# Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import Optional from unittest.mock import Mock from parameterized import parameterized_class from signedjson import key, sign from signedjson.types import BaseKey, SigningKey from twisted.internet import defer from synapse.api.constants import RoomEncryptionAlgorithms from synapse.rest import admin from synapse.rest.client import login from synapse.types import JsonDict, ReadReceipt from tests.test_utils import make_awaitable from tests.unittest import HomeserverTestCase, override_config class FederationSenderReceiptsTestCases(HomeserverTestCase): def make_homeserver(self, reactor, clock): mock_state_handler = Mock(spec=["get_current_hosts_in_room"]) # Ensure a new Awaitable is created for each call. mock_state_handler.get_current_hosts_in_room.return_value = make_awaitable( ["test", "host2"] ) return self.setup_test_homeserver( state_handler=mock_state_handler, federation_transport_client=Mock(spec=["send_transaction"]), ) @override_config({"send_federation": True}) def test_send_receipts(self): mock_send_transaction = ( self.hs.get_federation_transport_client().send_transaction ) mock_send_transaction.return_value = make_awaitable({}) sender = self.hs.get_federation_sender() receipt = ReadReceipt( "room_id", "m.read", "user_id", ["event_id"], {"ts": 1234} ) self.successResultOf(defer.ensureDeferred(sender.send_read_receipt(receipt))) self.pump() # expect a call to send_transaction mock_send_transaction.assert_called_once() json_cb = mock_send_transaction.call_args[0][1] data = json_cb() self.assertEqual( data["edus"], [ { "edu_type": "m.receipt", "content": { "room_id": { "m.read": { "user_id": { "event_ids": ["event_id"], "data": {"ts": 1234}, } } } }, } ], ) @override_config({"send_federation": True}) def test_send_receipts_with_backoff(self): """Send two receipts in quick succession; the second should be flushed, but only after 20ms""" mock_send_transaction = ( self.hs.get_federation_transport_client().send_transaction ) mock_send_transaction.return_value = make_awaitable({}) sender = self.hs.get_federation_sender() receipt = ReadReceipt( "room_id", "m.read", "user_id", ["event_id"], {"ts": 1234} ) self.successResultOf(defer.ensureDeferred(sender.send_read_receipt(receipt))) self.pump() # expect a call to send_transaction mock_send_transaction.assert_called_once() json_cb = mock_send_transaction.call_args[0][1] data = json_cb() self.assertEqual( data["edus"], [ { "edu_type": "m.receipt", "content": { "room_id": { "m.read": { "user_id": { "event_ids": ["event_id"], "data": {"ts": 1234}, } } } }, } ], ) mock_send_transaction.reset_mock() # send the second RR receipt = ReadReceipt( "room_id", "m.read", "user_id", ["other_id"], {"ts": 1234} ) self.successResultOf(defer.ensureDeferred(sender.send_read_receipt(receipt))) self.pump() mock_send_transaction.assert_not_called() self.reactor.advance(19) mock_send_transaction.assert_not_called() self.reactor.advance(10) mock_send_transaction.assert_called_once() json_cb = mock_send_transaction.call_args[0][1] data = json_cb() self.assertEqual( data["edus"], [ { "edu_type": "m.receipt", "content": { "room_id": { "m.read": { "user_id": { "event_ids": ["other_id"], "data": {"ts": 1234}, } } } }, } ], ) @parameterized_class( [ {"enable_room_poke_code_path": False}, {"enable_room_poke_code_path": True}, ] ) class FederationSenderDevicesTestCases(HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ admin.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] def make_homeserver(self, reactor, clock): return self.setup_test_homeserver( federation_transport_client=Mock(spec=["send_transaction"]), ) def default_config(self): c = super().default_config() c["send_federation"] = True c["use_new_device_lists_changes_in_room"] = self.enable_room_poke_code_path return c def prepare(self, reactor, clock, hs): # stub out `get_rooms_for_user` and `get_users_in_room` so that the # server thinks the user shares a room with `@user2:host2` def get_rooms_for_user(user_id): return defer.succeed({"!room:host1"}) hs.get_datastores().main.get_rooms_for_user = get_rooms_for_user def get_users_in_room(room_id): return defer.succeed({"@user2:host2"}) hs.get_datastores().main.get_users_in_room = get_users_in_room # whenever send_transaction is called, record the edu data self.edus = [] self.hs.get_federation_transport_client().send_transaction.side_effect = ( self.record_transaction ) def record_transaction(self, txn, json_cb): data = json_cb() self.edus.extend(data["edus"]) return defer.succeed({}) def test_send_device_updates(self): """Basic case: each device update should result in an EDU""" # create a device u1 = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.login(u1, "pass", device_id="D1") # expect one edu self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 1) stream_id = self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D1", None) # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # a second call should produce no new device EDUs self.hs.get_federation_sender().send_device_messages("host2") self.assertEqual(self.edus, []) # a second device self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D2") self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 1) self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D2", stream_id) def test_upload_signatures(self): """Uploading signatures on some devices should produce