# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import heapq import itertools import logging from six import iteritems, itervalues from twisted.internet import defer from synapse import event_auth from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes from synapse.api.errors import AuthError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @defer.inlineCallbacks def resolve_events_with_factory(state_sets, event_map, state_res_store): """Resolves the state using the v2 state resolution algorithm Args: state_sets(list): List of dicts of (type, state_key) -> event_id, which are the different state groups to resolve. event_map(dict[str,FrozenEvent]|None): a dict from event_id to event, for any events that we happen to have in flight (eg, those currently being persisted). This will be used as a starting point fof finding the state we need; any missing events will be requested via state_res_store. If None, all events will be fetched via state_res_store. state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) Returns Deferred[dict[(str, str), str]]: a map from (type, state_key) to event_id. """ logger.debug("Computing conflicted state") # First split up the un/conflicted state unconflicted_state, conflicted_state = _seperate(state_sets) if not conflicted_state: defer.returnValue(unconflicted_state) logger.debug("%d conflicted state entries", len(conflicted_state)) logger.debug("Calculating auth chain difference") # Also fetch all auth events that appear in only some of the state sets' # auth chains. auth_diff = yield _get_auth_chain_difference( state_sets, event_map, state_res_store, ) full_conflicted_set = set(itertools.chain( itertools.chain.from_iterable(itervalues(conflicted_state)), auth_diff, )) events = yield state_res_store.get_events([ eid for eid in full_conflicted_set if eid not in event_map ], allow_rejected=True) event_map.update(events) full_conflicted_set = set(eid for eid in full_conflicted_set if eid in event_map) logger.debug("%d full_conflicted_set entries", len(full_conflicted_set)) # Get and sort all the power events (kicks/bans/etc) power_events = ( eid for eid in full_conflicted_set if _is_power_event(event_map[eid]) ) sorted_power_events = yield _reverse_topological_power_sort( power_events, event_map, state_res_store, full_conflicted_set, ) logger.debug("sorted %d power events", len(sorted_power_events)) # Now sequentially auth each one resolved_state = yield _iterative_auth_checks( sorted_power_events, unconflicted_state, event_map, state_res_store, ) logger.debug("resolved power events") # OK, so we've now resolved the power events. Now sort the remaining # events using the mainline of the resolved power level. leftover_events = [ ev_id for ev_id in full_conflicted_set if ev_id not in sorted_power_events ] logger.debug("sorting %d remaining events", len(leftover_events)) pl = resolved_state.get((EventTypes.PowerLevels, ""), None) leftover_events = yield _mainline_sort( leftover_events, pl, event_map, state_res_store, ) logger.debug("resolving remaining events") resolved_state = yield _iterative_auth_checks( leftover_events, resolved_state, event_map, state_res_store, ) logger.debug("resolved") # We make sure that unconflicted state always still applies. resolved_state.update(unconflicted_state) logger.debug("done") defer.returnValue(resolved_state) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get_power_level_for_sender(event_id, event_map, state_res_store): """Return the power level of the sender of the given event according to their auth events. Args: event_id (str) event_map (dict[str,FrozenEvent]) state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) Returns: Deferred[int] """ event = yield _get_event(event_id, event_map, state_res_store) pl = None for aid, _ in event.auth_events: aev = yield _get_event(aid, event_map, state_res_store) if (aev.type, aev.state_key) == (EventTypes.PowerLevels, ""): pl = aev break if pl is None: # Couldn't find power level. Check if they're the creator of the room for aid, _ in event.auth_events: aev = yield _get_event(aid, event_map, state_res_store) if (aev.type, aev.state_key) == (EventTypes.Create, ""): if aev.content.get("creator") == event.sender: defer.returnValue(100) break defer.returnValue(0) level = pl.content.get("users", {}).get(event.sender) if level is None: level = pl.content.get("users_default", 0) if level is None: defer.returnValue(0) else: defer.returnValue(int(level)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get_auth_chain_difference(state_sets, event_map, state_res_store): """Compare the auth chains of each state set and return the set of events that only appear in some but not