# Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import abc
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, Mapping, Optional, TypeVar

from synapse.storage.types import Connection, Cursor, DBAPI2Module

    from synapse.storage.database import LoggingDatabaseConnection

class IsolationLevel(IntEnum):
    READ_COMMITTED: int = 1
    REPEATABLE_READ: int = 2
    SERIALIZABLE: int = 3

class IncorrectDatabaseSetup(RuntimeError):

ConnectionType = TypeVar("ConnectionType", bound=Connection)
CursorType = TypeVar("CursorType", bound=Cursor)

class BaseDatabaseEngine(Generic[ConnectionType, CursorType], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self, module: DBAPI2Module, config: Mapping[str, Any]):
        self.module = module

    def single_threaded(self) -> bool:

    def supports_using_any_list(self) -> bool:
        Do we support using `a = ANY(?)` and passing a list

    def supports_returning(self) -> bool:
        """Do we support the `RETURNING` clause in insert/update/delete?"""

    def check_database(
        self, db_conn: ConnectionType, allow_outdated_version: bool = False
    ) -> None:

    def check_new_database(self, txn: CursorType) -> None:
        """Gets called when setting up a brand new database. This allows us to
        apply stricter checks on new databases versus existing database.

    def convert_param_style(self, sql: str) -> str:

    # This method would ideally take a plain ConnectionType, but it seems that
    # the Sqlite engine expects to use LoggingDatabaseConnection.cursor
    # instead of sqlite3.Connection.cursor: only the former takes a txn_name.
    def on_new_connection(self, db_conn: "LoggingDatabaseConnection") -> None:

    def is_deadlock(self, error: Exception) -> bool:

    def is_connection_closed(self, conn: ConnectionType) -> bool:

    def lock_table(self, txn: Cursor, table: str) -> None:

    def server_version(self) -> str:
        """Gets a string giving the server version. For example: '3.22.0'"""

    def in_transaction(self, conn: ConnectionType) -> bool:
        """Whether the connection is currently in a transaction."""

    def attempt_to_set_autocommit(self, conn: ConnectionType, autocommit: bool) -> None:
        """Attempt to set the connections autocommit mode.

        When True queries are run outside of transactions.

        Note: This has no effect on SQLite3, so callers still need to
        commit/rollback the connections.

    def attempt_to_set_isolation_level(
        self, conn: ConnectionType, isolation_level: Optional[int]
    ) -> None:
        """Attempt to set the connections isolation level.

        Note: This has no effect on SQLite3, as transactions are SERIALIZABLE by default.

    def executescript(cursor: CursorType, script: str) -> None:
        """Execute a chunk of SQL containing multiple semicolon-delimited statements.

        This is not provided by DBAPI2, and so needs engine-specific support.

    def execute_script_file(cls, cursor: CursorType, filepath: str) -> None:
        """Execute a file containing multiple semicolon-delimited SQL statements.

        This is not provided by DBAPI2, and so needs engine-specific support.
        with open(filepath, "rt") as f:
            cls.executescript(cursor, f.read())