updates for that user""" e2e_handler = self.hs.get_e2e_keys_handler() # register two devices u1 = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.login(u1, "pass", device_id="D1") self.login(u1, "pass", device_id="D2") # expect two edus self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 2) stream_id = None stream_id = self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D1", stream_id) stream_id = self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D2", stream_id) # upload signing keys for each device device1_signing_key = self.generate_and_upload_device_signing_key(u1, "D1") device2_signing_key = self.generate_and_upload_device_signing_key(u1, "D2") # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # expect two more edus self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 2) stream_id = self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D1", stream_id) stream_id = self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D2", stream_id) # upload master key and self-signing key master_signing_key = generate_self_id_key() master_key = { "user_id": u1, "usage": ["master"], "keys": {key_id(master_signing_key): encode_pubkey(master_signing_key)}, } # private key: HvQBbU+hc2Zr+JP1sE0XwBe1pfZZEYtJNPJLZJtS+F8 selfsigning_signing_key = generate_self_id_key() selfsigning_key = { "user_id": u1, "usage": ["self_signing"], "keys": { key_id(selfsigning_signing_key): encode_pubkey(selfsigning_signing_key) }, } sign.sign_json(selfsigning_key, u1, master_signing_key) cross_signing_keys = { "master_key": master_key, "self_signing_key": selfsigning_key, } self.get_success( e2e_handler.upload_signing_keys_for_user(u1, cross_signing_keys) ) # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # expect signing key update edu self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 2) self.assertEqual(self.edus.pop(0)["edu_type"], "m.signing_key_update") self.assertEqual(self.edus.pop(0)["edu_type"], "org.matrix.signing_key_update") # sign the devices d1_json = build_device_dict(u1, "D1", device1_signing_key) sign.sign_json(d1_json, u1, selfsigning_signing_key) d2_json = build_device_dict(u1, "D2", device2_signing_key) sign.sign_json(d2_json, u1, selfsigning_signing_key) ret = self.get_success( e2e_handler.upload_signatures_for_device_keys( u1, {u1: {"D1": d1_json, "D2": d2_json}}, ) ) self.assertEqual(ret["failures"], {}) # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # expect two edus, in one or two transactions. We don't know what order the # devices will be updated. self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 2) stream_id = None # FIXME: there is a discontinuity in the stream IDs: see #7142 for edu in self.edus: self.assertEqual(edu["edu_type"], "m.device_list_update") c = edu["content"] if stream_id is not None: self.assertEqual(c["prev_id"], [stream_id]) self.assertGreaterEqual(c["stream_id"], stream_id) stream_id = c["stream_id"] devices = {edu["content"]["device_id"] for edu in self.edus} self.assertEqual({"D1", "D2"}, devices) def test_delete_devices(self): """If devices are deleted, that should result in EDUs too""" # create devices u1 = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D1") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D2") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D3") # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # expect three edus self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 3) stream_id = self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D1", None) stream_id = self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D2", stream_id) stream_id = self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D3", stream_id) # delete them again self.get_success( self.hs.get_device_handler().delete_devices(u1, ["D1", "D2", "D3"]) ) # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # expect three edus, in an unknown order self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 3) for edu in self.edus: self.assertEqual(edu["edu_type"], "m.device_list_update") c = edu["content"] self.assertGreaterEqual( c.items(), {"user_id": u1, "prev_id": [stream_id], "deleted": True}.items(), ) self.assertGreaterEqual(c["stream_id"], stream_id) stream_id = c["stream_id"] devices = {edu["content"]["device_id"] for edu in self.edus} self.assertEqual({"D1", "D2", "D3"}, devices) def test_unreachable_server(self): """If the destination server is unreachable, all the updates should get sent on recovery """ mock_send_txn = self.hs.get_federation_transport_client().send_transaction mock_send_txn.side_effect = lambda t, cb: defer.fail(AssertionError("fail")) # create devices u1 = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D1") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D2") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D3") # delete them again self.get_success( self.hs.get_device_handler().delete_devices(u1, ["D1", "D2", "D3"]) ) # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) self.assertGreaterEqual(mock_send_txn.call_count, 4) # recover the server mock_send_txn.side_effect = self.record_transaction self.hs.get_federation_sender().send_device_messages("host2") # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # for each device, there should be a single update self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 3) stream_id = None for edu in self.edus: self.assertEqual(edu["edu_type"], "m.device_list_update") c = edu["content"] self.assertEqual(c["prev_id"], [stream_id] if stream_id is not None else []) if stream_id is not None: self.assertGreaterEqual(c["stream_id"], stream_id) stream_id = c["stream_id"] devices = {edu["content"]["device_id"] for edu in self.edus} self.assertEqual({"D1", "D2", "D3"}, devices) def test_prune_outbound_device_pokes1(self): """If a destination is unreachable, and the updates are pruned, we should get a single update. This case tests the behaviour when the server has never been reachable. """ mock_send_txn = self.hs.get_federation_transport_client().send_transaction mock_send_txn.side_effect = lambda t, cb: defer.fail(AssertionError("fail")) # create devices u1 = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D1") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D2") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D3") # delete them again self.get_success( self.hs.get_device_handler().delete_devices(u1, ["D1", "D2", "D3"]) ) # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) self.assertGreaterEqual(mock_send_txn.call_count, 4) # run the prune job self.reactor.advance(10) self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main._prune_old_outbound_device_pokes(prune_age=1) ) # recover the server mock_send_txn.side_effect = self.record_transaction self.hs.get_federation_sender().send_device_messages("host2") # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # there should be a single update for this user. self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 1) edu = self.edus.pop(0) self.assertEqual(edu["edu_type"], "m.device_list_update") c = edu["content"] # synapse uses an empty prev_id list to indicate "needs a full resync". self.assertEqual(c["prev_id"], []) def test_prune_outbound_device_pokes2(self): """If a destination is unreachable, and the updates are pruned, we should get a single update. This case tests the behaviour when the server was reachable, but then goes offline. """ # create first device u1 = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D1") # expect the update EDU self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 1) self.check_device_update_edu(self.edus.pop(0), u1, "D1", None) # now the server goes offline mock_send_txn = self.hs.get_federation_transport_client().send_transaction mock_send_txn.side_effect = lambda t, cb: defer.fail(AssertionError("fail")) self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D2") self.login("user", "pass", device_id="D3") # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # delete them again self.get_success( self.hs.get_device_handler().delete_devices(u1, ["D1", "D2", "D3"]) ) self.assertGreaterEqual(mock_send_txn.call_count, 3) # run the prune job self.reactor.advance(10) self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main._prune_old_outbound_device_pokes(prune_age=1) ) # recover the server mock_send_txn.side_effect = self.record_transaction self.hs.get_federation_sender().send_device_messages("host2") # We queue up device list updates to be sent over federation, so we # advance to clear the queue. self.reactor.advance(1) # ... and we should get a single update for this user. self.assertEqual(len(self.edus), 1) edu = self.edus.pop(0) self.assertEqual(edu["edu_type"], "m.device_list_update") c = edu["content"] # synapse uses an empty prev_id list to indicate "needs a full resync". self.assertEqual(c["prev_id"], []) def check_device_update_edu( self, edu: JsonDict, user_id: str, device_id: str, prev_stream_id: Optional[int], ) -> int: """Check that the given EDU is an update for the given device Returns the stream_id. """ self.assertEqual(edu["edu_type"], "m.device_list_update") content = edu["content"] expected = { "user_id": user_id, "device_id": device_id, "prev_id": [prev_stream_id] if prev_stream_id is not None else [], } self.assertLessEqual(expected.items(), content.items()) if prev_stream_id is not None: self.assertGreaterEqual(content["stream_id"], prev_stream_id) return content["stream_id"] def check_signing_key_update_txn( self, txn: JsonDict, ) -> None: """Check that the txn has an EDU with a signing key update.""" edus = txn["edus"] self.assertEqual(len(edus), 2) def generate_and_upload_device_signing_key( self, user_id: str, device_id: str ) -> SigningKey: """Generate a signing keypair for the given device, and upload it""" sk = key.generate_signing_key(device_id) device_dict = build_device_dict(user_id, device_id, sk) self.get_success( self.hs.get_e2e_keys_handler().upload_keys_for_user( user_id, device_id, {"device_keys": device_dict}, ) ) return sk def generate_self_id_key() -> SigningKey: """generate a signing key whose version is its public key ... as used by the cross-signing-keys. """ k = key.generate_signing_key("x") k.version = encode_pubkey(k) return k def key_id(k: BaseKey) -> str: return "%s:%s" % (k.alg, k.version) def encode_pubkey(sk: SigningKey) -> str: """Encode the public key corresponding to the given signing key as base64""" return key.encode_verify_key_base64(key.get_verify_key(sk)) def build_device_dict(user_id: str, device_id: str, sk: SigningKey): """Build a dict representing the given device""" return { "user_id": user_id, "device_id": device_id, "algorithms": [ "m.olm.curve25519-aes-sha2", RoomEncryptionAlgorithms.MEGOLM_V1_AES_SHA2, ], "keys": { "curve25519:" + device_id: "curve25519+key", key_id(sk): encode_pubkey(sk), }, }