# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import os import tempfile from canonicaljson import json from twisted.internet import defer from synapse.api.constants import Membership from synapse.types import RoomStreamToken from synapse.visibility import filter_events_for_client from ._base import BaseHandler logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AdminHandler(BaseHandler): def __init__(self, hs): super(AdminHandler, self).__init__(hs) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_whois(self, user): connections = [] sessions = yield self.store.get_user_ip_and_agents(user) for session in sessions: connections.append( { "ip": session["ip"], "last_seen": session["last_seen"], "user_agent": session["user_agent"], } ) ret = { "user_id": user.to_string(), "devices": {"": {"sessions": [{"connections": connections}]}}, } defer.returnValue(ret) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_users(self): """Function to reterive a list of users in users table. Args: Returns: defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]] """ ret = yield self.store.get_users() defer.returnValue(ret) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_users_paginate(self, order, start, limit): """Function to reterive a paginated list of users from users list. This will return a json object, which contains list of users and the total number of users in users table. Args: order (str): column name to order the select by this column start (int): start number to begin the query from limit (int): number of rows to reterive Returns: defer.Deferred: resolves to json object {list[dict[str, Any]], count} """ ret = yield self.store.get_users_paginate(order, start, limit) defer.returnValue(ret) @defer.inlineCallbacks def search_users(self, term): """Function to search users list for one or more users with the matched term. Args: term (str): search term Returns: defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]] """ ret = yield self.store.search_users(term) defer.returnValue(ret) @defer.inlineCallbacks def export_user_data(self, user_id, writer): """Write all data we have on the user to the given writer. Args: user_id (str) writer (ExfiltrationWriter) Returns: defer.Deferred: Resolves when all data for a user has been written. The returned value is that returned by `writer.finished()`. """ # Get all rooms the user is in or has been in rooms = yield self.store.get_rooms_for_user_where_membership_is( user_id, membership_list=( Membership.JOIN, Membership.LEAVE, Membership.BAN, Membership.INVITE, ), ) # We only try and fetch events for rooms the user has been in. If # they've been e.g. invited to a room without joining then we handle # those seperately. rooms_user_has_been_in = yield self.store.get_rooms_user_has_been_in(user_id) for index, room in enumerate(rooms): room_id = room.room_id logger.info( "[%s] Handling room %s, %d/%d", user_id, room_id, index + 1, len(rooms) ) forgotten = yield self.store.did_forget(user_id, room_id) if forgotten: logger.info("[%s] User forgot room %d, ignoring", user_id, room_id) continue if room_id not in rooms_user_has_been_in: # If we haven't been in the rooms then the filtering code below # won't return anything, so we need to handle these cases # explicitly. if room.membership == Membership.INVITE: event_id = room.event_id invite = yield self.store.get_event(event_id, allow_none=True) if invite: invited_state = invite.unsigned["invite_room_state"] writer.write_invite(room_id, invite, invited_state) continue # We only want to bother fetching events up to the last time they # were joined. We estimate that point by looking at the # stream_ordering of the last membership if it wasn't a join. if room.membership == Membership.JOIN: stream_ordering = yield self.store.get_room_max_stream_ordering() else: stream_ordering = room.stream_ordering from_key = str(RoomStreamToken(0, 0)) to_key = str(RoomStreamToken(None, stream_ordering)) written_events = set() # Events that we've processed in this room # We need to track gaps in the events stream so that we can then # write out the state at those events. We do this by keeping track # of events whose prev events we haven't seen. # Map from event ID to prev events that haven't been processed, # dict[str, set[str]]. event_to_unseen_prevs = {} # The reverse mapping to above, i.e. map from unseen event to events # that have the unseen event in their prev_events, i.e. the unseen # events "children". dict[str, set[str]] unseen_to_child_events = {} # We fetch events in the room the user could see by fetching *all* # events that we have and then filtering, this isn't the most # efficient method perhaps but it does guarantee we get everything. while True: events, _ = yield self.store.paginate_room_events( room_id, from_key, to_key, limit=100, direction="f" ) if not events: break from_key = events[-1].internal_metadata.after events = yield filter_events_for_client(self.store, user_id, events) writer.write_events(room_id, events) # Update the extremity tracking dicts for event in events: # Check if we have any prev events that haven't been # processed yet, and add those to the appropriate dicts. unseen_events = set(event.prev_event_ids()) - written_events if unseen_events: event_to_unseen_prevs[event.event_id] = unseen_events for unseen in unseen_events: unseen_to_child_events.setdefault(unseen, set()).add( event.event_id ) # Now check if this event is an unseen prev event, if so # then we remove this event from the appropriate dicts. for child_id in unseen_to_child_events.pop(event.event_id, []): event_to_unseen_prevs.get(child_id, set()).discard( event.event_id ) written_events.add(event.event_id) logger.info( "Written %d events in room %s", len(written_events), room_id ) # Extremities are the events who have at least one unseen prev event. extremities = ( event_id for event_id, unseen_prevs in event_to_unseen_prevs.items() if unseen_prevs ) for event_id in extremities: if not event_to_unseen_prevs[event_id]: continue state = yield self.store.get_state_for_event(event_id) writer.write_state(room_id, event_id, state) defer.returnValue(writer.finished()) class ExfiltrationWriter(object): """Interface used to specify how to write exported data. """ def write_events(self, room_id, events): """Write a batch of events for a room. Args: room_id (str) events (list[FrozenEvent]) """ pass def write_state(self, room_id, event_id, state): """Write the state at the given event in the room. This only gets called for backward extremities rather than for each event. Args: room_id (str) event_id (str) state (dict[tuple[str, str], FrozenEvent]) """ pass def write_invite(self, room_id, event, state): """Write an invite for the room, with associated invite state. Args: room_id (str) event (FrozenEvent) state (dict[tuple[str, str], dict]): A subset of the state at the invite, with a subset of the event keys (type, state_key content and sender) """ def finished(self): """Called when all data has succesfully been exported and written. This functions return value is passed to the caller of `export_user_data`. """ pass class FileExfiltrationWriter(ExfiltrationWriter): """An ExfiltrationWriter that writes the user's data to a directory. Returns the directory location on completion. Args: user_id (str): The user whose data is being exported. directory (str|None): The directory to write the data to. If None then will write to a temporary directory. """ def __init__(self, user_id, directory=None): self.user_id = user_id if directory: self.base_directory = directory else: self.base_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix="synapse-exported__%s__" % (user_id,) ) os.makedirs(self.base_directory, exist_ok=True) if list(os.listdir(self.base_directory)): raise Exception("Directory must be empty") def write_events(self, room_id, events): room_directory = os.path.join(self.base_directory, "rooms", room_id) os.makedirs(room_directory, exist_ok=True) events_file = os.path.join(room_directory, "events") with open(events_file, "a") as f: for event in events: print(json.dumps(event.get_pdu_json()), file=f) def write_state(self, room_id, event_id, state): room_directory = os.path.join(self.base_directory, "rooms", room_id) state_directory = os.path.join(room_directory, "state") os.makedirs(state_directory, exist_ok=True) event_file = os.path.join(state_directory, event_id) with open(event_file, "a") as f: for event in state.values(): print(json.dumps(event.get_pdu_json()), file=f) def write_invite(self, room_id, event, state): self.write_events(room_id, [event]) # We write the invite state somewhere else as they aren't full events # and are only a subset of the state at the event. room_directory = os.path.join(self.base_directory, "rooms", room_id) os.makedirs(room_directory, exist_ok=True) invite_state = os.path.join(room_directory, "invite_state") with open(invite_state, "a") as f: for event in state.values(): print(json.dumps(event), file=f) def finished(self): return self.base_directory