all of the auth chains. Args: state_sets (list) event_map (dict[str,FrozenEvent]) state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) Returns: Deferred[set[str]]: Set of event IDs """ common = set(itervalues(state_sets[0])).intersection( *(itervalues(s) for s in state_sets[1:]) ) auth_sets = [] for state_set in state_sets: auth_ids = set( eid for key, eid in iteritems(state_set) if (key[0] in ( EventTypes.Member, EventTypes.ThirdPartyInvite, ) or key in ( (EventTypes.PowerLevels, ''), (EventTypes.Create, ''), (EventTypes.JoinRules, ''), )) and eid not in common ) auth_chain = yield state_res_store.get_auth_chain(auth_ids) auth_ids.update(auth_chain) auth_sets.append(auth_ids) intersection = set(auth_sets[0]).intersection(*auth_sets[1:]) union = set().union(*auth_sets) defer.returnValue(union - intersection) def _seperate(state_sets): """Return the unconflicted and conflicted state. This is different than in the original algorithm, as this defines a key to be conflicted if one of the state sets doesn't have that key. Args: state_sets (list) Returns: tuple[dict, dict]: A tuple of unconflicted and conflicted state. The conflicted state dict is a map from type/state_key to set of event IDs """ unconflicted_state = {} conflicted_state = {} for key in set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(state_sets)): event_ids = set(state_set.get(key) for state_set in state_sets) if len(event_ids) == 1: unconflicted_state[key] = event_ids.pop() else: event_ids.discard(None) conflicted_state[key] = event_ids return unconflicted_state, conflicted_state def _is_power_event(event): """Return whether or not the event is a "power event", as defined by the v2 state resolution algorithm Args: event (FrozenEvent) Returns: boolean """ if (event.type, event.state_key) in ( (EventTypes.PowerLevels, ""), (EventTypes.JoinRules, ""), (EventTypes.Create, ""), ): return True if event.type == EventTypes.Member: if event.membership in ('leave', 'ban'): return event.sender != event.state_key return False @defer.inlineCallbacks def _add_event_and_auth_chain_to_graph(graph, event_id, event_map, state_res_store, auth_diff): """Helper function for _reverse_topological_power_sort that add the event and its auth chain (that is in the auth diff) to the graph Args: graph (dict[str, set[str]]): A map from event ID to the events auth event IDs event_id (str): Event to add to the graph event_map (dict[str,FrozenEvent]) state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) auth_diff (set[str]): Set of event IDs that are in the auth difference. """ state = [event_id] while state: eid = state.pop() graph.setdefault(eid, set()) event = yield _get_event(eid, event_map, state_res_store) for aid, _ in event.auth_events: if aid in auth_diff: if aid not in graph: state.append(aid) graph.setdefault(eid, set()).add(aid) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _reverse_topological_power_sort(event_ids, event_map, state_res_store, auth_diff): """Returns a list of the event_ids sorted by reverse topological ordering, and then by power level and origin_server_ts Args: event_ids (list[str]): The events to sort event_map (dict[str,FrozenEvent]) state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) auth_diff (set[str]): Set of event IDs that are in the auth difference. Returns: Deferred[list[str]]: The sorted list """ graph = {} for event_id in event_ids: yield _add_event_and_auth_chain_to_graph( graph, event_id, event_map, state_res_store, auth_diff, ) event_to_pl = {} for event_id in graph: pl = yield _get_power_level_for_sender(event_id, event_map, state_res_store) event_to_pl[event_id] = pl def _get_power_order(event_id): ev = event_map[event_id] pl = event_to_pl[event_id] return -pl, ev.origin_server_ts, event_id # Note: graph is modified during the sort it = lexicographical_topological_sort( graph, key=_get_power_order, ) sorted_events = list(it) defer.returnValue(sorted_events) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _iterative_auth_checks(event_ids, base_state, event_map, state_res_store): """Sequentially apply auth checks to each event in given list, updating the state as it goes along. Args: event_ids (list[str]): Ordered list of events to apply auth checks to base_state (dict[tuple[str, str], str]): The set of state to start with event_map (dict[str,FrozenEvent]) state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) Returns: Deferred[dict[tuple[str, str], str]]: Returns the final updated state """ resolved_state = base_state.copy() for event_id in event_ids: event = event_map[event_id] auth_events = {} for aid, _ in event.auth_events: ev = yield _get_event(aid, event_map, state_res_store) if