notif["event_id"]) def make_unsubscribe_link( self, user_id: str, app_id: str, email_address: str ) -> str: params = { "access_token": self.macaroon_gen.generate_delete_pusher_token(user_id), "app_id": app_id, "pushkey": email_address, } # XXX: make r0 once API is stable return "%s_matrix/client/unstable/pushers/remove?%s" % ( self.hs.config.public_baseurl, urllib.parse.urlencode(params), ) def safe_markup(raw_html: str) -> jinja2.Markup: """ Sanitise a raw HTML string to a set of allowed tags and attributes, and linkify any bare URLs. Args raw_html: Unsafe HTML. Returns: A Markup object ready to safely use in a Jinja template. """ return jinja2.Markup( bleach.linkify( bleach.clean( raw_html, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS, attributes=ALLOWED_ATTRS, # bleach master has this, but it isn't released yet # protocols=ALLOWED_SCHEMES, strip=True, ) ) ) def safe_text(raw_text: str) -> jinja2.Markup: """ Sanitise text (escape any HTML tags), and then linkify any bare URLs. Args raw_text: Unsafe text which might include HTML markup. Returns: A Markup object ready to safely use in a Jinja template. """ return jinja2.Markup( bleach.linkify(bleach.clean(raw_text, tags=[], attributes={}, strip=False)) ) def deduped_ordered_list(it: Iterable[T]) -> List[T]: seen = set() ret = [] for item in it: if item not in seen: seen.add(item) ret.append(item) return ret def string_ordinal_total(s: str) -> int: tot = 0 for c in s: tot += ord(c) return tot