ev.rejected_reason is None: auth_events[(ev.type, ev.state_key)] = ev for key in event_auth.auth_types_for_event(event): if key in resolved_state: ev_id = resolved_state[key] ev = yield _get_event(ev_id, event_map, state_res_store) if ev.rejected_reason is None: auth_events[key] = event_map[ev_id] try: event_auth.check( event, auth_events, do_sig_check=False, do_size_check=False ) resolved_state[(event.type, event.state_key)] = event_id except AuthError: pass defer.returnValue(resolved_state) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _mainline_sort(event_ids, resolved_power_event_id, event_map, state_res_store): """Returns a sorted list of event_ids sorted by mainline ordering based on the given event resolved_power_event_id Args: event_ids (list[str]): Events to sort resolved_power_event_id (str): The final resolved power level event ID event_map (dict[str,FrozenEvent]) state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) Returns: Deferred[list[str]]: The sorted list """ mainline = [] pl = resolved_power_event_id while pl: mainline.append(pl) pl_ev = yield _get_event(pl, event_map, state_res_store) auth_events = pl_ev.auth_events pl = None for aid, _ in auth_events: ev = yield _get_event(aid, event_map, state_res_store) if (ev.type, ev.state_key) == (EventTypes.PowerLevels, ""): pl = aid break mainline_map = {ev_id: i + 1 for i, ev_id in enumerate(reversed(mainline))} event_ids = list(event_ids) order_map = {} for ev_id in event_ids: depth = yield _get_mainline_depth_for_event( event_map[ev_id], mainline_map, event_map, state_res_store, ) order_map[ev_id] = (depth, event_map[ev_id].origin_server_ts, ev_id) event_ids.sort(key=lambda ev_id: order_map[ev_id]) defer.returnValue(event_ids) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get_mainline_depth_for_event(event, mainline_map, event_map, state_res_store): """Get the mainline depths for the given event based on the mainline map Args: event (FrozenEvent) mainline_map (dict[str, int]): Map from event_id to mainline depth for events in the mainline. event_map (dict[str,FrozenEvent]) state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) Returns: Deferred[int] """ # We do an iterative search, replacing `event with the power level in its # auth events (if any) while event: depth = mainline_map.get(event.event_id) if depth is not None: defer.returnValue(depth) auth_events = event.auth_events event = None for aid, _ in auth_events: aev = yield _get_event(aid, event_map, state_res_store) if (aev.type, aev.state_key) == (EventTypes.PowerLevels, ""): event = aev break # Didn't find a power level auth event, so we just return 0 defer.returnValue(0) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get_event(event_id, event_map, state_res_store): """Helper function to look up event in event_map, falling back to looking it up in the store Args: event_id (str) event_map (dict[str,FrozenEvent]) state_res_store (StateResolutionStore) Returns: Deferred[FrozenEvent] """ if event_id not in event_map: events = yield state_res_store.get_events([event_id], allow_rejected=True) event_map.update(events) defer.returnValue(event_map[event_id]) def lexicographical_topological_sort(graph, key): """Performs a lexicographic reverse topological sort on the graph. This returns a reverse topological sort (i.e. if node A references B then B appears before A in the sort), with ties broken lexicographically based on return value of the `key` function. NOTE: `graph` is modified during the sort. Args: graph (dict[str, set[str]]): A representation of the graph where each node is a key in the dict and its value are the nodes edges. key (func): A function that takes a node and returns a value that is comparable and used to order nodes Yields: str: The next node in the topological sort """ # Note, this is basically Kahn's algorithm except we look at nodes with no # outgoing edges, c.f. # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting#Kahn's_algorithm outdegree_map = graph reverse_graph = {} # Lists of nodes with zero out degree. Is actually a tuple of # `(key(node), node)` so that sorting does the right thing zero_outdegree = [] for node, edges in iteritems(graph): if len(edges) == 0: zero_outdegree.append((key(node), node)) reverse_graph.setdefault(node, set()) for edge in edges: reverse_graph.setdefault(edge, set()).add(node) # heapq is a built in implementation of a sorted queue. heapq.heapify(zero_outdegree) while zero_outdegree: _, node = heapq.heappop(zero_outdegree) for parent in reverse_graph[node]: out = outdegree_map[parent] out.discard(node) if len(out) == 0: heapq.heappush(zero_outdegree, (key(parent), parent)) yield node